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Larry King – Communication U Episode 1a – LIVE Interview & Exclusive Training with Roger Love

Larry King – Communication U Ep1a – LIVE Interview & Exclusive Training with Roger Love.MP4
[1 video – MP4]


kitserk wrote:This might not be available anywhere after the playback is removed, therefore uploading it here. Open to all. Wonderful interview and training. A lot of helpful tips to anyone. Enjoy!If you’ve got ideas and information that the world needs to hear, you can’t afford to miss this interview. Larry King could ask me about the communication techniques that can change your life and the lives of everyone you care about.Then, stick around after the interview to watch me teach a Communication U exclusive training where you’ll learn the 3 Secrets to Celebrity-Level influence and Superstar Communication…including:    How to finally get the reactions you want from others    The best way to make people remember everything you say    What’s stopping good speakers from becoming greatHow much more successful could these techniques make YOU? Available here for now:


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