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Julie A. Fast – Bipolar Disorder Treatment System

Julie A. Fast – Bipolar Disorder Treatment System
[eBook – 6 PDFs]


Julie A. Fast – Bipolar Disorder Treatment System[Web Ad–Description] Julie’s Books – Julie A. Fast.pdfBipolar Happens.pdfHealth Cards Templates.pdfHow to Use the Health Cards.pdfSample Health Cards.pdfTips for Talking with health Care Professionals.pdfUploader Note: I just bought this program for her, and it really seemed to help, so I’m sharing. ***The Health Cards Treatment System for Bipolar DisorderThis is the main book containing the actual Health Cards. The Health Cards System for Bipolar Disorder is 129 pages of the best investment you will ever make for a clear understanding of the management of bipolar disorder. Used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world, the system is clearly explained, easy to implement and guarantees you will cut your bipolar disorder symptoms by 50% or more.The Health Cards System for Bipolar Disorder also teaches partners and family members how to improve communication with their loved one and assist them in maintaining stability. The system works for adults, teenagers and young children with the illness, though children will need parental assistance.Bipolar Happens! 35 Tips to Manage Bipolar Disorder SuccessfullyBipolar Happens! 35 Tips to Manage Bipolar Disorder Successfully is the first companion book to the Health Cards, providing 73 pages of inspiration for those with bipolar disorder as well as invaluable information for those who don’t. Written with a stark and riveting honesty as only a person with the illness can do, Bipolar Happens! offers practical knowledge and deep insights into what it is like to live with bipolar disorder.Compelling, insightful and laced with humor, many of Julie’s readers credit this book as being their personal catalyst for change. “When I read this book I actually felt that someone really understood me, and it made me feel hope for the first time since my diagnosis,” wrote one reader.Tips For Talking With Health Care Professionals: Everything YouNeed to Know to Talk to Your Doctors with ConfidenceThe second companion book to the Health Cards, Tips For Talking With Health Care Professionals consists of 41 pages of information to help you build better relationships withdoctors and other health care professionals.Have you ever had the experience of having a lot to say to your doctor but when you get there there’s not enough time? Learn how to make the most of your office visits and communicate with your doctors successfully. Based on Julie’s personal experience plus interviews with hundreds of other people with bipolar disorder, these tips will help you communicate with all types of health care professionals no matter what the situation. It also offers invaluable information for family members who have a loved one in the hospital.


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