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Jonathan Livingston Seagull: The Complete Edition by Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston Seagull – The New Complete Edition
[eBook – 1PDF, 1EPUB, 1 MOBI]



As per request.A book that will help us all reach our goals.Amazon Review:”Most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight–how to get from shore to food and back again,” writes author Richard Bach in this allegory about a unique bird named Jonathan Livingston Seagull. “For most gulls it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight.” Flight is indeed the metaphor that makes the story soar. Ultimately this is a fable about the importance of seeking a higher purpose in life, even if your flock, tribe, or neighborhood finds your ambition threatening. (At one point our beloved gull is even banished from his flock.) By not compromising his higher vision, Jonathan gets the ultimate payoff: transcendence. Ultimately, he learns the meaning of love and kindness. The dreamy seagull photographs by Russell Munson provide just the right illustrations–although the overall packaging does seem a bit dated (keep in mind that it was first published in 1970). Nonetheless, this is a spirituality classic, and an especially engaging parable for adolescents. –Gail Hudson –This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.”About the Author:Since Jonathan Livingston Seagull – which dominated the #1 spot on the New York Times Bestseller List for two consecutive years – Richard Bach has touched millions of people through his humor, wisdom and insight.With over 60 million copies of his books sold, Richard Bach remains one of the world’s most beloved authors. A former USAF fighter pilot, Air Force captain and latter-day barnstorming pilot, Bach continues to be an avid aviator-author, exploring and chronicling the joys and freedom of flying, reporting his findings to his devoted fans.His most recent works include Travels with Puff, which recounts Bach’s journey from Florida to Washington state in his small seaplane, Puff, and Illusions II: The Adventures of a Reluctant Student, which incorporates Bach’s real-life plane crash.In October 2014, the never-before-published Part Four to Jonathan Livingston Seagull was published


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