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Joe Defranco – Strength

Joe Defranco – Strength
[5 MP4]


Quote:01 – Introduction and 02 – Breathing and Bracing are exactly the same on each dvd so i’ve just ripped them and then ripped the Bench/Squat/Deadlift parts. So watch 01 and 02 first then go onto whichever one you want. The manual isn’t available yet unfortunately.Quote: All Of the Muscle Mass, Strength, and Power You Could Ever Want!Inside The New Strength System You’ll Discover The Most Powerful Secrets, Tips, and Proven Techniques for Exploding Your Gains With ANY Program You’re On!!!The Complete Strength SystemThis revolutionary new 3-DVD and massive 350 + page manual system will revolutionize your workouts forever!Avoid the trap of thinking every thing you see in the fitness magazines will work for you. If you are ready to turn your dreams into REALITY – then look no further than the new STRENGTH system.Grabbing a workout from a magazine or from an online site is worthless if you can’t perform the essential barbell exercises the right way. In fact, you’re just setting yourself up for a big time injury and NO RESULTS. You will learn how to train for strength and muscle building gains with the right Intensity and start moving weight that you have only DREAMED of!    DON’T be that person that is constantly risking an injury in the weight room when the weights get too heavy.    DO be that person that powers through lifts with form and control that leaves everyone speechless.After you get the new STRENGTH system today, your workouts will immediately get better and your results will come much faster. You will finally learn the barbell techniques that are right for YOU and start adding more weight to the bar so you can build the muscle and strength you’ve always wanted – but has been just out of your reach.Think about it, your results skyrocket while your Injury risk plummets!Dear Athlete, Lifter, or Coach:Grant us one simple favor and read this quick story. You’ll save yourself years of wasted effort and frustration… AND immediately change your training forever! In this story of pain, redemption, and STRENGTH, you’ll learn what only the best trainers in the world have known for years.Fair enough?We’ve heard it a thousand times from every lifter, coach, and athlete coming to us for help and can still feel the desperation in their voice…The feeling of defeat and uncertainty as they struggled to achieve the results and body they’ve always dreamed of. Constantly making no progress, getting injured, and spending all of their money on worthless supplements had taken its toll on their dreams and they were at their wits end.You’ve probably hit some of the same roadblocks – am I right?The surprising ‘fix’ for everyone came down to the same problem they ALL had, but never suspected.Do This WRONG AND Get SMALLER and WEAKERThe biggest question you probably ask yourself is if all your hard work is going out the window?You’ve put your heart and soul into every program you’ve been on over the years and you still haven’t got the results you’ve wanted.You might have even grabbed the latest workout from the pages of a fitness magazine or you paid a coach or personal trainer to create a workout for you. Even though all of these programs were different, the one fact that always remained the same was that they all included some variation of the bench press, squat, and/or deadlift.By now, you’ve noticed that the problem you face with getting jacked or taking your performance to another level with all of the programs you’ve tried is that it’s not just about what’s written on the paper.For you, it’s about how you do what’s written on the paper. No amount of blood, sweat or tears will make a difference if you don’t pick the right exercises and you don’t use the right technique.Don’t feel bad, everyone is struggling with this!Up until now, you’ve probably thought that you just have to show up in the gym and bust your butt and good things will happen. Well, that’s just part of it. The real key that no one talks about is that if you start overloading heavy barbell exercises and your form breaks down – something really bad is going to happen.With every frustrated new client that comes into our gyms that is desperate to change their lives, we rededicate ourselves to teaching them the best-of-the-best techniques we’ve learned over the last 40 years to help them jumpstart their progress in the gym and help them get the most out of whatever program they’re on.This all begins with better technique with the essential barbell lifts!We know you’re frustrated and you want help which is why we’ve finally created the only strength training system that not only teaches you ‘how’ to perform the best barbell lifts, but also how YOU can perfect YOUR form.We get it. You’re tired of hitting the same weights in the gym and you’re ready to smash through your personal records and finally get the body you’ve always dreamed about.The Quick and Easy Way to Build Muscle and Get StrongerHere’s the solution you might not know about. Science has proven that the real truth about building more muscle and getting stronger is all about mechanical tension, metabolic stress, and muscular damage. These are just fancy ways of saying you have to lift heavy weights and push yourself hard with every exercise you do in the gym.Up until now, you’ve probably thought that the most critical piece of working out is the actual program – but we’re here to tell you the truth! What you’ve found out the hard way is that the program is worthless if you aren’t using the right exercises or your form sucks.It is simple, the better your form is, the more weight you can use. The more weight you can use, the stronger you’ll get and the more muscle mass you’ll put on.That is why it is so important for you to not only pick the right exercises, but for you to also use good form – especially when you start adding more weight to the bar because this is the exact time when most lifter’s form breaks down and they get crushed under the bar or they get badly injured.To build the eye-popping dense muscle you want and get strong as hell, you need to incorporate the best compound exercises – the bench press, squats, and deadlifts – into your workouts and you need to always use precise technique to make gains as fast as possible.You’ve probably seen bad form a million times or heard some crazy horror stories about some guy getting crushed under the bar.Let us end your frustration and give you unstoppable momentum in the gym.The 10/20/30 PrincipleYou WILL see massive improvements in your lifts after just two short training sessions when you apply the proven setups and techniques in the new STRENGTH System – we call this our 10/20/30 Principle. This never-fail principle says when you use the simple and easy-to-apply tips in the new STRENGTH System – you can add 10lbs to your bench press, 20lbs to your squat, and 30lbs to your deadlift in as little as two training sessions! We’re talking about adding more weight to the bar RIGHT NOW – without adding a single pound of muscle to your body.There Is No Magic Pill or ExerciseInfomercials and muscle building ads have it all wrong! They want you to believe that there are special exercises or some magic pill or some special ‘gadget’ that will help you reach greater strength, muscle mass, or performance goals – without barely any effort.We’re here to tell you the truth. There is no magic pill or “secret” exercise.To get the results you want, you need to train hard, use good form, and use progressive overload with all barbell exercises.The new STRENGTH system will give you all three of these answers and show you how to do it RIGHT for YOUR individual needs. Every lifter is different and we know that!Why is STRENGTH Different?If you want honesty, here it is.This isn’t just a book about strength. This is the most complete, time-tested, peer reviewed book ever written on the bench press, squat, and deadlift.From this point forward STRENGTH will forever be a staple in your arsenal and allow you to harness your full potential… AND MUCH MORE! We knew this was going to be a signature book in the industry so we left no stone unturned and went through the entire system with a fine-toothed comb (over 47 rewrites on the book!) – so YOU could reap the benefits.Nothing got into this manual if it didn’t pass our 4 level world-class standard:    Level 1: Make YOU the main focus and help YOU get better in the gym    Level 2: Hold nothing back and reveal all of our proven training secrets    Level 3: Back everything with science and real-world experience    Level 4: Have the system peer-reviewed and APPROVED by fitness industry leadersImagine what it took to take 40 years of combined experience, 100’s of hours of research, reviews and writing, along with 47 rewrites, tons of sleepless nights and over a year of preparation to create this game changing 350 + page manual and 3-DVD system.Plus, the entire system was put together with a professional video production company and a graphic designer – making STRENGTH unlike anything you’ve ever seen!STRENGTH Will Work for You!You will see that the real genius of STRENGTH is that you will be able to dial-in your specific technique form for the bench, squat, and deadlift AND immediately make your workouts better and extremely effective.Regardless, if you are too tight, have a bad setup, are weak in certain phases of a barbell lift, or you just can’t figure out why you’re having problem – STRENGTH will help you achieve results faster than ever before.


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