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Kathy Atkinson – EFT for Anxiety Relief

Kathy Atkinson – EFT for Anxiety Relief
[1 CD – MP3, 1 eBook – PDF]


Anxiety, stress, and tension affect all of us. Everyday we encounter challenging people and situations that create minor irritation or major stress. You must have a plan to deal with your stress, tension and anxiety before it affects your physical body.A ‘ A”Worry and stress affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, the whole nervous system, and profoundly affects the heart action.A ‘ A Charles W. Mayo, M.D.This EFT session is available as my gift to you. It will help you release your tension, stress, and anxiety any time you wish.Includes: 2 Energy Shifting EFT Sequences, a Sequence of Supporting Affirmations, a Diagram of the EFT Meridian Points and Coaching Tips to enhance your experience with EFT.


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