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Josh Hillis – 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge

Josh Hillis – 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge
[1 ebook – mobi epub]


Uploader’s request: please don’t share this outside of elib.  Thank you!The American Council on Exercise did a study where they found kettlebell swings to be the most powerful fat burning exercise they’d ever studied. It doubled the calorie burn of either bootcamp workouts, spinning, or power yoga. This book, simply, is a 21 day challenge, with short, intense movements, based on that powerful fat loss movement. There are really two kinds of kettlebell books out there: The books by people who don’t know anything about kettlebells, who are trying to make a fat loss workout with them and capitalize on their popularity. Those programs are stupid and dangerous. The second kind of kettlebell workout program are the ones that are designed by amazing kettlebell instructors, who want to increase your military press or get you better at turkish get ups. Those are good programs, but they aren’t designed specifically for fat loss. When the 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge was originally written, it was the only really solid kettlebell program out there that was designed specifically for fat loss. Now there are others, but The 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge has a unique place in terms of it’s effectiveness for fat loss, and popularity. Thousands of people did the original 21 Day Kettlebell Swing Challenge in it’s previous self-published pdf edition, and now it’s available on Kindle. Josh Hillis is an National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer, Performance Enhancement Specialist, and Corrective Exercise Specialist. He was certified as an RKC Kettlebell Instructor in 2004, and Level 2 RKC in 2005. He was a certification assistant instructor in 2008 and 2011. He’s been featured in The Denver Post, USA Today, quoted by The Los Angeles Times, and been a featured expert in Experience Life Magazine. His blog has gotten over 5 million unique visitors.


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