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Jim Steffen – Aligned Thinking – Make Every Moment Count

Jim Steffen – Aligned Thinking – Make Every Moment Count.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


Jim Steffen – Aligned Thinking – Make Every Moment CountBook DescriptionPublication Date: January 3, 2006 | Series: Blanchard, KenModern life is filled with frustrations — too much work, too many interruptions, not enough personal time, and an increasing sense of losing control and meaning. “Aligned Thinking offers a simple, sensible remedy. The key lies in three questions: “How do I get the most from the only thing I control — my actions now?”; “With the many options I have, how do I stay focused on what I really want?”; and “What do I really want from life and work?” Written in the style of a simple fable, the book invites readers to join Ray and Carol Walters as they learn to apply the techniques of “Aligned Thinking to their own lives. Together, they discover how to understand their priorities and develop practical ways to focus on what’s important. Equally good for at work or at home, “Aligned Thinking helps partners communicate and grow closer, allowing them to reduce stress and increase productivity, motivation, morale, and, most important, satisfaction.Editorial ReviewsReviewThis warm, wonderful book shows you how to align every part of your life . . . It makes you a new person! — Brian Tracy, author of national bestsellers Eat That Frog! and Time PowerAbout the AuthorDr. R. James Steffen, President and Founder of Steffen, Steffen & Associates, Inc. is an internationally known author, speaker and consultant/trainer. He is recognised as an expert in Aligned Thinking/Time Mastery, leadership, productivity and Successful Partnering, which focuses on creating very satisfied/loyal customers. Because of his record of accomplishment, he has had opportunities to work with more than 140 Fortune 500 companies across a broad array of industries. This review is from: Aligned Thinking: Make Every Moment Count (Blanchard, Ken) (Hardcover)The easiest self-help book to read and implement, that has ever come along. You’ll wish they taught Aligned Thinking in Grade School. Provides you with the true confidence in knowing that all your daily actions are most important to you! The principles are so easy to implement, your chores become an adventure! No pushing through your comfort-zone, because what’s most important to you IS YOUR COMFORT ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!Go get a few copies and pass them around to your friends NOW! This review is from: Aligned Thinking: Make Every Moment Count (Blanchard, Ken) (Hardcover)The book made me “stop and smell the roses”. My schedule seems to mirror that of Ray’s, and even though I have an understanding “Carol”, time waits for no man. The excessive hours at work taking precious time away from family and friends is truly a wakeup call. I plan on “budgeting” my time and “make every moment count” and getting in more “R & R” with my wife and family. It reminded me of the old story I heard about the man who was told he had two weeks to live and his comment was “gee, I wish I spent more time at the office”. I hope to follow my “MIN” and enjoy life to its fullest.This review is from: Aligned Thinking: Make Every Moment Count (Blanchard, Ken) (Hardcover)To determine what you really want and work toward it, use the tools of “aligned thinking” – including the “MIN” or “most important now” secret – to reframe your attitude about your work and personal life. Tying your work to your long-term goals will make you more motivated to do things you once thought of as chores. The secret of success, according to author Jim Steffen, is to make every moment part of your master plan. In other words, “be here now.” You have heard that advice before, but this book describes how to apply it. This is a short book (and could have been shorter), but nonetheless, it imparts useful techniques for getting more out of your time and life. Steffen takes you through a basic prioritizing and time management process to help you clarify where you’re going in life, how to get there and how your daily tasks fit that goal. We recommend this book to you if you’ve really never sat down before to figure out your deepest desires and how to attain them.


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