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John A. Thomas – Principles Of Excellence

John A. Thomas – Principles Of Excellence.pdf
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Principles Of Excellence: King Solomons Masters ClassProduct DescriptionKing Solomon’s MasterclassAll that is now known, or that probably can be known, about creative achievement and personal successwas discovered by King Solomon of ancient Israel — the wisest person who ever lived — or revealed to himby divine inspiration. It is not surprising , therefore, that recent research into the working methods of someof the most highly creative individuals the world has ever known strongly suggests that they all achievedtheir immense success, no matter what their field of endeavor, by the patient and persistent application ofsome or all of the common set of quite simple yet powerful principles he identified almost three thousandyears ago.Those principles — the Principles of Excellence — were in fact systematically taught as a Masterclass bySolomon, probably the greatest genius the world has ever known, and then preserved by him for posterity,because of their immense potential importance, both artistically and economically, in the often eroticpassages of Hebrew poetry that make up the enigmatic “Song of Songs”.Solomon’s inspired masterpiece, the significance of which has long been regarded as the greatest puzzle inall literature, now forms the basis of this short course in success and creativity which aims to make thosepowerful yet deceptively simple principles once again available to any person interested in discovering anddeveloping their creative potential and achieving excellence in their chosen field.Two Kinds of CreativitySuccess in any field has to be created, and how such creative action can be initiated and controlled haslong been regarded as a mystery, yet in the “Song of Songs”, Solomon demystifies and simplifies thiscomplex subject, without recourse to elaborate psychological jargon, by identifying and describing two keyprocesses — that might be called Inspired and Practical creativity — both of which become easily understandableand deliberately manageable when we perceive, as he did, their uncanny physical parallels innature, in the growth and reproduction of plants and animals, including human beings, as we shall seelater.This uncanny connection between mental and biological creativity is no accident of some mythical evolutionaryprocess, but the result of deliberate divine design. According to the Genesis account of creation,when God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he gave them twin creative commissions: first, toreproduce and populate the Earth, after the manner of the plants and animals around them, a process ofbiological creativity; and, second, to use their minds to subdue and rule over the whole Earth, a process ofmental creativity — to investigate, hypothesise, design, invent, discover, build and beautify. These twokinds of creative action, mental and physical or biological, operate in uncannily similar ways, the formerseemingly designed to illustrate and inform the latter, and so encourage man to continue the creative workbegun by God.General speaking, all the plant and animal life with which God beautifies the Earth begins with eitherconception or fertilisation. Likewise all human creative achievement and progress depend on two parallelmental processes. A gigantic business corporation, for example begins with a thought — a conception — inthe mind of one person, and it is interesting that the word “corporation” signifies a body or organism,virtually a living thing which metaphorically has a brain, arms, legs, muscles, energy sources and allmanner of internal systems that keep it functioning. Like a living creature, that corporation can also diebut can also outlive person who conceived it. These two creative processes are recognized in inspirationalbooks in the assertions that “Whatever you can conceive and believe you can achieve” and “Every problemcontains the seed of a far greater benefit”.In essence, Solomon came to realise that the natural world, which he studied avidly, and lectured and wroteabout, is in reality a sophisticated audio-visual environment, designed by God to illustrate and explain,among other things, the principles of excellence that would enable human beings to continue the creativecommission given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden — namely, to have dominion or rulership overthe Earth and everything in and on it, and by implication to use their God-like minds to continue thecreative process, to imagine and invent, to design, build and beautify, and so make the Earth a moreinteresting and exciting place to live.Contains:Part-1: THE OPTION OF EXCELLENCE01- First Fall in Love02- Landscape Your Life03- Think Like a Shepherd04- Act Like a HorsePart-2: YOUR CREATIVE MIND05- Be Inspired06- Get a Green Bed07- Become a Nothing08- Don’t Get Mechanical09- Learn to Bleat10- Pillow TalkPart-3: BASIC BARRIERS TO EXCELLENCE11- Catch Your Foxes12- The Time Barrier13- The Thought Police14- Negative CapabilityPart-4: PRACTICAL PROJECTS & PROBLEM SOLVING15- Make metaphorical16- Be Childlike and Flexible17- Multi-sensory Imagination18- Create Appropriate Form19- The City Inside Your Head20- Your Subconscious Consultant21- Think VisuallyPart-5: PROFESSIONAL COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE22- The Creative Mood23- Think Until It Hurts24- Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan25- Keep Playing By the Rules26- Nine-nine Percent Perspiration27- Binding Commitment28- Creative PubertyPart-6: AN INVITATION TO EXCELLENCE29- Your Immense Potential30- The Invitation


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