Private Library for Anything and Everything – Building Confidence – Building Confidence
[12 mp4]


Building confidenceAuthor:  Todd Dewett Self-confidence is a key ingredient in any successful career, in fact, in life in general. It’s that belief in self that allows you to envision mastering skills. It allows you to envision accomplishing interesting and challenging goals. When you have strong self-confidence, others know it. In fact, they can feel it, and it makes them want to include you more. The reverse is also true. If you lack self-confidence, the average person can sense that, and when they do, it makes them question you.Here’s the good news. Even though it’s true that people are born with different amounts of self-confidence, it’s also true that you can view confidence as a skill, and experiencing and building this skill is something anyone can do with the right attitude and the right effort. Now, to be honest, you don’t make significant changes in competence overnight, so be prepared. This is a long-term process, but with the right effort, you can get there. I’d like to share several specific steps that will help you begin that journey.Introduction                                                                   1m 3s 1. Steps to Building Your Confidence                             19m 15sOwning where you are and where you want to be        2m 23s    Dealing with the past                                                  2m 41s    Helping and volunteering                                            1m 32s    Setting achievable goals before stretch goals            2m 1s    Removing negativity                                                    2m 7s    Visualizing success                                                       1m 57s    Planning for failure                                                      1m 43s    Assessing your progress                                             1m 36s    Accelerating the process                                             1m 57s    Celebrating you                                                           1m 18s Conclusion                                                                       1m 13s    Final Thoughts  


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