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Lenny Rossolovski – The Neuroacustics: Medicine That Will Emerge?

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THE NEUROACUSTICS: MEDICINE THAT WILL EMERGE?More than 1 years ago it was opened the Italian version of the Advanced Mind Institute site…The Institute deals with a revolutionary material, to many unknown – the bio-resonance therapy, or care by the sound perceived by hearing, but above all, by the brain – our best doctor.The soul of the Institute and its founder is called Lenny Rossolovski.Lenny Rossolovski is a researcher of Russian origin, in the field of neuro-acoustic meditations.Has a huge preparation, following, for years, studies of neuro-scientists aids worldwide, and uses the latest technology of sound; not only sounds binaural or isocronics, well-known, but also the technology of amplitude modulation, the shift-space acoustic frequencies “floating”, ie, not fixed, but those that are constantly changing in a certain band … and many other super-technological innovations.But to be good in the creation of this type of program is not enough to be a technician, and Lenny Rossolovski has a profound knowledge of spiritual techniques and meditation, a person who for many years following the ways of the spirit.You hear little talk about the care of the sound, while not new, has existed for thousands of years: already the early Christians treated the sickness with the songs … as well as shamans worldwide, beating their drums.Modern programs meditative resemble those ancient techniques, which are based only on clinical research that establish the precise frequencies and multiple clinical tests on groups of patients.Does anyone remember the research of dr. Rife, who cured cancer with the frequencies, with good results? They have been unjustly forgotten, because the medicine had taken another direction, purely pharmacological (and omit here had speech on the role of Big Pharma …).Listening programs neuro-acoustic, we allow the brain (where the headquarters of our biocomputer Central) to tune their bodies on the natural frequency. Someone had said: “… Your amazing brain can rise again from poverty and lead to wealth, will transform by a lone person in a very popular, the depression can get you out, making you happy and joyful – if you know how to use it well.”Programs written by Rossolovski are so many, and very different to the classic meditation relaxing common to many authors, among the programs of the Advanced Mind Instutute are those that help to train the brain to have the best results in the study, to free from addictions, anxiety, depression, frustrations, to reach deep states of meditation and to feel a part of the Universe.EXTRAORDINARY RESULTSWhat you can do with programs Lenny Rossolovski? What are their effects?The effects can be truly amazing. We take this program, “Tuning the energy of the Great Pyramid”, program tunes consciousness on the frequency 33 Hz, the named range “of the pyramid of Cheops,” or “Christ”. The frequency is 33 Hz, approximately, the fourth (according to the number of sides of the pyramid) harmonic of the Schumann resonance.The action of this frequency (that is working here as a carrier) on our body is interesting: focuses the energies of all the chakra in the solar plexus, which significantly increases the strength of our cocoon vibrational. Listening to this program, you can achieve mental states very interesting, and feel the connection between the material and the non-physical … Recently were announced the results of an independent study (done by third parties, not by members of the Institute) which, with help of a super-technological equipment Russian, able to examine the structures of the etheric body, she has recorded some significant changes in the body of a woman of 50 who had heard only once (!). Plans slim woman had occurred extraordinary changes that had involved the chakras, meridians, and many other parameters. According to the overall data, the biological age of women has dropped from 11 YEARS!Of course, not a lasting result; the physical body is inert, and in the course of 2-3 days everything is like before. To get a stable result serves at least a month of meditation. With these programs you have to work for at least a month, meditating regularly, if you want to have a stable result.PREVENT DECAY WITH COGNITIVE PROGRAMS LENNY ROSSOLOVSKI.What is the “plague” of our century? In the West, of course ..And ‘Alzheimer’s. Besides senile dementia.Many, including those who have elderly parents, know that having beside a loved person who no longer is, is atrocious, and it means death to attend a “slow” of a spouse. The medicine does not cure these disorders, try to contain such problems, and often this is not even possible.What can we do, and for us, the ones we have now 40-50-60 years? As the body needs for the prevention and treatment (and here we have the numerous supplements, vitamins, fitness and holistic healing methods), it also needs the BRAIN.The doctors give us some tests to find out if we are prone to cognitive impairment.While programs with neuro-acoustic is possible to train properly our brain, preventing its decay, encouraging the creation of new neural connections, the rise of original thoughts, and new points of view.All we need is a half hour of time (or even every day) and a pair of headphones. And of course, the programs of the Advanced Mind Institute.The program NUMBER ONE for excellence is this:”Neuroplastica”. ‘a loop that includes three programs (Acceleration-Stabilization -Rallentamento) do for six- eight weeks, following a chart. A nice effort, this. we do it for ourselves!The program “Lighting” is a kind of “training” for the brain than those who have more than 40 years, because It is able to improve and you support cognitive abilities (this has been proven in numerous clinical studies). I cite here only a small part of programs suitable for the training of the brain, the brain programs are many and all of great value.You have an early stage of Parkinson’s, with tremors in the limbs?For the neuro-acoustic prognosis it is favorable. It is the lack of synchronization between the cerebral hemispheres. Scientific studies have confirmed the ability of the neuro-acoustic instruments to stop the development of this disease. To get started, you can hear “The sensorimotor rhythm” and “The sensory motor stimulation”…. This unique program enhances the connection between the body and consciousness. Later we could use the entire line of “stimulation”;… alpha, beta, gamma, theta…; all of them synchronized with the functioning of the hemispheres. And dont forget the program “Synchro-brain”.Program included here:- Neuroacustics against back pain : The program of treatment of pain of the spine  This program uses the delta frequency range, with the ability to remove or relieve pain especially in the lower spine. No mystery here is not – these frequencies (0.5 – 2.5 Hz) have Analgesic effect on our health in general and on the spine in particular.- Complete rest in 24 minutes!  Tired? Absolutely no strength? You can not wait for vacation to relax? Give me 24 minutes and you relax as have not rested.Here is a program that will help you relax and gain strength in a very short time. In just 24 minutes you calm down, recharge your batteries and come back with renewed vigor for life.- Cosmic HarmonyThe frequencies of the ascension (frequency ear training)Equipped with computer people invented electronic “tuning forks” to adjust the pillars of the chakras and called it Solfeggio Frequency Ascension (by analogy with the seven notes of an octave). Music Frequency Ascension was rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo, who has studied the ancient manuscripts of Gregorian monks and found that their chants were powerful healers is due to the special arrangement of the six Solfeggio tones. Ear Training begins with a base note (corresponding muladhara), rising up to the supreme note (Ajna – the head of the Kundalini). Modern authors have added to the six Gregorian tones and higher, which correspond to the Sahasrara and above. Each tone has its own frequency:- Echo of the water. Creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony in the houseWant to create a home atmosphere of peace and harmony?Nothing harmonizes our living space is better than the sound of falling water, especially for processed to create a resonance with the surrounding space.The program also has a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect. If your house is tense, emotional discomfort – turn it on and passions die down, between your family peace and harmony.- The energy of the fire. Status of joy and happinessWant to experience a state of joy and happiness? Energize fire!This program Representing an alpha meditation at a frequency of 10 Hz in the background sounds of burning fire. The frequency of 10 Hz is very important for the synchronization of the brain hemispheres Glowno. It should be noted that almost 99% of people are deficient in the alpha and alpha brain activity meditation just used to solve this problem.When entering into the rhythm of this program you will experience a state of joy, peace, kindness, it is a powerful source of positive energy.- “GALACTIC INTELLIGENCE” A DIP IN THE informational FIELD This unusual meditation takes to become aware of our connection with the Cosmos, we often forget to be his tiny particle.The goal of the program is therefore to reconnect to the river of information, flowing from the heart of the Universe. Each person will draw a different experience from other experiences, and will capture information intended only for her.TRY TO MAKE YOUR REQUEST TO THE FIELD informational! FEEL AN ANSWER, WITHIN YOU …- Increased vascular tone. Removal of varicose veinsThis program is designed to improve vascular tone and have antivaricose Exposure stimulates the strengthening of the vascular system.Each organ has its own frequency at which it responds. Influencing certain frequency, you can adjust the operation of the body, there is no mystery here, everything is based on scientific research. In some cases, the effectiveness of the program reaches 98% – no one drug does not give such results. – Men’s strength. The program is normalization of potencyThis program stimulates and normalizes one of the most important areas for men. Especially choosen frequencies, cause increased libido, normalize sexual activity.Attention! This program can not be taken as an electronic substitute for “Viagra” – it works entirely on a different principle, it does not stimulate the instant excitement, namely normalizing sexual activity and its impact is not immediate and long-term character, helping the man to get rid of a number of problems, such as lack of arousal , premature ejaculation, lack of sensitivity and others.The program used frequency stimulating disclosure of energy of the first chakra, it allows you to balance and proper use of this energy.- Music for Yoga nice music for meditation (suggested by his forum)- Mystic State This program is theta meditation, through which you can enter into different states, characterized as mystical.This program can be used for the development of intuitive abilities, connect to the depths of the subconscious, the introduction of a state of lucid dreaming, and so on.- Neuromatrix 1st level A MUSTThe program “Neuromatrix” is a cycle of meditations created especially to help you achieve the best balance mental and emotional, to discover your potential, to get into the deep meditative states. This program will correct many disorders psychological, emotional, physiological.”Neuromatrix” is able to take off, layer by layer, the dysfunctions whose records are preserved in the subconscious, and to restore the natural state of the organism. Each new level, which will gradually become more and more complex and multifaceted, will sink lower into the depths of the subconscious.The program “Neuromatrix” includes nine levels, each of which includes three matrices.At the first level lays the foundations. Begins construction of the building to evolve your consciousness. This level does not require entry into a deep meditative state (this will happen at the next level); the main purpose of the first layer is the preparation of consciousness to future changes. But even the first level, the simplest level, it will demonstrate the potential of the “Neuromatrix” and you can verify its effectiveness.The program “Neuromatrix” has been made to obtain a result virtually instantaneous, while the other programs require many months of sessions.The difference is right here: we guarantee the result in the first few days of work with the program. After a month of working with the program of the first level you will find what has changed your conscience (and your health). Following these changes will be accentuated.Even technologies neuroacustiche up the difference by which the program “Neuromatrix” exceeds all existing programs guaranteeing a result in the first days of work.This series of meditations is based on nine different technologies, the technology of moving space-sound until the amplitude modulation sound dynamics in 3D, and the technologies developed at the Institute of Development of Consciousness. These technologies are combined in such a way as to ensure the rapid effects, and you can check it after the first day of work with the program.The guarantee effectivenessSubscriptions to the program “Neuromatrix” gives you the guarantee of 30 days. In case if after 30 days after the start of the sessions would you like, for some reason, not point it out, give up the subscription, you can report it to support service and we will refund the cost of the first level of the program. In this way, after the subscription, you will have to experience it without the risk of losing your money.- Push to the maximux creative potential of the brainWant to increase your creativity? Connect to the secret reserves of your brain? To achieve success in the creation of literary works, plays, symphonies? Simply increase your IQ? Succeed in solving the problems that are associated with study or business? Find the original output of the previously seemingly hopeless situation?- Reiki Healing Music – harmonization of consciousnessWonderful music, perfect for healing energies of Reiki! Relaxing and enters the alpha level- Remove bioenergetic lesionsIt’s no secret that the man is a complex bioenergy machine has its own energy-field. This field has an impact on others. This impact can be negative. Colloquially referred to as the negative impact of corruption and the evil eye. Among the healers is called bioenergy defeat.Can I remove the bioenergetic lesion? Yes, you can. To do this, you must restore all the “anchor” rate, which is set vibrating our cocoon. These frequencies are called harmonics and are 32-64-128-256-512Gts. When tuned to these harmonics is reset resulting negative impacts of bioenergy tuned in pure harmonics that are in resonance with both our planet and to the cosmos around us.- Schumann Resonance – the energy of earth, air, fire and waterThis meditation program – a journey of 24 minutes on the four elements: earth (green), Air (yellow), Fire (red) and water (blue), It is a very good tool balancing your mind. .This program used 7.83Gts noise frequency – is the frequency of theta-band ..1-6 minutes – meditation land – Reliability, punctuality, stability, wisdom6-12 minutes – Air meditation, joy, intelligence, intuition, communication12-18 minutes – meditation fire – energy, enthusiasm, courage, devotion18-24 minutes – meditation water – compassion, love, forgiveness, sensuality,- Program Withdrawal Syndrome scattered attention.Syndrome of scattered attention is becoming more and more a widespread disorder. Our brains are overloaded with visual information, we spend a lot of time at the computer, TV, and it becomes harder and harder to concentrate our attention on anything. In modern psychology, it is also called “Klipovoy thinking”At the core of this program are the development of two known neuroacustic Dr. M. Joyce and David Siever (Joyce M, Siever, D) using a combination of alpha and beta rhythms remover syndrome scattered attention, in both adults and school-age children.- Sapadere Waterfall  just enjoy waching this relaxing video… – Unlocking the heart chakra. Medicine for the Broken heartThis meditation can help the “broken heart”.Help to calm and soothe the hurt psychological . It can also help unlock the energy of the heart.Forget, for the moment, the bad thoughts … you feel your heart vibrate at unison with the rhythm of meditation.Although most of the material you can find it online, the collection and the translations in english are not and took me lot of work and time (be indulgent with my mistakes).If you want to save your ratio  do not download Sapadere Waterfall.mp4 ( and Music for yoga.mp4  ( watch and download from russian channel here…Product Chat: in mind that Youtube and other sites imposes compression algorithms, therefore, those are not the original program and altought they still works, should be better bought directly from the author website


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