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Lisa Barnett – Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom

Lisa Barnett – Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom
[WebRip – 14 MP3s, 1 PDF]


Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! I got this program by my self, and of course, I would like to share it here. Nothing goes outside here. OK?Lisa Barnett – Akashic Knowing School of WisdomLisa Barnett is the Founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom and is an internationally recognized teacher with more than twenty years of experience in the spiritual healing forum. Through her school, Lisa shares resources to bring clarity and healing to you, by using the ancient yet accessible Akashic guidance. Lisa draws on the healing energy of the Akasha for her clients and she will share that energy with you today. Lisa specializes in empowering individuals to find greater fulfillment, happiness, abundance and ease in their lives by aligning with their Soul Path. She helps you realize how your Soul Contracts can create and affect your relationships; how unknown Karma may act as a block in your life and how past life vows can hold you back. Lisa has developed an amazing program that helps ordinary people experience lasting transformation. She provides her students with the knowledge to access their own personal soul records as well as how to complete Karma and Vows by incorporating information and healing tools from the Akashic Record.In this Newly Upgraded  Access your Akashic Record Wisdom Course you will be empowered to:    Use three Akashic Access Prayers which are the Vibrational Keys to open your personal Akashic Records    Integrate brand new healing  tools from the Lords of the Akashic Records    Learn to be grounded and present in your body so you may easily expand into Infinite Wisdom    Ask questions of the Akashic Masters to gain clarity at a crossroad and be able to make accurate decisions for your personal life and business    Open your heart to receive more powerful relationships which support your soul path    Receive Guidance to assist with the next steps for your life daily    Raise your energy vibration, up-leveling your healing abilities and intuition    Learn to run Earth and Cosmic energy to help sustains your physical energy    Clear Money Blocks and open money flow into your life    Practice exercises so you feel secure that your Guidance is coming from the Akashic Record Keepers.    Raise your energy vibration and step up your healing abilities and guidance    Release yourself from old patterns that are holding you back    Open to receive more powerful love connections and relationships in your life    Have abundance flow into your life with more ease    Gain clarity around the next steps in your life and learn what to do to make it happen    Use the tools to align with divine energy, and receive access to the infinite information of your Akashic Field    Learn the magic questions to ask when you want to gain clarity at a cross road and make a decision quickly    Learn the tools to clear your personal energy field so that you can set healthy boundaries and not “take on” the pain or energy of another    Now you can be Divinely Guided every day with ease and grace.Find more about this program here:…


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