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John Demartini – Value Determination Workbook

John Demartini – Value Determination Workbook.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



Dr John Demartini on ValuesYour values arise from and are therefore determined by your conscious or unconscious voids (what you perceive as most missing). What you perceive as most missing (void) in your life therefore becomes what you perceive as most important (value). Your underlying private voids drive your overlying public values. Your fulfillment means the filling of your perceptually empty voids. The hierarchy of your voids determines the hierarchy of your values. The hierarchy of your values determine how you perceive (what you selectively attend to) and how you act (what you selectively intend upon) in your world and therefore they determine your immediate destiny. Since your values change over time, your destiny therefore changes over time. The summation of your series of destinies determines your evolving life journey. Your ultimate or relatively unchanging core value dictates your infinite journey the most. Your transient, changing, crusted hierarchy of values dictates your series of transient finite destinies. The more important a value is – the higher it will be on your hierarchy of values and the more discipline and order you will have associated with it. The less important a value is – the lower it will be on your hierarchy of values and the less discipline and more disorder your have associated with it.  When you live according to your highest values you become inspired and awaken genius. When you live according to your lower values you require continuous outside motivation and you to sleep your genius. Your present purpose or mission for life will reflect your present highest values. Although determining your values can be practically useful in your daily reality, in actually, nothing is void or missing in the first place, it is only in another unrecognized form. But what you perceive to be ‘missing’ will become what seems to be “important”. So this is why our private voids give rise to your public values. You fulfill a void and value through either a perception or an action.


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