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Jeff Munroe – The Power Sleep Program

[3 PDFs, 2 MP3s]


The Power Sleep ProgramGB Thread: few people are truly happy with their sleep quality and energy levels. Unfortunately, most people assume “that’s just the way it is.” In reality, poor sleep and low energy levels are completey curable — you just have to know the right tricks.This article will show you those “tricks”. It will show you how to obtain superhuman levels of energy, so that you can live happier and be more productive.But first, take a moment to imagine a life where…You’re never tiredYou never yawnYou wake up each morning before your alarm clock (with a jolt of energy)Your eyes are always wide open. You never feel drowsy.You have several hours of effortless productivity every day.And need about 6 hours of sleep per night (or less)How is it that some people can get by just fine on 6 hours of sleep or less?You probably know someone like this.These people often brag about how they slept only 4 hours last night.These people seem to be OVERFLOWING with energy… As if they just suck in energy from the air around them.These people are naturally productive. They don’t use “will power” or “self-discipline” to fight through everyday tasks – motivation and productivity are their NATURAL, default states. To them, productivity just happens.After a few years I felt completely burned out. No motivation. No energy. My tank was on empty.Tell me if any of this sounds familiar:I had a hard time getting out of bed each morning.I would often sleep 10 hours or more and STILL feel tiredEveryday tasks felt like a chore.I couldn’t quite figure out my “sleep schedule”. I would sometimes stay up several hours past my usual bedtime before I could fall asleep. I would wake up 1-2 hours later each day. Any attempt at resetting my “sleep clock” fell flat.My mental focus became worse and worse.I fell into the same routine every day. I was living life reactively, not proactively.Weeks (and months) would go by without me making any measurable progress in life or on my goals.You see, the problem is that when you’re stuck in a rut like this, you can’t even find the energy to get yourself out of the rut. You might as well be stuck in a well.Sure, I half-heartedly tried some of the basics:I tried getting more sleep. But like I said, I could sleep 10 hours and still feel like a zombie stuck on auto-pilotI tried quitting caffeine, but that never lasted long.I tried waking up early, but always turned off the alarm in my sleep.This became too frustrating to handle. Well… the good news is there’s a solution. A relatively simple solution.It largely comes down to sleep quality.Not quantity, but quality.As you probably know, your brain enters different sleep stages while you sleep:Light Sleep – Also known as stage 1 and 2Deep Sleep – Also known as stage 3 and 4REM Sleep – the “special” stage of sleep where dreaming occurs.All too often people struggle with tiredness and lack of motivation because of too much light sleep and too little deep sleep and REM.If you’ve ever adopted the following myths, you’re likely going about energy/productivity improvement the wrong way:Myth 1: Your energy levels are solely determined by how much sleep you get. If you feel tired, you need more sleep.I now sleep about 6 hours per night, yet I have more energy than when I slept 10 hours per night. Deep sleep, REM, and neurotransmitter/hormone balance is far more important than sleep amount.Myth 2: Quitting caffeine is necessary for more energy and better sleep.Many people try to quit caffeine to regain their natural energy. Caffeine is much more complicated than that. When taken at the right time in the right amounts, caffeine can be mostly harmless. If you are suffering from low energyMyth 3: Waking up in the morning with a jolt of energy requires self-discipline.Many people struggle with energy in the morning. They try to fix this by “training” themselves to wake up to alarm clocks, or they immediately go for the cup of coffee. When your hormone cycles are working perfectly, you’ll receive a morning jolt of energy without any effort. The morning hours are meant to be the happiest, most energetic hours of the day.Myth 4: Mental focus and productivity require self-discipline.It amazes me how many people try to adopt some “productivity system” to get the most hours out of the day. In reality, if your dopamine levels are at a nice, steady high, productivity will just happen. Life really doesn’t have to be hard when your body’s is working with you.Myth 5: Poor sleep quality, insomnia, and difficulty falling asleep are the result of some psychological “disorder”.Many people try to fall asleep by forcing it. But your brain’s natural sleep mechanism doesn’t respond to “effort”.In reality, sleep quality is largely determined by a healthy serotonin system, as well as healthy melatonin production. It’s true that psychology plays a part, but its role is not as big as many people think.When you optimize your serotonin and melatonin systems, naturally high quality sleep just happens. No effort or willpower is required when your brain chemistry is working for you instead of against you. Again, if you’ve adopted these myths (I know I have), don’t feel bad — but realize that believing these myths is precisely the wrong way to go about maximizing your energy levels.Over the years I had to struggle with finding the right way to go about this problem. But once you know the right way, it’s easy — everything fits together nicely like puzzle pieces.It doesnt matter if you sleep too little or too much — if you have low energy and want to fix it, you have to find the right way to go about it.Once I figured out the right way it was only a matter of weeks until I … Doubled my energyLiterally tripled my productivityAnd was getting by just fine on 6 hours of sleep (without an alarm clock).In fact, if I really have to, I can get by on 4 hours and STILL have more energy than I used to. I’ve found that I can’t really do 4-5 hours per night consistently, but when times are tough it sure is nice to sleep that little and function perfectly fine during the day.The combination of tripling my productivity AND gaining an extra 2 hours each day has been enormously powerful. And this isn’t about “self-discipline” or “will-power”. “Getting things done” is just something that HAPPENS when you’re in the right mental state.Sleep is more powerful than most of us realize. There’s literally a fountain of pure energy just waiting to be used. But without maximizing the ever-important Deep Sleep and REM stages, you’re letting much of that energy go to waste each night.Learning to obtain this kind of powerful sleep is certainly one of the most useful and overlooked life skills you can have.Here’s what’s been included in the program:Learn every trick, technique, hack, and unknown “secret” to increase your body’s Deep Sleep and REM amounts, while spending less time in Light Sleep.Double your energy. Eliminate tiredness completely and get back to having a natural “zest” for life.Triple Your Productivity. Motivation and productivity are not as dependent upon “will power” or “self-discipline” as we’ve been led to believe. By obtaining powerful sleep you’ll enter a state of mind where motivation and productivity just happen.Wake Up With Ease. Another common misconception is that waking up takes self-discipline. The Power Sleep program will reveal the exact methods to stabilizing your “sleep clocks” (in just 1-3 days) so that you wake up effortlessly with a massive jolt of energy.Completely fix all your “sleep schedule” problems in just a few days. I know how frustrating it is to have a runaway sleep schedule. You feel tired at the wrong times. And you feel awake at the wrong times. The good news is that fixing your sleep schedule is easier than you think.Overcome “Insomnia Anxiety” and fall asleep easily. Eliminating those feelings of insomnia anxiety — the fear that you won’t be able to fall asleep in time — is easy. Sleep is like romance. You can’t force it to happen, you can only set the stage and let nature take its course. The Power Sleep Program will show you how to “set the stage” so that sleep happens naturally and effortlessly.Get a full 16 to 18 hours each day of laser-focused mental clarity. You don’t have to spend hours each day in a mental fog. Power Sleep will enable your brain to maintain alertness and focus for extended periods of time.Overcome your “zombie auto-pilot”. Without proper deep sleep, your decision making becomes less proactive and more reactive. This can often be due to a poor serotonin system and low dopamine levels, since dopamine is responsible for impulsiveness (too little impulsiveness and your days tend to run together. A dopamine high will give you just enough impulsiveness to live each day uniquely and to its fullest.) If you’ve ever gone several months in the same routine, making little to no progress on your goals, then the Power Sleep Program will enable you to get on the right track.Increase overall health. One of the key techniques in the Power Sleep Program is using lifestyle tricks to increase levels of melatonin during sleep. Aside from being one of the main factors in deep sleep amount, the hormone melatonin has powerful healing and anti-cancerous properties (it has 60 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin C).Be in command of your own emotions. One of the first things you’ll notice after a few days on the Power Sleep Program is that you’ll be more in control of your thoughts and emotional state. No more feeling imprisoned by your own mind.Wake up early in the morning BEFORE your alarm. Discover the secrets of your internal sleep clock and effortlessly reprogram it to wake up as early as you want. Learn to work with your body’s sleep mechanism instead of against it.Train your brain to need just 6 hours of sleep or less per night. The Power Sleep program will teach you how to squeeze the important stages of sleep into less time. All the lifestyle techniques in the guide have been used by myself to go from a 8.5 – 10 hour sleeper to a fairly consistent 6 hour sleeper (and I don’t use an alarm clock). 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