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John Demartini – 7 Powers Package

John Demartini – 7 Powers Package – Learn Online
[14 Videos – MP4, 7 CDs – MP3]



**** Exclusive ****Help us keep all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.You will absolutely be banned from this site if you share this material outside.Thanks for keeping awesome!John Demartini – 7 Powers PackageThis product Includes: + Online Masterclass:  How To Empower All 7 Main Areas Of Your Life+ 7 Powers Package========How To Empower All 7 Main Areas Of Your LifeHave you ever wondered why some people achieve great success and fulfilment in all areas of their lives, while you might be working hard but your dreams never feel empowered or fulfilled?A rare online opportunity is coming up, to join our online Masterclass, with one of the world’s Leading Authorities in Human Potential, Dr John Demartini, on how to empower all 7 main areas of your life – mental, financial, vocational, spiritual, familial, physical and social – and achieve your goals and dreams in 2016.========Thank you for registering for our Online Masterclass with Dr John Demartini on ‘Accessing your 7 Greatest Powers’!This is a rare opportunity to interact live with Dr John Demartini on a free training and learn about how to empower all 7 main areas of your life – mental, financial, vocational, spiritual, familial, physical and social – and achieve your goals and dreams in 2016! this Online Masterclass, you will discover:How to wake up your spiritual awarenessHow to be inspired and go after your dreamsHow to actively learn more effectively and expand your mindHow to make a difference and make more incomeHow to inspire your personal relationships….. and many more!Looking forward to seeing you at the event!Your event host,Pavlina PapaloukaFounder AwakenSpace EducationCoach & SpeakerOnline Masterclass organised in Cooperation with the Demartini Institute========7 Powers Package 13 videos and 51 audio tutorials in 7 modulesPackage includes 5 items: Application of Values for Achievement Online Learning Module + Building Wealth Streaming CD + Activating your Entrepreneurial Spirit Streaming CD + Activating Genius and Potential Streaming CD + Accessing Your 7 Greatest Powers Streaming CD.01 Application of Values for Achievement – Values in the 7 Areas of Life9 sessions — Based on my work in education, business, and human development, I was able to create a set of exercises to help my students realize their highest values and set their goals accordingly. I share those exercises with you in this module. The power of Values is extraordinary. The people I’ve worked with have used this approach to build businesses, find their life partners, recover from chronic pain and illness, repair relationships with spouses, parents, and children, and reconnect to their deepest spiritual callings. These exercises embody the methods I have used to create and sustain my own extraordinary life. A 9 part series with Dr Demartini focusing on each of the 7 areas of life (mental development, business empowerment, financial empowerment, physical health and well-being, social leadership and influence, familial relationships, and spiritual empowerment) and what you can do to empower all 7 areas using the application of values to do so.02 Audio Presentation – Building Wealth 12 sessions — Building Wealth Streaming CD03 Audio Presentation – Activating Your Entrepreneurial Spirit 2 sessions — Activating Your Entrepreneurial Spirit Streaming CD04 Audio Presentation – Activating Genuis and Potential 18 sessions — Activating Genuis and Potential Streaming CD05 Audio Presentation – Accessing Your 7 Greatest Powers 19 sessions — Accesing Your 7 Greatest Powers Streaming CD06 Application of Values for Achievement – Bonus Material 2 sessions — Goal Setting, Creating Vision Boards, Setting Affirmations.07 Application of Values for Achievement – Next Steps… 2 sessions — The most powerful life-solutions seminar on the planet! Created by Dr John Demartini, the Breakthrough Experience is the culmination of 43 years of interdisciplinary study where you will be introduced to two powerful processes, the Demartini Method and the Demartini Value Determination Process. Their practical applications solve issues, balance emotions and expand your life fulfilment and potential. The Breakthrough Experience will provide you with powerful solutions to help you resolve fear, depression, resentment, anger, intimidation, low self-esteem, guilt, grief or anxiety and any emotion you’d love to have stop ‘running’ your life. You will learn how to solve challenges, build relationships, clarify your purpose, achieve your goals and so much more in just two days.


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