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Markus Hart – Fresh Wisdom

[1 eBook – PDF]



Taken from Amazon.comThe authors of Fresh Wisdom show no mercy as they expose and obliterate commonly accepted deceptions and delusions.This controversial manuscript, 30 years in the making, is timely advice for those who realize ‘things are not as they seem’. Fresh Wisdom provides powerful principles and strategies for making sense of life in a senseless world. This book is not for the faint-hearted.With a Fresh Wisdom mindset, you are fearless; powerful beyond measure; able to handle any negative circumstance anyone can throw your way. The Fresh Thinker merely avoids conflict by refusing to play where the rules are unfair.This is a bold claim, with justification. No-one will blame you if you rolled your eyes with disbelief. But we have seen it work in thousands of otherwise ordinary lives all over the world, and we have hundreds of unsolicited testimonials on file.Many of the ideas and strategies in Fresh Wisdom may not be suitable for some people, which is perfectly understandable.You should only purchase Fresh Wisdom if you feel you meet the following criteria:- You are powerfully motivated to implement what you know to make sense;- You feel that it is time to reclaim your personal sovereignty as a freedom loving individual;- You know what reality is, or should be;- You are prepared to have your illusions stripped away and replaced with time-tested, scientifically proven principles;- You are willing to wake up to frank honesty about yourself, other people and the world.Here is what you can expect in Fresh Wisdom:We start by explaining that a happy, fulfilled life is based on balancing these 5 principles (we call them the 5 Essential Pillars of Fulfilled Living):Ultimate Health and Longevity: We provide techniques and strategies for enjoying good bodily health, free from pain and discomfort, to at least age 120 (and that is not a misprint);Romance, Love and Relationships: We provide tips and ideas to build fascinating relationships, because without love, meaningful romance and secure relationships, it is almost impossible to lead a fulfilled life;Independent Wealth Creation: We do not teach implausible magic tricks that will turn you into a millionaire overnight. Instead we show the history of money and where it has been desecrated. We show the difference between value creation and value extraction. We then provide a unique system that enables you to accumulate sufficient money to live without fear, completely independent of ‘the system’;metaphysical Realities: We explain metaphysics, Quantum Mechanics and the Omega Point in clear, easy to understand language. We show how these are important in understanding why you are here and how these scientific studies promote a true happiness from within in accordance with the laws of nature and without the influence of fables and traditions;Sovereignty and Personal Privacy: We show why it is so important to protect your individual sovereignty and provide strategies to protect and keep what is rightfully yours.Fresh Wisdom is the only known Life Manual that combines strategies which cover these five essential pillars of a fulfilled life. Most books and websites focus on one area only, to the detriment of others. If any of these pillars are unbalanced in your life, you are more than likely living a life of mediocrity – you are gathering crumbs instead of feasting at the banquet table. You are succumbing to the influence of others you have never even heard of, instead of living your own, fulfilled life. And this is not a criticism of you – it is a criticism of a system which has entrapped and enslaved so many.By the end of Fresh Wisdom you will have a completely different way of looking at the world. You will be able to interpret why things happen the way they do. But more importantly, you will know what to do in any situation life may throw your way.We look forward to showing you step-by-definite-step to a life completely free of external interference. Trust us; it is exhilarating, heady, thrilling and electrifying. Get ready for the ride of your life!VIP: NowPU: NowUsers: +2 years


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