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LifeLoaded – The Abundance Program (Month 1-7)

LifeLoaded – The Abundance Program (Month 1-7)
[Webrip – 61 Videos (MP4) + 15 Other (MP3, PDF, DOCX)]



Imagine if every single month, I gave you something like the “Sticky Note” hack — a brand new strategy or tactic you can implement immediately, and use to stuff your phone book full of hot girls’ numbers, schedule more dates that you could ever possibly have time for, and build an abundant dating life in no time flat, from scratch.That’s the Abundance Programme.It’s a comprehensive, step-by-step course that I’ve been working on for several months now — with Ross and several other “underground” experts just like him.We’re now ready to roll it out to a small “test group” of guys.This programme is not a product. Rather, it’s a journey. At the start of the first month, we’ll assume that you know zero hot girls, have absolutely zero confidence with women, and zero options. We’re going to build you an abundant dating life from the ground up, one step at a time.You’ll start by laying the foundations. I and my handpicked panel of experts will show you how to reach for the absolute lowest-hanging fruit — the easiest ways to meet and attract women. Then, as we build more and more momentum each month, we’ll supplement your “inflow” of hot girls with new, more advanced methods for attracting higher-quality women.Here’s what you get every month:Abundance Extension Module:This is the “meat” of the programme. Each video module will teach you a brand new method for meeting and attracting women, and all the strategies and tactics you’ll need to see results quickly. Some months we’ll introduce you to “passive” systems, and other months “active” ones.These monthly video modules are practical in nature. They’re presented by different experts who I have personally chosen, because of their experience, expertise and, most importantly, the success they themselves have experienced using the methods they teach you.Installation Guide:Remember, this programme is about results. That’s why every monthly Abundance Extension Module comes with a comprehensive step-by-step installation guide. Each guide contains a sequence of “missions” and homework assignments put together with thought to fully integrate each new method for meeting and attracting women into your dating life as quickly as possible.Do you know what the real magic of this programme is?Every monthly module has been carefully designed to compound on the other modules that come before it, and multiply the effectiveness of everything you’ve implemented. Some are even “set and forget” systems that carry on bringing new hot girls into your life months after you set them up.Now, before I tell you anything else, you need to know something.WARNING: This Programme Will Probably Create A Few ‘High Quality’ Problems In Your Life:First, you need to have some “text game”. Rather quickly, you’re going to have a lot of numbers on the go and, to begin with, you’ll want to make sure you don’t blow any of them. After all, when you’re struggling to get your dating life started, you want to seize every opportunity you get.That’s why I’m throwing in a free copy of my private Text Game Field Guide.It’s a comprehensive collection of field-tested openers, routines, “ping” texts, “rescue” messages and accompanying strategies that I usually only give out to my private coaching students. I’ll email a copy over to you when you join, so you’re prepared ahead of time.Second, you need to know how to lead girls through dates. This is a skill that you will inevitably get extremely good at. After all, you’re going to meet hundreds of girls through this program. If you use the material in my Text Game Field Guide exactly the way I show, you’ll get dozens of dates.That said, I want you to have a head start. You’re in this program to see results and successfully date women as quickly as possible, not to rack up “learning experiences”. For this reason, I’m also giving you a copy of my Twelve-Step Date Formula.This 27-page manual is the express version of my tried and tested formula. It’ll arm you with a solid game plan for taking girls on dates, building attraction, rapport, comfort, and bringing them back to your place.You’re welcome. I’m not finished yet though.There’s one final issue:You must take action, work through the Installation Guides, and implement each monthly module the way we show you. There’s no “magic bullet” I can give you to force you to step up.However, what I can do though is make sure you’re surrounded with other guys who are going through the exact same journey. That way, you have a solid support network, and — when you need it — friends who will encourage you and keep you moving forward towards the life you deserve.When you join today, I’ll personally invite you to a private Google Group we set up just for this programme. It’s top-secret, has an obscure name and is open only to members.That’s the Abundance Programme. It’s everything you need to finally get this part of your life sorted out, once and for all. It’s everything I wish I had when I first started.Are Results Guaranteed?No, of course not. There are no guarantees in life.Anyone who tells you that their product, or course or book, or coaching is guaranteed to deliver a particular result is taking the piss out of you.I cannot ethically guarantee any specific outcome that you’ll experience as a result of taking part in this programme. We will show you many ways — some of them ridiculously easy — to meet lots of new women fast. If you implement, you will meet lots of new women.We will show you how to get a percentage of these girls on dates. If you follow along, you’ll get dates. We will show you how to bring many of these girls home. If you do what we say, you’ll wake up in the morning next to beautiful women who are very grateful.The numbers themselves are up to you.Here’s what I can guarantee though:The Abundance Programme will be the best investment you’ve ever made — in yourself, in your life and in your right to create the future you’ve always dreamed about.If, for any reason whatsoever, you do not agree, then all you need to do is send me an email anytime within your first month of membership. You can reply to your welcome email, any of my regular email broadcasts, or you can send a quick email to an**@li********.Just say: “Andy, thanks, but your Abundance Programme wasn’t quite what I was looking for. I appreciate the work you’re doing, but this time I’d like a refund.”I’ll make sure you get your money back within a couple of days.There’ll be no hard feelings, you won’t be “blacklisted”, and the “Sticky Note” hack special report is yours to keep forever, just for giving my new programme an honest look.Note: This program is already available here; however, this upload includes bonus content and infield footage etc. This is the complete version.Sales page: N/A


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