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Liliane Grace – The Boy Who Found His Pulse

Liliane Grace – The Boy Who Found His Pulse.pdf
[1 Ebook PDF]


**** Exclusive ****Please do not upload/share anywhere else. Thanks!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of theDon Tolman – BootCamp4Brains and more GB.This GB is CLOSED .GB Thread: HEREProduct Link:  HEREChildren today are bombarded by fast foods and antibiotics, and if they’re considered to be A.D.D./A.D.H.D. they’re prescribed Ritalin and other drugs so that they’ll fit in with the class…But what if you can inspire your kids to develop their minds and bodies in a healthy, natural way – Don’s way/the Don Tolman way?The Boy Who Found His Pulse is a Champion Series children’s picture book story about Don’s journey from the time he was eight years old and first heard that there was an ancient food that helped people grow strong and smart. No Wine for Daniel describes how Daniel asked the king, Nebuchadnezzar, that he and his friends eat ‘pulse’ and drink water rather than the meat and wine the king offered. Nebuchadnezzar agreed, and after they’d been on this diet for a couple of weeks, he checked them out to see how they were doing. Writes the author of Daniel: “And in all matters of wisdom [and] understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians [and] astrologers that [were] in all his realm.”Not only were they ten times wiser than everyone else: they were also healthier. The young Don Tolman was fascinated by the story, and became more intrigued when no one could tell him exactly what constituted this meal of ‘pulse’. “My older brother was really good in school,” Don relates. “I thought that if I could eat this meal, I would do better in school and get my mother off my back.”Don Tolman’s quest helped him acquire a great deal of knowledge, but not in the manner he expected. It also got him the nickname: the ‘Indiana Jones’ of whole foods, for he was indeed searching for an ancient lost treasure described in this colourfully illustrated book that was written and published with Don’s blessing and is appealing to kids aged 4-12.About the AuthorLiliane has been writing stories since she first learned to write. She loves to make up characters and situations and create fictional worlds that entices the reader. She has won awards for her stories, and had articles published and short plays performed.Liliane is also a long-time, enthusiastic student of the principles of personal empowerment. Her recently published book, The Mastery Club, inspires readers of all ages to reach inside themselves and dust off their dreams, as they read about five twelve-year-olds who learn about their potential and apply practical tools like goal-setting, affirmations and visualisation.She is a great believer in having mentors, both the face-to-face ones and those individuals we read about who inspire us, whether they are real or fictional. The Champion Series offers young children examples of real people who have faced challenges and overcome, or have persisted with a dream when others would have given up.Liliane began teaching Creative Writing in 1987 to teenagers on “Discovery!” an accelerated learning, personal development program. She went on to teach at community centres, colleges and in the corporate sector, and she is passionate about inspiring others to express their ideas with maximum impact.Liliane lives with her beloved, Derek Rawson, and their three children, A Boy Called Jeremy, A Girl Called Emma and A Girl Called Lesley. Who knows what they’ll get up to?A few words: This was a great challenge to do since the real work is the art contained on those pages without any borders (bleeds). I probable scanned this book 4 times without being happy with the results. Ultimately, the decision was to scan with 300dpi and photoshop each graphic separately, the result was a wipping 690MB file , so acrobat was able to reduced the file to its current size and keep most of the brilliance and sharpness  of the images; in case any of you would like to print them since they are very powerful images with a fantastic message. I can only hope I was able to give justice to the original art work.   Work was scanned, photoshoped, and paginated. If you are having any problems with this download, please pm me directly instead of writing it as a comment.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: never (get your account up to PU to gain access to exclusive material: upload 25 GB or donate and be a member for 4 weeks)NamasteTo all members of this GB: Upload was approved so all GB members are already whitelisted. PM me directly if you have any problems at all so I can help you. Enjoy


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