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Lance Ward – The Grow Taller Workout

Grow Taller Workout
[10 Videos – MP4, 6 Audios – MP3, 2 eBooks – PDF]


PLEASE KEEP THIS EXCLUSIVE TO elib!!!!SHARING THIS MATERIAL ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNED!!! This exclusive material is a result of and part of the”Grow Taller Workout” group buy.This Group Buy is open and there are spots left!! Join NOW – …[center][size=6]Grow Taller Workout …”Add this to Your Current Stretching Regime to Grow 2.54cm Every 7 Days…” $170.00This is by the same author as this product. DVD overall, mostly about stretching, but this new program seem to incorporate nutrition tips, and several sports to maximize this process.How it Works The Program itself is a Height Specific Secret 7 Day Work out. The Workouts are long enough so you can combine them with your Stretching Routine…(it is also ok if you wish to keep them separate). The Workouts vary From Weights to Cardio Vascular to Circuit Training…these workouts Effectively Boost Your Human Growth Hormone(HGH). which Will Give you that Even more of an Edge when Growing Taller… In the DVD Lance and Ash Let the Cameras in and Perform the Whole 7 day Workout Plan…Not only Will you see them Grow Taller, but also Be able to Follow the Program with them Step By Step… ….They will also be documenting the Correct Diet/sleeping habits/Posture/mindset/Dress sense which are all Essential For Growing Taller with this Program… You will see what they Eat for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Snacks. and have a Exact idea of the Superfood combinations that will help you to Grow Taller… all it will take is 45 minutes – 1 hour…5 days per week..To Boost Your Height Capabilities into Overdrive! The 7 Day Workout is Repeated for approximately 7-13 times with which you will see Faster…Bigger and Better Gains in your height…Should You wish to Repeat the course To Squeeze out Your Maximum Potential then this is fine also…Where will I experience the Growth? The Workouts are for legs, back and neck so you stay in proportion. Basically your body will keep you in proportion as you Exercise…and release growth hormone which is dispersed evenly throughout the body.Arms, Neck, hands, feet will all grow in proportion with your back and legs as you grow taller.So don’t worry about short legs and an long body or long legs and short body etc. And Yes all gains Are permanent… As you will be Working Out more Often You will be releasing more Endorphins than usual…so you will be Stimulated more often and for longer periods of time…you will be happy…confident…and your Focus and Determination to Grow Taller will be Higher than EVER BEFORE! Note:- Male Genitalia and the Female Breast Area Can Also Grow While You are Growing…And Will Also Stay in Proportion…FAQ Will This Work For Me? Yes…Whether your 12-50… regardless of Age, Sex, Ethnic origin, Weight, Genes, Hereditary Problems…this Program Will Help you to Grow Taller…Guaranteed!What is the Maximum Height I Can Grow with this DVD?Height results vary between individuals…From Results we have had…we tend to find that 30 is a cut off point for Growing the Full 6 inches… But there are exceptions to the rule as always…After 30 Most people are still capable of 3 inches anyway…But under 30 years of age and you are in Prime Territory for Growing Taller! And We have had some Exceptional Results…We have had one client Grow a Record Of 14 inches in 8 months! So Believe me…anything is possible… Will I grow proportionately? The DVD will help you grow evenly. You will not develop a long spine with short legs for example. You will look the same as you currently do only TALLER! Do I need to be in Good Shape to do this? Although it would help to be in good shape and of reasonable fitness… it is not essential… We cover the Workout From Beginner to expert…the Workout is Step by step and easy to learn…so don’t worry if you’re a complete Novice…and remember by doing this workout correct…you will automatically get into Shape anyway… Do I need to be a Member of a Gym to Do this workout?No Not at all…We have included alternatives to every exercise we do in the gym so you can do them in the comfort of your own time in your own home…Is it Safe?Yes “The Grow Taller Workout” DVD is the safest most reliable Program out there. You do not need to look too far to discover the tremendous benefits of Specific Exercise Routines, Correct Diet, Stretching, Sleep and Posture…and the effects they have on your overall Height. The DVD has no side-effects. It will only give you the RESULTS you want and crave. So Yes… it is extremely safe. Do I need to follow a specific diet? Take any Pills with this?Yes…You will need to follow a specific diet plan…as shown in the DVD. The diet plan does give you choice so if you didn’t like some of the foods in there thn you can change them for alternatives. The diet plan also gives Full options for vegetarians and none meat eaters. You won’t need to take any miracle pills with this DVD as all the nutrition you will need comes from your food intake. What if my Bones Have Fused or My doctor Tells me that I have Finished Growing Taller…Did you know that a few medical professionals are still giving patients misleading advice regarding height? One example is when Chris, the father of a 16 year old boy wrote to Kid’s asking for a logical answer about why his son can’t grow taller. Here’s what the doctor said.“ Taking care of himself — eating well, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest — is the best way to help his body reach its natural potential. But assuming his diet is normal and he has no medical problems… In fact, his genes are the major determinant of how tall he’ll be.” (, 2009) “So, the only logical answer this particular doctor can give you for being short is… it’s all in your genes? If you don’t buy into this nonsense that your family traits dictate your height, then I suggest you keep reading.Closed PlatesEven with Closed Plates You can Grow Taller with this Program Regardless of your Age. WE have Proved time and time again that you can Grow Taller in your teens, twenties, thirties, forties and sometimes fifties. For the Guarantees we give for under 30’s and over 30’s please take a Look further down at our Guarantee Section. What if i don’t have a Stretching Regime? and i am Starting From Scratch? You can Start on both…you will need a Good Stretching Program to Compliment this Workout…we Recommend


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