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Marcus and Karen Hilton – Ballroom Light and Shade

Marcus and Karen Hilton Ballroom Light and Shade
[2 MPG]



Title:  Marcus and Karen Hilton – Ballroom Light and ShadeLevel:  AdvancedSource: VHS?Site: and learn the experts way of creating Ballroom Light and Shade in Rhythm, Shape and Choreography. A number of basic movements described in Waltz, Tango, Slow Foxtrot and Quickstep. Showing the developments of contrasting rhythms and actions. The video also gives an opportunity to study and use choreographic ideas featuring Light and Shade developed in 12 danceable, competitive groups.WaltzGroup 1: Running spin turn – Hover cross to Side cross – Ronde – Reverse pivot – Chasse to R – Telespin action – Open turn to Throwaway oversway – Recover – Same foot lunge point – Reverse pivot – Open Telemark – Chasse from PPGroup 2: 1-3 Natural turn – Natural pivots – Double natural spin – Check – Reverse pivot – Open Telemark – 1-5 Weave from PP with check – Natural pivot – Chasse to PP – Developed oversawy – Ronde to Fallaway – Open Telemark – Chasse from PPGroup 3: Fallway reverse turn – Open telemark – Quick open telemark – Telespin action to leg hook – Standing spin to L – Check to L side – Chasse from PPTangoGroup 1: 1-3 Four step – Same foot lunge point – Extended five step – Ball change to Stalking Walks – Close high to slow lowering – Step close – Appel action to Oversway – Head action – Same foot lunge point – Turning five step – Head actionGroup 2: Fallaway whisk from PP – Chase action – Chasse – Whisk – Close point – Ball change to foot flicks – In and Out – Back check to side crossGroup 3: In and Out to Open Finish – Extended shape – Slow swivel – Standing swivels – Opposition point to R – Telespin action – Open telemark – Big top – Contra check – Roll to Lunge – Roll to oversway to PPSlow FoxtrotGroup 1: Feather step – Reverse turn – Three step – Continuous hover cross – Quick open reverse turn – Tumble turn – Hover corte – Basic weaveGroup 2: Change of direction – Swivel to close – Three step – 1-3 Natural turn – Three waves – Heel pull – Syncopated curved feather – Outside spin with ronde – Checks – Natural pivot – Rudolph fallaway Closed telemarkGroup 3: Feather step – Fallaway reverse turn – Slip pivot – Telespin – Reverse pivot – Open turn to Throwaway oversway – Checks – WeaveQuickstepGroup 1: Natural pivot turn – Natural spin – Heel pull – Rumba cross to PP – Hops – Chasses – Outside change – Drop lock – Kick and Tap – Backward pepperpot – Outside changeGroup 2: Natural Pivot turn – Curved feather step – Backward run – Outside change to PP – Continuous Runs – Hop to Contra check – Slow open Impetus turn – Type of Fishtail – Natural pivots to PPGroup 3: Natural Pivot turn – Natural spin – Heel pull – Quick chasses – Quick open reverse turn – Throwaway oversway – Roll to PP – 3 step hops – PepperpotPlus Marcus and Karen’s fabulous show.Presented by Geoffrey Hearn. Running time approx 70 min.


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