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Mentalbong – 2002 – Stoner Sex

Mentalbong – 2002 – Stoner Sex [1 CD – 5 MP3s]
[1 CD – 5 MP3s]



I ran across this recently and thought they may be of interest to some.Other CDs from the same series:Your Best High – Buzz – the CD liner notes:Do you want to have great sex more frequently?  If the answer is yes, then keep reading.  Imagine this, you and your partner enter a hypnotic trance together in which you access states of pleasure and enjoyment combining the best effects of a marijuana high and the most sensuous state of mind you can imagine.Listening to this disc has many benefits:- Great Sex!- One session with a hypnotist can cost as much as $100, if they were able to do what the CD does (most can’t).  You can use the CD again and again! – Did we mention Great Sex!


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