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Jim Rohn – Success Strategies (Re-Up)

Jim Rohn – Success Strategies1
[6 Tapes, Ripped to: 12 MP3s; 3 Jpg, 1 Pdf, 1 Txt] (Re-Up)


Jim Rohn – Success StrategiesTwelve Sessions to Bring You Greater Wealth and HappinessPublisher; Nightingale Conant6 Cassette Tapes, Ripped as:12 MP3s @ 192 KBps VBR, 44KHz, 16 Bit StereoTotal Run Time; 5 hrs, 1 Min, 23 Sec.Based on the best-selling paperback; Seven Strategies for Wealth & Happiness by Jim Rohn.Quote:NOTE: This is a re-upload of one of my earlier products. I was notified of some fading issues on Track #11, so I have re-recorded it, and updated the ID tags. If you have the original product, you only need to download track 11. I’ll delete the original product in a month or so.This is the latest victim in my ongoing project of digitizing my audio cassette library. Since tape rips tend to be a bit noisy, I used a higher encoding than I normally use (192 vbr), and ran it thru some filters like click; noise, and hiss removal, automatic gain control and speech enhancement. So while the quality may not be perfect, it is pretty good.————————————————(This review refers to the paperback of the same name)I just finished reading 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness, by Jim Rohn and I have to say it’s one of the best books about personal success that I’ve read.  I really recommend this book to anyone that is looking for ways to improve their lives.  It has so many great points, laid out in a way that anyone can understand and get excited about.Jim Rohn was one of the leading motivational speakers of our time.  He recently passed away, but he left a legacy of inspiration and coaching that will not be forgotten.You’ll often hear Tony Robbins talk about Jim Rohn, one of his early mentors to which he credits much of his success.  Some others that have been influenced by Jim include Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and T.  Harv Eker.In 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness, Rohn lays out seven strategies that you can use to achieve the success you desire.  He draws on his life’s experience, and the lessons learned from his mentor Earl Shoaff, an Entrepreneur that Rohn went to work for at the age of 25.  He refers to the day he met Shoaff as “The Day that Turned My Life Around.”Jim Rohn proceeds to show you how he learned these lessons, and how he was able to change his attitude to apply these in his life and make the drastic changes necessary to reach the high goals he set for himself.The 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness are:Unleash the power of goalsSeek knowledgeLearn how to changeControl your financesMaster timeSurround yourself with winnersLearn the art of living wellRohn teaches these strategies using conversations he had with his mentor to talk about the mistakes he made in his life, and the lessons learned to become a millionaire at the age of 31.  He doesn’t talk only about being financially successful, but as the title states he teaches how to be Wealthy AND Happy.——————————————-1 How to Be a Bigger WinnerChoose the lifestyle of achievers. Develop the critical advantages that lead you to major accomplishments and prosperity. How to attract opportunity and begin a stronger, more successful life today.2 The Art of Setting GoalsDesigning your new life. How carefully chosen goals can create your future. Find out how the top achievers choose and refine their goals. A four-step formula for abundant wealth and happiness.3 Your Goal-Setting WorkshopProfit from learning the source of unending inspiration. Participate in a step-by-step process of choosing and clarifying your goals. Put the job of winning to work for you. How to set priorities.4 Your Search for KnowledgeHow to find the ideas and information that can revolutionize your life. Capturing skills. Your three treasures. Reflecting. What plan of life to “buy.” You gain three easy ways to learn from others.5 The Power of Personal DevelopmentThe secret ingredient-what you’re really paid for on any job. How to multiply your earnings by two, three or more without working more hours. Major lessons about the cycles of your life.6 The Power of Personal Development (cont’d)How to leave self-limitations behind. Where to seek the growth you desire. How to discover, build, and profit from your greatest strengths. Where to find and how to develop the kind of motivation you want.7 Achieving Financial IndependenceA simple, consistent plan for putting even modest funds to work to create wealth. Personal capitalism. How to deal with taxes. Preserving your capital. Charity. Investing.8 Achieving Financial Independence (cont’d)How to apply the “subtlety of wealth” formula. Make the most important decisions that lead to abundant prosperity. Developing your new attitude toward wealth.9 Managing Time and EffortThe most important factor in time management. A way to keep “on. target” with your priorities. Using your “major time” and “minor time” more effectively. Concentration. Delegation. Phone tips. New self-management tools. Four major ways to “think on paper.”10 How Others Can Help YouHow to find and associate with people who will give you positive influence, inspiration and strength. Limited association. Ex­panded association. Disassociation. How to arrange and profit from an intellectual feast.11 The Cultivation of LifestyleDon’t just learn how to get rich; learn how to live! How to put style and special enjoyment into every day with love, self-esteem, happiness, friendship and imagination.12 The Day That Turns Your Life AroundDissatisfaction with what you’ve got… Decision that you want to change … Desire to change … Action to make the change … and Resolve to make it lasting. These things combined, create the day that turns your life around.


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