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Jose M. Reyes – Death is Lurking in Your Mouth Focus on Your Teeth to Cure and Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and other Health Hazards

Death is Lurking in Your Mouth_ – Reyes, Jose M_.pdf
[ 1 ebook – 1 pdf ]

Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Holistic Dentistry Archive -Mercury Amalgam Detoxification and alternatives Group BuyGB Status OPENGB Thread HEREUPLOAD LIST – HERE Jose M. Reyes – Death is Lurking in Your Mouth Focus on Your Teeth to Cure and Prevent Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and other Health Hazards…Product DescriptionWould you like to be informed about medical science results being currently suppressed that may be affecting your health right now? Then read this. Although there are many published books and articles covering these topics, for undisclosed reasons medical and dental schools, most continuing education courses for dentists and physicians, and professional textbooks and manuals are not teaching what you may learn here. Your doctor is most likely unaware, and hence doesn’t ask about your mouth, even less take a look at it; your dentist may unwillingly be paving the road to your demise, while proudly providing an ultimate chewing machine and a beautiful smile. Here you’ll find an overview of three critical issues: “silver” (mercury) amalgams, root canals and cavitations.There are explanations of what’s going on, recommendations on what to do, a graph on the anatomy of a tooth, and six web sites pointing to dentists who are doing it the right way. More than four years of research are behind this article and others that will follow as soon as the author learn the secrets of book marketing and promotion.The diseases that are at least partially caused by mercury exposure are: MS (Multiple Sclerosis), Lupus Erythematosus, Alzheimer’s Disease, Birth Defects, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis—Lou Gehring Disease), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, Leukemia, and Diabetes Mellitus.The signs and symptoms that can be caused by mercury are seizures, abnormal reflexes, chest pains of unknown origin, chronic constipation, chronic heartburn, chronic leg cramps, coldness of hands and feet, death wishes or intents at suicide, decreased mental efficiency, depression, diarrhea, difficulty to make decisions, even simple ones, disturbed gait, emotional lability, excitability, fatigue, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), feeling of abdominal inflation (bloating), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), headaches, impaired hearing, impaired judgment and coordination, increased frequency of urination at night, insomnia, irritability, itching, loss of sex drive, memory loss, mild tremors, nervousness, paresthesias (tingling sensations in the skin), personality changes, short-term memory problems, ringing or noise in ears, shortness of breath, speech disorders, tachycardia, timidity, tremors or shakes of hands, feet, head, and visual disturbances. On neurobehavioral tests, the following measures are usually decreased: Motor speed, visual scanning, verbal and visual memory, and visuomotor coordination.The diseases that can be caused by teeth with root canals are heart and vascular diseases and disorders like endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, heart block, angina pectoris, aortitis, phlebitis, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and hypotension; blood disorders like anemia, leucopenia, leucocytosis, lymphopenia, lymphocytosis, and bacteremia; rheumatic and arthritic illnesses, nephritis, eye infections, alimentary tract and associate organ lesions involving the stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gall bladder, and appendix; acute and chronic infection of female sex organs like ovaries, tubes, uterus; menstrual period distress; Central Nervous System conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s; and cancer of any location and kind, like breast, uterus, prostate, colon, liver, lung, brain, sarcomas, lymphomas and leukemia.PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread TIMES – TBD [/size]


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