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Judy Satori – In Search of Golden Tara

Judy Satori – In search of Golden Tara
[Webrip – 19 mp3]



Judy Satori – In Search of Golden Tara Discover How ‘Regenesis’ Transmissions Can Rapidly Shift Life Force Energy in Minutes…for New Love, Abundance, and Deep Spirit HealingQuickly and Easily!For the past two years, Judy has shared with us the Transcripts of Mary Magdalene. Now Judy’s work as an energy conduit for Spirit is moving beyond healing to regenesis, the activation of human DNA potential.Search for the Golden Tara is a three-part audio program of information and very transformative energy work. It is designed to take you through a life changing process to access and activate the divine feminine within and allow for your innate creativity to flow.The Mystical Frequencies of the Golden Tara Program can rapidly create a ‘Regenesis’, including:Expansion into a higher expression of yourself for spiritual healing and deep life transformation…Activation of divine feminine energies for new love, abundance, and creative manifestations…Releasing of ancestral fear at the deep cellular level…The Activation of joy, peace, surrender at all levels of your awareness…Accessing the deepest level of joyful power in your divine self and ‘Goddess’ within…Experience a Mystical transformation to open up the deepest levels for joy, love and ‘feminine abundance’…Let your life begin anew from a place of stillness, grace and surrender 1: Search For The Golden Tara 3-Part Audio Series, 12 MP3sTara says … Let love fill you up and joy consume you in its flamesIn August this year Judy Satori was guided by Spirit to journey to Ladakh in Northern India in search of the Golden Tara. Remote, mysterious and starkly beautiful, Ladakh at an elevation of over 11,000 feet is known as ‘the land of the high passes’. Tara, known as Dolma in Tibet, is a female bodhisattva, a being who having achieved enlightenment chooses to remain on or close to Earth to help all sentient beings. Goddess Tara is usually known in her Green Tara or White Tara aspects. She is the mother of mercy and compassion.Judy Satori’s new Search for the Golden Tara program is about finding, accessing and activating the ‘gold’ inside of you. The energy transmissions from Golden Tara create a reset, like a stepping down and changing gears, to access the divine feminine energies of new creation for you. It matters not whether you are male or female. Outcomes are increased joy, relief from stress, peace, inner strength and an outpouring of creative vitality and expression. If you feel stuck, or blocked in your life, Search for the Golden Tara is for you.Judy Satori speaks and transmits energy words of new creation. These words are transmitted by Spirit. Judy has never been taught how to speak these multi-dimensional languages. It’s just something she suddenly knew how to do. You will feel the changes within you listen to the Search for the Golden Tara audio series MP3. Every cell in your body will respond to these words from God and you and your life will transform. Repetition builds accruing effects. Part OneTrack One [mp3 – 31:13 min.]Introduction. Prayer from the Golden Tara to instill the essence and energy of the Divine Feminine for joy, creation, strength and passion. Clearing the ‘gritty’ bits of our past.Track Two [mp3 – 22:29 min.]Journey to Amenti with the Golden Tara. Crossing the bridge between the old and the new.Track Three [mp3 – 13:18 min.]Deep healing from the Medicine Buddha.Track Four [mp3 – 12:08 min.]A meditation for Joy. Transmissions from the Golden Tara for gratitude expressed.Part TwoTrack One [mp3 – 14:23 min.]Regaining personal power. Clearing blocks that we may have that lead us to give away our personal power. Creating a new form for ourselves and for our life.Track Two [mp3 – 11:09 min.]Balancing on the inner planes to allow for new creation. Accessing the ‘gold’ within. Energy transmissions to rebalance energy with pride…surrender with taking action…submission with defiance…courage with fear…beauty of heart and soul balanced against diminishing of self.Track Three [mp3 – 16:21 min.]Taking the path of least resistance. Transmissions to help you walk the path of least resistance with ease and grace.Track Four [mp3 – 28:37 min.]Beginning the new. Songs of new creation from the Golden Tara: to activate divine wisdom; to activate spiritual power; to bless with peace and plenty; to instill teachings of enlightenment; to express and make wisdom manifest; to create love, so that you may find the love that you seek.Part ThreeTrack One [mp3 – 19:58 min.]Our ‘springtime’ of new beginning. The story of the “Swallows Song”. A prayer from Golden Tara creating a power portal into the new. What does accessing the Divine Feminine actually mean? Unblocking your creative flow. A transmission of peace, love and joy into the cells. The secret to enlightenment. Meditation for Joy, Passion, Strength and Focus.Track Two [mp3 – 08:14 min.]Letting your creativity flow. Transmitting energies of new creation.Track Three [mp3 – 14:35 min.]Taking the energies of new creation up an octave. Taking the old you to the new you. An energy catalyst transmission to augment and expand your creativity. Flowing freely in the water of life.Track Four [mp3 – 10:15 min.]The end, but also your new beginning. Transmissions to be as the wind beneath your wings, so that you can SOAR.Bonus 1: Meditation Matters — for Soul Expansion and Purpose Meditation Matters is designed to create foundational energy grids and deep cellular change to help you reach and manifest your soul purpose quickly. When using Search for the Golden Tara and Meditation Matters together, focus for the first three weeks of the month on the work with Golden Tara and the last week of the month listen to Meditation Matters. You can also just focus on Search for the Golden Tara for three months and then work with Meditation Matters, or vice versa. The choice is yours. Track 1: Why Meditation Matters   [mp3 – 46:48 min.]Opening to energies of new creation from the heart center of a 22-galaxy Galactic Diamond. Tipping the balance between old sabotaging patterns and the NEW. Understanding energy creation and how we tap into “God Power”. Expanding the love vibration within the heart. Track 2: Going Beyond Healing to Regenesis   [mp3 – 75:21 min.]Understanding and working with energies of the 22-galaxy Galactic Diamond. The influence of Thoth, Atlantis and axiatonal lines. The power of thoughts and how to create. Earth duality and free will. Energy protection. Taking off the blinkers and the blindfold. Expanding love into joy. Meditation to create the joy vibration. Energy transmissions to activate physical regenesis.Track 3: Accessing the Joy Vibration   [mp3 – 69:43 min.]The path of soul expansion. Going beyond limitations. Having faith and following the ‘yellow brick road’ to walk the soul’s path. Judy’s personal insights. Questions. Meditation and energy work to access the Christ/Buddha/Krishna consciousness grids. Using the Joy vibration to heal oneself and others. Opening codes leading to soul expansion. Creation information. An energy gift — a catalyst to walking your path of purpose.Track 4: Standing in the Soul’s Light   [mp3 – 39:20 min.]Understanding the sequence of how we can work to open ourselves to our highest purpose. Understanding how this program is a bridge to True Colors. Working with the Joy vibration to activate increased vitality and energy production within the mitochondria of every cell of the body.Bonus 2: 21 Blessings from the Golden Tara [mp3 – 38:24]21 Blessings from the Golden Tara was recorded as an energy experiment with Spirit while Judy was in India in 2014. It began with Judy transmitting energy and the musicians playing flute and sitar improvising along with Judy’s words. The flute solos on this recording are by Brahmarshi Patriji, the founder of Pyramid Meditation International.You will enjoy this recording and be blessed by Tara’s words. Bonus 3: Tara and the People of Mu   [mp3 – 41:04 min.]About Judy SatoriJudy Satori is an energy conduit, catalyst and activator for Spirit. Her role is to transmit energy words of new creation, designed to switch on more of our human 12-strand DNA genetic code. She is an energy conduit for Spirit, a step-down transformer between Heaven and Earth, Source and Soul. Streams of light, energy and most importantly sound flow through Judy that generate peace and love in those exposed to her work. These transmissions also activate specific changes to the human genome — the DNA instructions for human life creation and enhance physical vitality.Judy transmits through her voice, hands and eyes energy words of new creation in the form of very rapid multi-galactic languages. These languages are of God and are of love.Judy is the author of “Sunshine Before the Dawn”, a story downloaded to her by multi-dimensional Star Beings, which describes how and why human beings came to Earth from Star Nations within this galaxy.


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