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Linguaphone – Finnish Course

Linguaphone Finnish
[2 CDs – 84 MP3, 1 SCAN – 98 JPG, 1 eBook – PDF]


The Course is equally suitable for children and adults, for entire beginners and for those who have acquired a theoretical knowledge of the language and wish to become efficient in the spoken language. Full particulars as to the use of the book in conjunction with the redordings are given in the “Students Instructions” supplied with the Course.The complete text of the descreptive talks and of the conversations is recorded.The text is written in easy-flowing and perfectly natural idiomatic language, which would be used by educated people under similar circumstances. A certain amount of practical grammar has been introduced into the text of each lessen, whcich the student absorbs uncounciously as he goes along. The Sounds of Finnish should be studied in conjunction with the special Sounds Recording. In order to enable the beginner to follow easily the words spoken on the recordings, the first lessons are spoken very slowly and distinctly, the rate of speech increasing as the Course progresses, so that in the more advanced recordings the speakers speak at a perfectly natural speed. The student who masters this Course will have acquired a thoroughly practical knowledge of the finnish language… grammatically as well as conversationally. Note: This isn’t available on the official homepage.


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