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Matt Clarkson & Kevin Schoeninger – The Power Of Practice Program –

The Power Of Practice Program
[42 MP3s – 3 PDFs]


Dear Friend,There are no accidents!And it’s certainly no accident you arrived at this web site…Here’s why…I believe something deeper brought you here … the desire to have more … the desire to do more… the desire to be more than what you’ve been in your life up to now!The fact that you’re here reading this letter means you inwardly sense the gap between where you are now and where you truly want to be. Of course you want to better yourself and your results in your life. Who doesn’t?The Question Is HOW Do You Go AboutAttracting What You Truly Want?If you’ve seen the recent hit movie “The Secret”, you’ll know all about “The Law Of Attraction”. To briefly re-cap, basically the idea goes something like this:  If you want something, you simply visualize it as if it were already in your life here and now. You see what you would see, and just as important, you feel the emotion you would feel as if it were already here.  Doing this creates an “energetic match” with what you desire and so the “Law Of Attraction” responds by bringing it to you.  So that’s the basic idea…Now let me make one thing clear…Nobody here is calling the “Law Of Attraction” or ANY of the spiritual laws into question. They work.No doubt about it. It’s just that the way it was presented in the movie often leads people to get frustrated with the process. And believe me, I know what that’s like!I hear that from folks all the time. Loads of people have said as much on our blog – “I’m missing something!” and “I know there’s more to it!”What about YOU? Has “The Secret” worked for you?Did you think it’s a waste of time?  Have you had some successes with “The Secret”?However well or badly it’s worked for you, I’m sure you’re someone who wants to make your life better otherwise you wouldn’t be taking the time to read this letter. So let’s look at the major traps and pitfalls in the way the law of attraction was presented in “The Secret”Do You Experience These Telltale Signs Of Spiritual Distress?Here are some of the telltale signs that you may have some “energetic leaks” going on that are blocking the success you deserve with “The Secret”.If you recognize any of these…. it’s time to get excited! …. Because that means you’re about to get a huge A-HA breakthrough!!!Confusion Around WHAT You Want To Attract.  You’re not sure what you really want.  Yes, you want more money and you want better relationships, but is that really what’s best for you to go after?  Are you seeking what the Universe (God or your Higher Self, etc.) knows is best and right for you at the deepest levels?The Sense That “Something Is Missing”.  Maybe you have a good idea what you want and feel pretty good for the first part.  It’s just that under the surface, there’s a deeper sense that something is not quite right.  Something is missing.  The feeling that you are whole and complete in your day-to-day life isn’t as strong as before.Fear, Anxiety, Depression & Other Forms Of Unconscious Resistance.  Maybe you finally do decide to manifest a new car or a new lover or whatever.  But somehow it seems like your “stuff” keeps coming up to thwart you just when you thought you were making progress.  It’s like something within you is holding you back.If any of that is familiar to you, guess what? It’s NOT your fault but it IS your responsibility. Let me explain…I remember when I was younger I fell into this trap all too often! The way “the law of attraction” was presented in “the Secret” movie placed too much emphasis on outward results. When we focus on outward results, the irony is that we actually become less effective in getting those things.In fact, much less!Can you see the truth of this in your own life?Have there not been times when you really wanted something (a promotion, a new lover, respect from others or whatever). And the more you wanted it, the more you somehow pushed it away! Maybe it seemed like the Universe was playing some kind of sick joke on you. I understand all too well …. we’ve all been there!The worse part is that when we over-focus on outward results, we don’t just become less effective, we actually lose ourselves in the process. So what’s the answer?OK, now I’m going to explain the real key to making the secret work for you…What’s the one word they never mentioned once in The Secret?Practice.Practice is what allows you to be happy in the NOW …. confident that the outward results you want are going to appear soon enough.Practice is also what causes you to manifest spectacular results (just look at top athletes and performers in any field).My 27 years of teaching have taught me that practice is critical. It’s critical for creating all the changes you want to see in your life. And it’s critical for a life of health, happiness and deep fulfillment. And so I decided to put together a step-by-step program that shows you how to apply The Power Of Practice so you can be happy…. AND attract all the amazing outward results you want…Introducing “The Power Of Practice Program” – A Practical Guide To Health, Happiness & The Life You Are Meant To Live!


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