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Jason Vale – The Juice Master: Turbo-Charge Your Life in 14 Days

The juice master – Turbo charge your life in 14 days.pdf
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Jason Vale  – The Juice Master: Turbo-Charge Your Life in 14 DaysProduct Details    Paperback: 256 pages    Publisher: Thorsons Publishers (April 2005)    Language: English    ISBN-10: 0007194226    ISBN-13: 978-0007194223Editorial ReviewsReview’What made me change was reading a book by Jason Vale. He was the first person who said ‘It’s up to you!’ ANNE DIAMOND in The Daily Mail ‘Your book has been invaluable to me and has changed my way of thinking completely. I feel enlightened and lucky to have come across you in my life journey. If you’re in Harrogate sometime, maybe we could meet over a fresh cup of!juice! Thanks again bud.’ Ramesh Mehay ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you for your brilliant book!Even my husband, who is very much an ‘eat as little fruit and veg as possible’ kind of person, is reading the book and, after just a few days of cutting out the rubbish, is ‘hooked’ on this way of thinking and eating.’ Lynne Pritchard E-mails from readers of Slim 4 Life: ‘I discovered Slim 4 Life via a display in Waterstones. The bright yellow cover and the extraordinarily healthy looking bloke pictured caught my eye. As soon as I began reading the first page I realised that here was something different. And I loved your style of writing- straight forward, humorous and really interesting. I couldn’t put it down!I am slowly converting my office with my enthusiasm. Added to which they can see the improvement in my skin and weight loss (8lbs in 4 weeks- yippee!). They have all noticed as well that I am eating loads of food- certainly not starving myself like half the girls in the office! So far, 2 girls and 1 guy have bought your book- and two have already bought a juicer.’ Erica Raby, Blackpool ‘I’ve just finished reading your book Slim 4 Life. Wow!! Many, many thanks. I’m recommending it to all my friends.’ Hilary BainesAbout the AuthorJason Vale, the Juice Master, is a successful health and lifestyle coach and TV presenter. A fantastic advert for what he preaches: fit and healthy, he is a former chocolate-bingeing, lager-drinking chain smoker who has turned his life around, and since 1994 he has personally helped thousands of people destroy their cravings for the unhealthy products we’re addicted to. His seminars are consistently sold out. Find more about this book here:


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