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Jim Humble – Understanding MMS

Understanding MMS
[1 AVI]


Program Description:History will record the term “MMS” as a phrase coined by an American adventurer, Jim Humble, who discovered how a simple chemical compound and powerful oxidizer, chlorine dioxide (ClO2), could be effectively used to reduce toxicity within the human body, as it has been done commercially and industrially for decades. Adam films segment with Jim Humble on location in Kino, Mexico In this documentary video, Adam Abraham visits with Jim Humble in Hermosillo, Mexico to learn about chlorine dioxide. He is introduced to others who have first-hand experience with MMS, including Professor Antonio Romo Paz of the University of Sonora, who successfully treated a man with tuberculosis using the protocol.Later he journeyed to Tijuana to interview Dr. John Humiston, who uses MMS in both his practice, and personal life. The understandings you gain from this program can change your life!Other resources on MMS: Note:If you do a search for Miracle Mineral Solution in google you’ll find thousands of success stories from people using MMS to treat various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and proteins including AIDS, HIV, cancers, diabetes, Hepatitis A, B and C, Typhoid, BSE (Mad Cow Disease), Herpes, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Allergies, Colds and Flu’s, including H5N1 (Bird Flu) and a range of other diseases cured. It basically serves to destroy all known pathogens within the body without harming the healthy cells. In the case of Malaria alone, more than 75 000 documented success stories are available. I know it sounds too good to be true and understand completely if you’re skeptical. Most people would be, including myself. Although after reading about 50 independent success stories from all kinds of diseases I decided to give it a shot myself and even though I’m fairly healthy, I could probably use a detox from all the poisons my body has accumulated over the years. If you have a serious disease, please investigate this for yourself and don’t dismiss it based on ignorance alone, its cheap, its easy and it works.All the best to you and to your health,Zewlz


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