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[1 eBook – EPUB, MOBI]


Book DescriptionI recently wrote a book about my self experiments with extremely high doses of the sunshine hormone Vitamin D3. ANd in my research I always suspected that high dose D3 should quickly cure Lupus. The book recently recieved a review from a Lupus sufferer which I post as follows:Quote:I am very fortunate to have found this ebook. I had a Vit D test on July 25, 2013 and my test number was 18. It did not surprise me because I have been at these low numbers for years and did nothing about it. My doctors were never concerned about it and neither was I since I did not know better. I am female and 54 years old. In 1997 my body started falling apart and fifteen doctors and thousand of dollars spent trying to find a solution to my medical problems. I was referred to different doctors for different problems. I have discoid lupus on my scalp which caused quite a bit of hair loss, horrible skin breakouts and lesions on my scalp, face, chest and arms. I started loosing my eyegrows and eyelashes. Talk about severe stress. I was at stage 5 adrenal fatigue, take thyroid medication and of course medication for the lupus problems. I could not heal with the different medications I took or the healthy foods I ate. I became allergic to the sun. If I did go outside I would break out in welts on my exposed skin. I found the e book and started taking 10,000 of Vitamin D3 with the K2 the following Monday. Four weeks later I had another blood test and my Vitamin D level was at 58. I am now seven weeks taking my Vitamin D3. My eyelashes, eyebrows and hair have started growing back in. I still have a way to go growing my scalp hair back in though. All of my welts have healed!! Nothing I did before would heal my skin. My skin is now very supple, it feels as if I have tons of lotion on. I had a root canal done two weeks ago and was put on penicillin for 10 days (endodontist said I had this problem for over a year) and for 5 of those days I stopped the Vitamin D3. My entire body started hurting again. I felt so bad. I immediately started my vitamins again and I was back to my old self again the next day. I am now able to spend time out in the sun again. It feels so good. Last week I spend time weeding my garden and got bit by several mosquitos. Usually these bites are very uncomfortable and I scratch my skin until it bleeds. NOT this time. I was bit and I did not feel any discomfort whatsoever. My skin never swelled from the bites nor did they itch. For me that was amazing. I have a doctors appointment soon and I will ask for a thyroid test and d level test to see where I am at. I want to get off of my medications. I have been wanting to up my Vitamin D3 to 20-30,000 UI. I still have a way to go. I have a bone spur and some other medical issues I want healed. The vitamins I now take are Andrews Lessmans Vitamin D3-2000UI (10,000) K1/K2 (1000), Calcium(2500) Magnesium (1200) per day. Again, thanks for the valuable information provided to us. I am planning to put my husband and brother on this program. They both need it! **My present doctor is learning as much as he can from me. I am his only patient that he knows of taking this much Vitamin D and he has noticed the huge improvement.I am expect that it will work for you..if you just give it a shot.The book “The Miraculous Results of Extremely High Doses of Vitamin D3” is here:


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