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Matt Furey – Dao Zou Brain Power and Longevity

Matt Furey – Dao Zou Brain Power and Longevity
[3 DVD – MP4 Rip]


The 75-Year Old Man Who’s ALWAYS Happy!Matt Furey with Master HuI had no idea how much my life was about to change when I peered out a hotel window in Ningxia, China, two summers ago. Several floors below I saw another “old man” walking backwards.He wasn’t just walking backwards – he was floating. Most importantly, he had a aura of energy surrounding him that beckoned me to come closer. I sprinted down the hallway, pressed the elevator button and prayed the man wouldn’t be gone by the time I made it to his station.When I blasted through the doors I saw he was still there. I breathed a sigh of relief as I approached. And then I did a very un-Chinese thing. I walked right up to the man, as if compelled to do so by an outside force, and interrupted his training. In Chinese I asked him if he could tell me what he was doing and how.To my astonishment he stopped walking backwards – looked at me with a soul-stirring smile and began to explain the details of what he was doing. My brother-in-law was there to help with the translation, whenever needed, and I made sure to remember every detail being shared.The man, Master Hu, was 75 years young. I would have guessed him to be about 50. He moved with the grace and ease of a cat – and one thing I quickly noted about him that we rarely see in this world …The MAN WAS ALWAYS SMILING.No, he wasn’t a politician or tele-preacher who is paid to smile all the time. Not at all. This was simply a man enjoying life to the full – as Forrest Gump would say, “for no particular reason.”I spent the next couple days observing, imitating and learning from Master Hu – then I was off to another province and “on my own.”Over the next month I did exactly what Master Hu told me to do. I did it without fail and the results I received from this type of training did MORE than boggle my mind. After 30 days of training the way he told me to train, I realized the following benefits:    • Resting pulse and blood pressure dropped    • Sleep deeper than ever before with vivid, powerful dreams    • Reduced Stress – the end of each day is something I grow from    • Happiness – for no particular reason    • Stay young physically and mentally – people are often unable to guess my age – usually saying 31 or 32 – I’m 44    • Memory enhancement – ability to recall things from your past that you thought were forgotten forever – including early childhood memories    • Enhanced psychic abilities – ability to read people and situations    • Calmness of a poker champion holding 4 Aces    • Zero impact on joints leading to reduced inflammation in the body    • Strengthening of lower back, legs and kidneys    • Creates balanced strength in midsection, hips, quadriceps, calves and hamstrings    • Elimination of tension in upper back and shoulders    • Turns back the clock making you look younger and feel younger    • Creation of better business and financial results with energy opening exercises    • Receive answers to pressing problems or concerns    • Puts you in tune with the Universe – able to accept everything in your life as a blessing and turn “misfortune” into fortune    • Helps you drop negative baggage from the past – freeing you to create what you’ve always wanted    • Eliminates fear of criticism as well as other fears the majority of society is plagued by    • Come to know yourself – your BIG SELF – the stranger within whom you’ve always discounted!    • Increased capacity to learn. Develop a genius memory.    • Coast thru the day with enviable levels of physical and mental relaxation    • Enjoy the peace of mind and tranquility of a Zen monk    • Look and feel ageless – live to 100 in Superb Health    • Eliminate worry, fear and other negative emotions within seconds    • Clear the cobwebs and confusion from your mind – Eliminate confusion, lack of focus and lack of direction    • Become glued to your goals and life purpose like wet is to water In the BeginningWhen I first began learning this system I experienced many profound benefits. In the first 30 days alone I knew I would be following this program for LIFE. The program is more “energetic” than physical – but you do get to the energy via the physical.You do not need to be in great shape to begin this program. In fact, if you’re a total beginner that is perfectly fine. And if you’ve been lying around on the sofa for years, chances are excellent you can do it, too. Simply chek with your physician before beginning any fitness regimen.I realize some of you might think you’re “smarter than the average bear” and can figure out the whole program on your own without making a purchase. And if you can – more power to you. I, however, was unable to and I’ve been involved in fitness for almost 40 years. What’s more, everyone I have taught the program to needed my guidance to understand the higher-level meaning and application of what each exercise involves.This amazing easy-to-do exercise-based brain-building program will help you instantly de-stress while improving memory and heightening spiritual awareness. And that is most certainly true. When I walk into a room people note a difference – and I’m betting people will note the same difference in you as well. You may start smiling – for “no particular reason.” I’m betting you’ll develop the serenity and peace of mind of a Daoist or Zen monk.Chances are excellent you will also lose weight, eliminate back pain, improve your posture and overall sense of well being.Falling asleep at night will be as easy as breathing.Nothing strenuous – yet the results are powerful, mind-expanding and mind-blowing.Get this program today and you’ll never look back. Yes, you’ll be moving backward – but when you do this program you start going forward in life. And fast.Imagine that. Move backwards and slow down and you’ll get ahead faster in this game of life. Maybe it sounds too good to be true. Yet, like myself, on that fateful morning when I first looked out the window and thought, “That’s stupid,” – I was willing to catch myself and ask, “How do I know for sure? Do the program and find out?”I’m immensely grateful I was open enough to give it a shot, and it’s my wish for YOU that you eliminate the stubborness, the know-it-all reflexive response you may have about what I’m saying and “give yourself and the Dao Zou program a chance.”You’ll never regret learning this program. And that is something I’ll stake my very life upon.Best,Matt FureyP.S. Dao Zou™ – Longevity and brain building program that features “never-before” taught in the U.S. training exercises used by many of China’s sharpest minds. This 3 DVD set is NOT something you can find in books, DVDs or courses anywhere else on planet earth. It took me three years to put this program together in a way that is quickly and easily understandable to virtually anyone. This is NOT a high-intensity training program so you don’t need to be a rugged athlete to do this. In fact, if you’ve always backed away from vigorous exercise, perhaps backing into this program fits your lifestyle perfectly. The energy you will experience from this program is “out of sight.”


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