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Lyle McDonald & Eric Helms -The Art and Science of Female Fat loss and Contest Prep

1-The Art and Science of Female Fat loss and Contest Prep
[ Webrip – 1 MP4, 2 PDFs ]


If you like this upload and interested in fitness/performance related products check this GB and consider joining us it’s top notch material is OPENThis is a contribution to the members of the Lee Taft – Speed Insider’s Academy GB in here staff approved *vis*For more info:’S OVERVIEW1. Not Just Little Men-Lack of comparative/female research until 70’s-80’s-Men overrepresented in research EXCEPT for weight loss studies-Biological differences in everything-Social vs. biological factors2. The Menstrual Cycle-Follicular phase-Luteal phase3. Hormonal Modifiers-Birth control-Amenorrhea-Oligomenorrhea-PCOS/Hyperandrogenism-Obesity-Menopause (w or w/o HRT) 4. Body comp Differences/Measurement-LBM vs. BF%-Fat distribution-Menstrual cycle effects 5. metabolic Differences-Appetite/hunger-Nutrient metabolism during and after meals-Nutrient metabolism during and after training 6. Fat Gain and Fat Loss 7. Menstrual Cycle Disruption-Luteal phase defect, anovulation oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea Effects-Energy Availability (EA) as primary cause-Fat loss, exercise, stress, fiber, fat intake8. Fixing the Problems-Gradual vs. Extreme Changes-Pre-Diet-Limiting Hormonal Changes-Enhancing Fat loss9. Common Nutritional Errors-Overemphasizing carbs to the exclusion of protein/fat (vegetarian/vegan diet)-Eliminate red meat/chick (zinc, iron deficiency)-Eliminate dairy (calcium deficiency)-Eliminate sodium (numerous effects)ERIC’S OVERVIEW1. Coaching women through dietsDifferent strategy for women vs men based on biological realities covered by Lyle2. Diet setupBasic hierarchy of importance – pyramid3. Energy balanceRate of weight loss and diet length4. Macronutrient compositionSetupSpecial cases5. Micronutrient compositionInclusive dieting vs exclusive dietingConsequences of micronutrient deficiencyPrevention 6. Nutrient timingDaily – Meal FrequencyWeekly – Refeeds/ICRNutritional Periodization – Diet breaks 7. Flexible DietingWhat is it, where did it come from, what is it not?How to implement it 8. Training SetupBasic hierarchy of importance – pyramid 9. Volume, intensity and frequencySetup 10. Progression and measuring progressBasic concepts, integration with diet – deloads and testing 11. Exercise SelectionSAID12. Tempo and Rest Periods13. PowerliftingWhen is it appropriate to drop a weight class?Losing body fat vs reducing non tissue weight14. Physique CompetitionDivision differencesupped by sheefo


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