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Jeff Anderson – Easy 3 Day Detox

Jeff Anderson – Easy 3 Day Detox
[ 4 PDFs – 1 MP3 ]


The #1 cleansing rule (that even the most famous Hollywood celebrities don’t know) about how to achieve long term “purity” within the body! Page 11 The two pathways that environmental toxins seep into your bloodstream without you even knowing it! (Warning: One of these ways is completely under your control and like a wide open back door exposing you to all sorts of ailments!) Pages 7-8 The little know cleansing secret that primes your body to lose as much as5 POUNDS in a single day…without exercise or starving yourself! Page 15 SCARY places poisons are hiding away in your body (that you’re totally unaware of!) and how to flush them once and for all to set yourself free from fear of disease. Page 17 Government LIES! How you were “brainwashed” since grade school to fall for this “federal conspiracy” that’s still keeping you fat, dumb, and SICKLY! Pages 12 & 44 The “liver connection” that absolutely destroys your skin – making you look years older than you really are. Page 27 “Brain Detox” – how to achieve amazing clarity…increase productivity… and operate all day long with laser-like mental focus! Page 29 Destroy daytime fatigue by doing the exact opposite of what your fellow toxic-zombies at work are doing to stay awake and alert! Pages 51-52 Cleansing gone wild! How trendy Detox programs you’ve probably read about in magazines or seen on television can actually do more harm…and make you even fatter! Pages 34-41 Combat joint and back pain (and even arthritis!) by saying“NO!” to this common food lurking in your refrigerator right now. Page 47 Suffer from menopausal or perimenopausal symptoms? It could be because of this hidden cause on page 7 . Besides the natural relief you’ll feel from your detox, pay close attention to this tip on page 8 that will help you get yourhot flashes and other hormone-related discomforts in check! This common diet item is turning guys into girly men! Even worse, it’s causing soft, large breasts and increasing your risk of prostate cancer! That’s why we help you break free from its white-knuckle grip on your testosterone production! Pages 49-50 Beautiful skin again! Your skin is actually your largest “filter” on your body for both protecting your insides as well as getting rid of internal toxins. Then why do we do so much to stop this process from happening naturally? Your 3-day detox will open this channel up again and make you look years younger in the process! Page 27 Get “happy” without prescription drugs! The neurological effects of toxins in your body on mental health is largely ignored by a medical community that’s more than happy to push out anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills. Eliminate these toxins from your body and experience the natural joy and contentment once again without relying on medicines! Page 32 Stop exposing your family to these four skin and soap ingredients! They’re linked to serious health problems for men, women, and children. Do you really want your kids showering with these? Page 27 How you’ve “trained” your colon to be lazy! (You think this is helping but in fact, you’re only setting yourself up for a lifetime of digestive problems and irritable bowel syndrome! This Easy 3-Day Detox will get your “insides” back in top condition and working naturally once again! Page 39 Learn what the single common factor is in ALL ILLNESSES – and what you’re doing all day long to harvest it within your body. Page 48 The “dark side” of dieting…and why it can actually create a toxic environment that actually causes you to get fatter! Page 17 The secret lobbyist plot that’s lining corporate wallets with massive amounts of money…and lining your hips, butt and thighs with massive amounts of cellulite! You’re actually 2-3 inches thinner than what you see in the mirror… and you’ll discover the secret to slimming down fast. Your nervous system is under attack! How to cut off enemy lines that are plotting a massive ambush of neurological and neuromuscular disorders in your future! Page 17 Colon cleansing scams revealed! How Detox supplement companies have pulled the wool over the eyes of innocent consumers by actually creating a “smoke & mirrors” illusion of waste in your body. Pages 35-42 Which popular over-the-counter supplement can virtually shut down your digestive system, causing gas, bloating and potentially catastrophic bowel problems? Page 39 Type II Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, and Arthritis, Insulin Resistance, Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies…all linked to this one common food that’s threatening your livelihood and well-being! Page 46 Sex enemies! Your passion in the bedroom could be short-circuited by this sluggish organ. The Easy 3 Day Detox will finally free it from its toxic chokehold and you can watch the sparks fly between the sheets once again! Page 16 Eliminate dangerous pain medications by getting to the root cause! Inflammation in your body is major cause of the pain you may be dealing with on a daily basis. Your doctor told you to take over-the-counter pain meds…and they’re silently destroying your long term wellness! Free yourself from pain naturally using the simple approach covered in detail in Easy 3-Day Detox!. How one user saved up to $700 per month in vitamin and mineral supplements using the same principles covered in the Easy 3-Day Detox program! Page 67 Product Page:


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