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Kads Chowdhury – The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind

Kads Chowdhury – The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind
[(12 ebooks – PDF) + (5 MP3)]


This new exclusive material is part of  the Laws of Mind group buy.This group buy still has two $5 spots open and the forum is listed at: Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of MindAuthor: Kads ChowdhuryPublished: 2008Item Description:  12 PDFs with bookmarks added and updated file names.                                    5 MP3s from bonus materials.Program Steps:       First Step:The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind (Reading Version)(2008).pdfSecond Step:The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind (Implematation Version)(2008).pdfThird Step:The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind (Powerful Tools)(2008).pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind (Success for Beginners).pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind (Troubleshooting & FAQ)(2008).pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Mind (Wealth Creation)(2008).pdfFourth Step – Bonuses:The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Energy Generator – Brain Harmonics (2008).mp3The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Energy Generator – Instructions (2008).pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Laws of Energy.pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Material Manifestation – Brain Harmonics 01 (2008).mp3The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Material Manifestation – Brain Harmonics 02 (2008).mp3The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Material Manifestation – Instructions (2008).pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Myths Exposed.pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Nutrition of Manifestation.pdfThe Complete Guide to Manifestation – Romance Manifestation – Brain Harmonics 01 (2008).mp3The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Romance Manifestation – Brain Harmonics 02 (2008).mp3The Complete Guide to Manifestation – Romance Manifestation – Instructions (2008).pdfThis is the description from the web page:There is a secret to manifestation.And it’s not the law of attraction!It’s the laws of mind. And I’m going to show you exactly how to use this true secret once and for all, so that you’re finally manifesting your dreams like wild fire, at long last.You see, the true secret to achieving your dreams has been clouded so much, that it has still remained a secret. The true secret to manifestation is not the law of attraction and never ever was. It has always been the laws of mind.Listen, a secret is a secret for a reason.And this true secret has not been revealed for very good reason: People cannot stomach it! My guide will explain exactly how to actually achieve your dreams…using the true secret once and for all.The laws of mind can be summarized as this: All power to manifest lies in your mind, because existence is mental in nature. To achieve your dreams, requires a change in your state of consciousness through the combined steps of energy, intent and action.The reality you experience is mental which is linked to your own mind, and it is changes in your own consciousness which directly creates the physical reality.The Power Of Your Mind Is Your License To Get What You Desire On Demand – Anytime You Want.All you need to understand is…Achieving Your Dreams Is Simply A Specific System Of Doing Things Which Involves The 3 Steps Of Energy, Intent And Action.Here are 5 simple reasons why this is the true secret and completely slaughters every other success and manifestation model you’ll find, and especially the law of attraction:Reason #1: It will show you exactly what to do without needing to second guess. All you need to do is follow the simple and clear steps and you will be flying towards your dreams with certainty with nothing left to chance.Reason #2: It gets to the cause of manifestation. The law of attraction is an effect. It is not the cause. The mind is the cause of all phenomena in true manifestation of your dreams.Reason #3:You don’t need to know about Quantum Physics, spirituality or other “manifestation-like” topics. All you need is a brain and an open-mindedness to what I will teach: The true formula is simple and you will definitely understand it.Reason #4: You don’t need to visualize all day. Okay, the law of attraction principles don’t say this, but I’m still surprised by the number of people who visualize every day and still wonder why their dreams don’t come true!Reason #5: You don’t need the things that make manifestation a pain in the neck. You don’t need vision boards,  gratitude, feelings, constant positive thinking etc etc.Plus, in the system I have created for you…I’m Going To Transform You Into A Successful Manifester From Scratch,No Matter What Situation You Are InBusiness tycoons, Nobel Laureates, sports personalities and political leaders are the power brokers who have the ability to manifest because they can almost single-handedly turn their lives around using the secrets of the Laws Of Mind.It is from these people that the Laws Of Mind have been painstakingly extracted and filtered into a simple, 3 step system for you to achieve your dreams.And better than that is I’ll take you by the hand to BUILD YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS from absolute scratch, completely regardless of your life’s situation.Why In The World Should YOU Listen To ME?Listen, if I didn’t do it myself, I wouldn’t believe it. In fact, the only reason I even tried to find the real secret, was because my life was in such a state, that I had to!Here is my story.My name is Kads Chow, co-author of The Complete Guide To Genius™. I once used the principles of the Law Of Attraction, thinking it was the answer to my problems. I cried watching “The Secret” movie when it first came out because I thought the true secret and solutions to my ills was finally here.At that time, I was desperate, single and at one point, was living on a $10 bill (yes literally!). I had great success in academics, but apart from that, I couldn’t achieve or change my situation no matter what I did.I wanted freedom and independence badly. And I had none of it. I couldn’t get the  money I wanted, the job I wanted, the business I wanted, the relationship I wanted etc etc. I hated my 8am to 7pm job completely. I was a slave to my boss and everything in my life was a mess.And for 24 months “The Law Of Attraction” never ever worked! (and I have studied every “master” out there)  In fact, I was still in exactly the same situation. The game was up. The so called “secret” didn’t work FOR REAL and I would have to find a replacement quick or lose my sanity. My decision was to go it alone and find the true secret myself!After months of banging my head against the wall, I have found the answer which has literally changed my life.Here are some of the major things I have manifested in the last 3 months only:                              1. I have quit my job and am now financially independent                              2. I have two new businesses up and running                              3. Another three businesses in the pipeline                              4. I have made approximately $110,000 additional income                              5. And got a $200,000 home of my choice for free          And all of this is thanks solely to the Laws Of Mind secret.The website for this material is at:http://www.manifestationintelligence.comPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to lancelot85 for starting this group buy and to everyone who supported this small group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at: are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks, Mazen


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