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Michael David Golzmane – 6th May 2019 – Once-a-year Powertime for Non-Declining Wealth – Akshaya Tritiya

Michael David Golzmane – 6th May 2019 – Once-a-year Powertime for Non-Declining Wealth – Akshaya Tritiya
[ Webrip – 1 MP3 ]



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I’m Michael.”Wait…What exactly do you do?”I help people get back into the flow of their connection to Spirit by holding space for them to clear spiritual blocks and past life issue, and to reconnect with their soul’s purpose.The end result?More innate happiness & connection.More freedom to be & do.More abundance & joy.What would you do if nothing was holding you back?authentically getting what you wantIt’s likely that you’ve considered what you really want.  You probably want authentic health, wealth that allows you to do everything you want, the ability to express your unique gifts in service to others, and relationships that engage and nourish your soul.There’s some deep pulse within you, calling you into living life full-on, and with integrity to your inner spiritual nature.For people like us on a spiritual path, we know that everything good ultimately comes from Spirit.But as we open up our spiritual senses, it can seem challenging to figure out how to clearly create manifestations that feel aligned & authentic to our spiritual Source.We need more clarity in our connection with Spirit.letting the good inWe use words like abundance, flow, money, love, freedom, creativity, and bliss to describe what we want.Ultimately, in my experience, we don’t really want more things.  We want an experience. We want an experience of alignment, grace, flow, and ease that allows us to be in touch with Spirit and to manifest good for ourselves and others from that place.But there can be blocks to this flow. And the blocks may not be obvious–on the surface.According to some of the clearing work I do, up to 97% of the blocks we experience have their origins in our past lifetimes.  The energies from our past lives can and do have major influences on us.We need to dig into letting go of the origins of our blocks, digging into releasing stuck energies from our past and present lifetimes, so we can be truly free.your challenges are the starting pointYour soul is intelligent.  It knows how to bring forward to you the exact challenges you need are just the right time.Is your soul punishing you by giving you difficulties?  No, not at all. Spirit knows that for you to be a free being, you have to release the past blocks, and the soul will reveal to you at just the right time the specific energies you need to clear.For many people, “problems” are things to be gotten rid of or ignored.  But problems are the voices of your soul telling you there’s something coming up for clearing.There’s some shift needed.  Something needs to be listened to.Spirit — as your own Higher Intelligence — can clear the origins of your challengesWith Spirit, everything is possible.  Using spiritual clearing technologies, we can read the history of your soul, tracing every problem challenge to it’s origin point, and clearing that.Clearing at this level can have major benefits. We can release our soul from having to re-create the same negative experiences over and over again, and we can chart a course based more fully on our present-moment intention than the “default” settings our past lives would dictate.We have all lived many past lives, but the time to start doing soul clearing is now.  Clearing blocks, past lives, negative energies and programs in the soul–all of this can tap you back in to your innate freedom.Freedom to create.  Freedom to live life from your deepest inspiration. Freedom to be who you are.Monday, May 6: Once-a-year Powertime for Non-Declining Wealth No matter our current status in life, we are all here to progressively reveal and reflect Divine Consciousness in all Its manifest ways.  Spirit is simply the Principle — the very Essence — of abundance itself.  Spirit is all, It’s ever-giving.  It’s inexhaustible, never-depleting.  When we activate into It, reveal it as our own life, and flow with Its principles, we see all of our needs met, and we become the instrument through which Spirit meets the needs of others.It’s harder to express that Abundance Consciousness if we have a build-up of subconscious and karmic programming that restricts, blocks, limits, and contradicts It.  We need help to release and resolve that karma, so that we can choose higher in life now.This particular once-yearly date — this year on the evening of Monday May 6 — is referred to in the Vedic tradition as “Akshaya Tritiya”‘, which means “due to the astrology of this day, the cosmic energy supporting non-depleting, non-declining wealth becomes more available on this month’s 3rd moon phase, should we decide to consciously take advantage of it”.Spirit is always doing everything, is always providing everything.  But we are incarnated beings who are participating in the specific energy flows of this Universe.  And so we take advantage of precise astrological timing during which to do clearings.This clearing is essential yearly work for you to do to improve your wealth consciousness.Our clearing will clear your karma and help you inwardly realize the power of 6 auspicious special astrological alignments (also called “yogas”) all happening also at this exact time, making the energy of wealth creation and consistency stronger:    Alignment (or “yoga”) #1: Jupiter and Moon aspecting at this time, bringing forth potential blessings of wealth, fame, and money    Alignment (or “yoga”) #2: Moon and Mars aspecting, opening the flow for good life status and riches    Alignment (or “yoga”) #3: Jupiter and Mars aspecting, granting high status through one’s own efforts and leadership ability    Alignment (or “yoga”) #4: Mars and Moon squaring with Jupiter, flowing the power to create good fortune    Alignment (or “yoga”) #5: Venus in the 12th house from the Sun, empowering your inner intelligence and relieving obstacles so your hard work can progress    Alignment (or “yoga”) #6: Sun, Moon, and Venus are all exalted.  These are the major prosperity planets, can from this position, can activate within you leadership, creativity, and abundanceWe’re going to clearing into the 16 Forms of LakshmiDuring this clearing, we are going to all your available personal, planetary, and ancestral karma that blocks your full spiritual realization of the 16 forms of Lakshmi (also called “Shodasa Lakshmi”).  Lakshmi is often portrayed as a being, but may also be thought of as the spiritual principle of abundance itself.  When we “worship” Lakshmi through resolving karma blocks to realizing her consciousness as our own, we clear our personal channel for manifesting abundance on Earth.These are the 16 forms of Lakshmi we will be awakening within your own consciousness:    Sri Dhanalakshmi: Professional gains, manifold income, savings, affluence    Sri Vidhyalakshmi: Education, sharp intellect, reasoning power, artistry, wisdom    Sri Dhanya Lakshmi: Riches, assets, varied acquisitions and adequacy and fullness    Sri Veera Lakshmi: Elimination of delay / confusion / hindrances, courage and conviction, victory, noble living.    Sri Sowbhagyalakshmi: Prosperity and plenty, appreciation, marital harmony and longevity, family unity    Sri Santhana Lakshmi: Progeny, upright and noble children, safe conception and delivery    Sri Karunya Lakshmi: Scholarship, wealth, valor, strength, fame, opportunities, charisma    Sri Mahalakshmi: Removal of ill and evil effects of any nature, conducive surroundings, well-being, auspicious events, marital harmony and divine grace.    Sri Sakthi Lakshmi: Strength of mind, power of understanding, successful efforts, peace and harmony, enlightenment.    Sri Santhi Lakshmi: Analytical acumen, career prospects, creativity, achievements, wise head.    Sri Soundaryalakshmi: Beloved and trustworthy, strong will, united family, public acclaim, progress and plentiful.    Sri Thrishna Lakshmi: All around abundance, vehicular possessions, social acclaim, power and influence.    Sri Santha Lakshmi: Acquisition of landed properties, stability, retrieval of lost goods, bright business prospects, comfort zone.    Sri Keerthi Lakshmi Public distinction, eminence, applause, professional expansion, elevation.    Sri Vijayalakshmi: Removal of hostilities, success, recognition, self-improvement.    Sri Arogya Lakshmi: Health and vitality, longevity, protection against untimely and premature mishaps, active life.Rather than chanting specific mantras and hymns (as would be done in traditional Vedic rituals), in these clearings, we work with Spirit to resolve our karmic blocks and to spiritually realize the full consciousness of ancient spiritual texts.So in this clearing, we will be resolving karmic blocks within you to realizing the full spiritual potential of 2 powerful ancient texts:    The great 3000-year-old prosperity hymn to Lakshmi “Sri Suktam”    The powerful “Kanakadhara Stotram” (Hymn of Praise to Lakshmi), written by the enlightened 8th century saint Adi ShankaraThe benefits of resolving blocks to these hymns and realizing their consciousness is said to include: fulfillment of desires, removing ignorance, granting blessings, granting fertility, affluence, fame, and protection of wealth.…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 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