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Kevin Hogan, Dave Lakhani, Bob Beverley & Blair Warren – The Secret Behind The Secret Law of Attraction

Kevin Hogan, Dave Lakhani & Blair Warren – The Secret Behind The Secret Law of Attraction
[(1 PDF) + (1 MP3)]


This new exclusive material is a bonus / incentive for the Kevin Hogan – Covert Influence Group Buy..This group buy forum is listed at: Secret Behind The Secret Law of Attraction: 4 Influence Experts Evaluate the Claims of The Secret PurveyorsAuthor: Kevin Hogan, Dave Lakhani, Bob Beverley & Blair Warren Published: 2007Book Description: 224  pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.Its followers believe it is the secret formula, known through the ages by various philosophers and mystics and scientists, that guarantees easy access to the success we ve always dreamed of. And so they say, enough is enough to the ignorant, blind, obstacle-ridden, hard life that millions of people are living. Live The Secret and you will bypass the unnecessary frustrations, long learning curves, and tortuous detours that seem to have humanity by the throat.To them, The Secret is THE way. To them, it’s a scientifically proven universal law that always works in every situation, every time.Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, said Thoreau, and THE SECRET shouts passionately that this does not have to be.There is true magic afoot, there are lanterns to be lit, passions to be embraced, secret thoughts to be learned and we can discover a whole new way of living that is, simply, there for the taking!And now there are those who see real and grave danger in this virus that is spreading through the English-speaking world…and they say, enough is enough.The leaders of The Secret crossed the line of humanity and compassion when they began to state that people bring on their own illnesses, cause their own genocide, rape and murder.And what about the authors of this book? Are we saying, enough is enough? Well, you will have to obtain the real secret within…we did a little bit of digging and have found out the real truth about The Secret. We ve found that all that glitters is not gold. You ll have to make your own decision.What we can promise is that we will do our best to be fair, open-minded, kind, truthful and honest.Our purpose is to accurately represent The Secret and then show how and why we are concerned for the poor and defenseless.And whether you agree with us or not, you will find out some things that really do matter about the human mind and heart. And we’re going to show you how the people who supposedly had The Secret through the ages, really felt about philosophies like The Secret. The geniuses that the movie and books claim had the Secret were indeed some of the greatest thinkers of the last two thousand years….but is it true that they had the Secret or believed anything like the Secret? In this book we ll show you what they REALLY wrote and how they thought….and then we ll examine feelings and possibly take issue with what people say are the dangerous aspects of The Secret.And you ll find out what people can really do to make their life better. Bob Beverley is a psychotherapist and Co-Director of Northeast Counseling Center in New York State. He is the author of How To Be A Christian And Still Be Sane. His expertise comes from 25 years of pastoral ministry and 26,000 hours of psychotherapy work. Bob has a B.A. in Philosophy and English Literature, an M.Div. in Philosophy of Religion, and a postgraduate degree in individual and marital psychotherapy. Visit his website, www.FindWisdomNow, and download a free copy of the E book, “The Power of Fear”.Dave Lakhani is a recognized expert on persuasion, propaganda, mass influence and building cults of customers. Dave was raised in a strict religious cult based on the teachings of William Branham until his late teens.For the past 25 years Dave has studied persuasion, influence, marketing, advertising, propaganda, mass movements, and the psychology of change.He has applied those ideas to help more than 1000 different companies in scores of different industries transform their business and accelerate their sales and profitability.Dave is an in demand speaker who addresses thousands of people worldwide each year and regularly appears on the largest platforms in the world. His unique blend of real world experience, storytelling, and content that can be implemented immediately keeps audiences on the edge of their seat.A regular in the media you’ve seen Dave in Sales and Marketing Management, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Wealth, Inc., Entrepreneur, The Today Show, CNN, and literally hundreds of newspapers around the world. Dave was the host of the long running radio program The Business Connection. For more information about Dave visit Warren is a television producer, writer, marketing consultant and a self-described voracious student of human nature. For over three decades he has immersed himself in ideas from areas as diverse as psychology, philosophy, enlightenment, persuasion, marketing, magic (as in tricks), Magick (as in the Occult), scams, con games and more. He is the author of The Forbidden Keys to Persuasion and Enlighten This!. His website is at Hogan is a dynamic, well-known international motivational and inspirational keynote speaker, consultant and corporate trainer. He has trained persuasion, sales and marketing skills to leaders in the government of Poland, employees from Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, and numerous other Fortune 500 companies.Kevin is the author of more than twelve books, including, Covert Persuasion, The Science of Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion and Irresistible Attraction. He is often called the “go to” influence and persuasion consultant. He has shared his specialized knowledge in persuasion and influence with the New York Times, CNN, the BBC, Fox Television, and dozens of popular magazines like Cosmopolitan, First for Women, Woman’s World, Playboy, Women’s Own, Redbook, King, Maxim, Stuff, Selling Power and others.His keynotes, seminars and workshops help companies sell, market and communicate more effectively. His cutting edge research into the mind and keen understanding of consumer behavior create a unique distillation of information never before released to the public.Kevin Hogan’s web site is at: web site for this book is at:www.thetruthisthesecret.comI have included an MP3 discussion on this book topic with three of the authors in this product.  It is also freely available on the web site for this book.Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to testy666 for starting this group buy and to everyone who is supporting this small group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute This group buy forum is listed at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen


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