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Karel Lewit REPOST – Mob&Relaxation Techniques in Pain of Spinal Origin Vol 1-3

Karel Lewit – Mob & Relax Tech in Pain of Spine
[3 DVDs – AVI]


elib EXCLUSIVE – IF THIS GETS LEAKED YOUR SPINE AND PELVIS WILL EXPLODE AND NOTHING K. LEWIT OR ANYONE ELSE CAN DO WILL EVER HELP YOUThis is a repost – if you downloaded the last product you only want to snatch DVD 3 of this one as it was only 15 minutes long in the original product and I still have not figured out whyIF YOU ALREADY DOWNLOADED THIS JUST GRAB THE 3RD DVD – I’VE MADE IT RATIO FREE IF YOU WERE ON THE LIST OF PEOPLE WHO SNATCHED IT.These videos are for the professional but include self treatment stuff so if you’ve got pain you may be interested, you just have to wade through the hands on stuff. These are only well known in therapy circles and I paid $210 for them. Depending on how many people actually want stuff this technical I’ll upload more. It works and isn’t that complex once you see it, you just have to be someone who is into this.Here is a detailed review by a Chiropractor:Title: Mobilization and Relaxation Techniques in Pain of Spinal Origin Authors: Karel Lewit, MD, DSc, with Alena Kobesova, MD Type: Three-part series (one part per disc) Running Time: Part I: 58 min.; Part II: 59 min.; Part III: 46 min. Price: $210 for three-disc set; $80 each if purchased individually:Mobilization and Relaxation Techniques in Pain of Spinal Origin by Prof. Karel Lewit, MD, DSc, is a three-part DVD series well-worth your consideration. Dr. Lewit is the leading member of the Prague group of manual medicine specialists who continue to influence American “physical medicine.” The DVD set is filled with information, including the use of inhalation and exhalation during mobilization, trigger-point examination and treatment, mobilization techniques from Dr. Lewit, and extensive, easy-to-follow self-treatment for patients.Divided into three discs: I. the Head and Neck; II. Thoracic and Lumbar Spine; and IH. The Pelvis, each DVD includes sections on anatomy, examination, mobilization techniques, and self-treatment of the related areas. A booklet is included with each disc; clips from the disc and the agacent dialogue facilitate easy comprehension. The Head and Neck disc contains detailed discussion of the orofacial system; the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine disc contains useful mobilization suggestions for the ribs; and the Pelvis disc includes tips on treatment and self-treatment of the hip.An evenly modulated, male American speaker reads the dialogue. Voiceover is synchronized with visual techniques that are evenly paced and readily visible. Although the methodical presentation might be slightly out of mode, appearing to be filmed a few years back, by U.S. standards, the extensive amount of information is delivered effectively. The depth and variety of information presented alerts the viewer to the virtual gold mine at hand.The three-disc set costs $210, with individual discs costing $80. Given the going rate of educational materials, especially those oriented toward working professionals, the price appears to be standard. This is an excellent selection to view with colleagues, for practicing with a colleague or assistant, or for use in aThis is an ideal selection for ongoing home study for doctors who are currently training in this method, and it would be an effective aid in both reviewing and adding to your knowledge base.As doctors of chiropractic, we are always learning new skills to benefit our patients. This selection will augment your practice. The gentle, effective techniques are useful in routine cases or in hard-to-resolve soft tissue cases. This is an excellent DVD for review of basic anatomy and the introduction of new techniques, with a focus on practical application. Mobilization and Relaxation Techniques in Pain of Spinal Origin contains a plethora of “tools” and “tips” while remaining methodical, interesting and understandable. I highly recommend it.Dr. Owen’s Rating: 9.8 out of 10


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