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Jason Hanson – Impenetrable Home Defense

Jason Hanson – Impenetrable Home Defense
[18 Videos – MP4, 3 eBooks – PDF, 1 Audio – MP3]


Description 3 critical items NOT in your home right now that you must have to stop a deadly home invasionA former CIA Officer reveals why these 3 items are crucial and how he uses them to make his own home virtually intruder-proof.Quote:Dear Friend,It’s May 5, 2013… A family in Dallas, Texas is asleep in their home. At midnight, multiple masked intruders storm the home and they’re met by the homeowner’s son. The son gets into a violent struggle with the intruders and is beaten with a rifle. A local newspaper reported he:Was beaten so badly he’s unrecognizable.Hearing their son fight for his life, the homeowner and his wife rush out of their bedroom. Immediately, the wife is brutally attacked. The husband tries to intervene but he’s shot in the chest and killed. The intruders flee, leaving the husband dead and the wife and son barely able to move.Here are the son’s heartbreaking words after watching his father get murdered in front of him…Right now, I’m suffering the loss of my dad…I lost my heart.I pray this never happens to you.But unfortunately, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, 1 out of every 5 homes will be the victim of a break-in or home invasion. And get this: 38% of violent assaults and 60% of rapes occur during a home invasion.But I didn’t create this presentation to give you a bunch of statistics.My name is Jason Hanson.I’m a former CIA Officer and the author of “The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry”. I just appeared on the ABC TV show, Shark Tank and I’ve been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and Fox News, to name a few.The reason I created this presentation is so you or a loved one NEVER becomes the victim of a horrific home invasion.After all, as a husband and father, I know I would never forgive myself if criminals burst into my home and assaulted my wife and daughter because I didn’t know how to stop them.That’s why you must know the 3 critical items (that I can almost guarantee you DO NOT have) that will help keep your family from suffering a home invasion.Keep in mind…What I’m about to share with you has nothing to do with buying a bulletproof door or spending $150,000 on a safe room. Sure, that’s great for millionaires and billionaires but what I’m talking about are simple and inexpensive items that ordinary Americans can use to protect their homes.Here’s what I mean:The Front Door: Where 70% of invasions occurThe first item I want to share with you could have prevented the Dallas home invasion I just mentioned, and that father might still be alive today. You see, over 70% of home invasions occur through a doorway, whether it’s the front door or back. But for the vast majority of Americans, the only line defense on their doors is a deadbolt. All your entry doors should have a deadbolt. But the thing is,the typical exterior door jam is made of woodand is about ¾ of an inch thick.In other words, it’s easily kicked in by intrudersand this happens every single day.For instance, according to a local news station in Phoenix, AZ…Enrique Montes, 59, was shot to death with a sawed-off shotgun about 12:30 a.m. Several armed suspects forced entry into the home by kicking down a door.My point is, a deadbolt is easily defeated and won’t save you from a home invasion; even if you use three-inch screws and reinforce the strike plate.So if your deadbolt won’t protect you, what should you do?Well, most people aren’t aware there’s a simple device that prevents intruders from busting through your door.  You’ve probably never heard of it because I’ve never seen it mentioned on TV…I’ve also never heard another security professional talk about it. This device has nothing to do with any type of alarm system and it doesn’t require you to alter your current door or buy a new one.In fact, the device is only 10.5 inches long and weighs lessthan two pounds. Best of all, it doesn’t cost a fortune.For less than $45 you can almost guarantee an intruderwon’t be able to kick their way into your home.


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