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Jim Knippenberg – Forgotten Love Spells Of Ancient Hawaii

Forgotten Love Spells Of Ancient Hawaii by Jim Knippenberg.mp4
[1 DVD – MP4]



This is one of the bonuse DVD that comes with the Casanova Course!GB Link: Link: Love Spells Of Ancient Hawaii Jimmy recorded a BONUS DVD on how to do Psychic Influence in person or at a distance! I know if you’re like me, many of you are going to want the entire course just to GET THIS BONUS DVD!!! Here’s just some of the goodies on this BONUS DVD: Necessary Step for Intelligent Remote Influence! How to get an unfair advantage over the “Average Joe” out there who wants to meet women Simple lessons from a tree leaf that teaches you about psychic connections so you can use remote influence with women How to use “Bait” to covertly infiltrate her energy field even when you’re not around! How many people screw themselves up while trying to do Remote Influence and how to PROTECT YOURSELF instead! Trigger THIS first, and her lust for you will get activated “accidentally” How to do covert placement of thoughtforms that bypass her conscious mind to make her more attracted to you How to PROJECT your energy field to her bedroom, while she sleeps, and her conscious defenses are out of the way! How to HIJACK her energy field so you can REPROGRAM the way she feels about you!!! How to get answers from her subconscious mind, even if she’s 1000 miles away! How to use remote hypnosis to plant your suggestions deep inside her subconscious mind! How to draw virtually anyone you desire to you When NOT to influence her, and how to know the difference! Is she TRULY happy with her boyfriend? Here’s how to find out BEFORE you go talk with her! How to program simple and inexpensive gifts so she has obsessive thoughts about you! THANKS TO ALL THE CONTRIBUTERS!!!


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