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Jason Capital – Status Unleashed

Status Unleashed
[Web – 9 MP4s]



Status Unleashed from Jason CapitalThis is Status Unleashed, released late in 2016. The “original Status” was released 2014Quote:Secrets Of The World’s Most High Status MenThat The Media Is Keeping Secret From You..Wasn’t I all about goal setting? He couldn’t believe it:“We need to take about what matters. The TRUE key to your success in 2017, not a list of resolutions.”Because New Year’s Resolutions don’t work. You and I both know that.They’re the reason why fat people stay fat and broke people stay broke, every year.And what’s worse is that Forbes reports more people making resolutions than people watching the Super Bowl, with a only measly 8% success rate to show for it. Coincidence? Nope, not even in the slightest.If you can relate to not achieving your resolutions, this page was written with YOU in mind..And if you’ll stay with me here, I’m going to UNLEASH what you’ve been missing, revealing:1My 9-Step STATUS BlueprintEver wonder how Trump was able to secure the presidency and have business deals HANDED TO HIM on a silver platter, DESPITE going bankrupt multiple times? You’re about to find out 9 reasons why and how you can leverage them for yourself in 2017..2Automatic High-STATUS INSTALLATION.Tricks of the trade that guys like myself, George Clooney, and Brad Pitt have used for years now to making yourself MAGNETIC to more money, more sex, and stronger relationships.. (all with using nothing but yourself!)3The TRUTH about goal setting in 2017.Why you current goals are keeping you stuck on the hamster wheel of life, and a breakthrough system that works for YOU in an ever-changing reality, 10XING your results with women, money, and respect from the get go..See, it’s one thing to read about it, it’s completely different FEELING the transformation happen.And that’s why I’m offering you a FRONT ROW SEAT at this event, skipping the airfare, the annoying traffic, and get all 11 hours of HD content from the comfort of your own home with a scientifically proven TRANSFORMATION of a lifetime, or your money back, guaranteed.When are you going to stoplying to yourself?”Who is Jason Capital?Jason Capital is America’s Honest Dating Coach. His private clientele include celebrated actors, best-selling authors and tech investors.His 170,000 loyal customers and fans on 6 big continents swear by his life-changing programs, including his magnum opus, STATUS UNLEASHED.You know what I’m talking about:You keep telling yourself that “things will be different” every year.But are they ever really that different? Or is it just more and more of the same?See, getting into the habit of setting goals and NOT achieving them is the fast lane to mediocrity.Because when you set a goal and don’t achieve it, it trains your subconscious to not trust you anymore, and it makes it so obvious to everyone around you, that they stop trusting you too.And one of the first thing I’m going to teach you is how to change that, for good.Because not achieving goals is a vicious cycle that CUTS DEEP once realized.In fact, let me take it further, can you relate to this at all?There was a point in my life where I felt like I was in a show for others’ amusement.I was anxiety-ridden around women and a VIRGIN at 20..I was embarrassed to check my bank account balance, afraid I couldn’t pay rent..I had a social life so pitiful even my mom was asking why I was staying in on a Saturday..Everything I tried, from different trainings to Tony Robbins’ affirmations, failed miserably.It wasn’t because of my looks, my money, or my knowledge..It was something much simpler.And it wasn’t until after I randomly stumbled upon it one day did I realize it.What was I missing?And it’s what we’re going to use today to make 2017 the best year of your fvcking life.When you can finally throw away your list of resolutions, and start LIVING like you mean it.Because in just a second..I’m going to INSTALL every aspect of a High Status male inside of you, almost overnight..Meaning..Profitable opportunities will just seem to float to you.Women will start noticing you more and what you have to offer.Friends and family that give you shit now will naturally start to RESPECT you (the same way they’d respect a CEO, pro athlete, or public figure)..See, High Status is what I used to turn my life around, for good.Once I mastered the art of High Status:I was able to turn 14 dollars in my bank account to a multiple 7-figure income stream online. I was free, I was mobile, I was fluid. I could do what I want, when I want, with who I want, and the best part was no one could stop me, even if they tried..Every single goal that I set for myself (without bullshit resolutions, templates for planning, and annoying principles) almost magically happened. Don’t get me wrong, I worked (and still do) fvcking hard for everything I have, but I had a little help along the way..I continued to watch my results compound on each other. Ever heard of the snowball effect? Yeah, kinda like that. The jets, the girls, the success business ventures all came to me and multiplied in front of my eyes NATURALLY..And women couldn’t get enough of me. From girls approaching me and asking for MY number, to famous pop stars stuffing me in the bathroom for a quick blowjob, life was suddenly amazing..Best of all, I got to finally be the catalyst in my life, NOT the consequence. I have FULL CONTROL, and I’m not giving it up either. I am the master of my destiny, and in just a second, we’re going to make you that too..Simply put, when you become a High Status male, you become MAGNETIC TO SUCCESS.And when that happens..Every area of your life LIGHTS UPI’m not talking about phony STATUS, either.Honestly, I could care less for superficial growth. 

I’m talking REAL, LIFE-CHANGING HIGH STATUS.The type where it doesn’t matter if you live in your mom’s basement or a millionaire right now..The type that you can’t help but feel when you watch a James Bond movie.The type that doesn’t just have to do with money or girls (although I am going to show you how to get both of those in amounts you couldn’t even imagine), but where people ADMIRE YOU.I’m talking turning you into..AN ATTRACTION SYMBOL.The kind of person that “good things happen to” just because..Where endless opportunities fall into your lap, regardless of your looks, money, or health..And as you saw in the trailer above, those lucky men walked out of that event beyond ready for whatever 2017 throws at them. Because with High STATUS, there isn’t a thing you can’t handle.Starting right away, I’m going to reveal to you:Recent Research Reveals..If you have a brain, you have everything you’ll ever need to become High Status.Because High Status isn’t about money, fame, or looks. Instead, it works for you whether you’re living in your mom’s basement right now, a millionaire, or anywhere in between..Why?Recent research shows that High Status isn’t about changing who are you as an authentic male right now. It’s not about what you have at all but rather about what you GIVE OFF as a male.Think about it, if Robert Downey Jr. walked into a room where no one knew who he was, would he still have people respond to him the same way?The answer is yes. He’d let his High Status do the talking, not his money, fame, or looks.See, High Status doesn’t care where you are right now in life, it works with your strengths, so you don’t have to change who you are deep down to get more out of life. All you have to do is sit back and watch as I Install everything I know into that beautiful brain of yours.How you can get crystal clear on your beliefs for the first time. The REAL reason why you’ve had trouble in the past with trainings, affirmations, and other “guru” type exercises, and how to fix that for good in 2017.. (Sorry Tony Robbins!) (Module 1 – 16:21)How you can stand out in a sea of mediocrity. The key to having women, business partners, and your closest friends notice, admire, and RESPECT you more using something I like to call “Presence Portals”.. (Module 2 – 30:01)How to have opportunities APPROACH YOU. Imagine her approaching you from across the bar first, imagine business deals falling into your lap, and image friends coming to YOU for advice, without you having to do anything but stand there.. (Module 3 – 9:19)How to know where to look, every time. If you’ve ever been curious if you’re making TOO much eye contact when you’re talking with a hot woman, here’s my famous 80/20 rule of High Status Eye Contact (beware: she might fall in love with you..) (Module 4 – 32:07)How to make your voice interesting, even if you were born an introvert. The key to tantalizing hot women, business contacts, and friends using nothing but your voice, regardless if you have exceptional social skills now. Shy guys, rejoice! (Module 5 – 35:51)How to 7X your charisma INSTANTLY. What we can take away from a study done by researchers from Harvard that tells you all you need to know about being more charismatic.. (Module 6 – 33:35)How to rid yourself of anxiety, for good. Using my “instant anxiety trap solution” we’re going to dispel any gut-wrenching feelings brought on by a busy to-do list within minutes.. (Module 7 – 55:01)How to get exhilarating energy WITHOUT caffeine. Using my famous 30-second breathing technique, we’ll equip you with enough energy to power you through the day.. (Module 8 – 15:11)How to finally start living a life of FREEDOM. Here’s an easy trick to liberate yourself from the grip of society, allowing you share freely, live on your own terms, and have fun doing it.. (Module 9 – 24:31)And that’s not even scratching the surface..Now, why am I doing this?Because the truth is, society doesn’t want you to have High Status.They don’t want you to be successful, yourself, or an authentic MALE.Don’t believe me?Recent research done at the Mayo Clinic shows testosteroneDROPPING over 17% over the past two decades.It’s not stopping anytime soon.And If that doesn’t scream “huge problem”, then I don’t know what will.I mean think about it, we’re told to sit down and be “good little boys”. We’re told that things “are the way they are”. And the fact that every piece of media, movies your watch, and songs you hear on the radio continue to condition you to act, think, and FEEL like a woman isn’t helping.It fuels stopping men from being themselves, never achieving High Status, halting success..It’s no wonder if you’re not reaching every single one of your goals.It’s no wonder if you’re not reaching every single one of your goals.See, this all creates a feeling of:Not feeling safe enough to be your authentic self in an ever-changing world..Constantly being told that you’re doing something “wrong” by friends and family..Feeling like you’re not worthy of something better. Feeling like “you’re not enough”..And this all creates a feeling of LOW STATUS, which impedes our goals and success as men.The result?Life feeling like being on a hamsterwheel. Monotonous. Soul suckingfoolish. Boring as you go up anddown, forward and back withoutany progress at all.Because at the end of every year, you’re back to square one.And it’s frustrated you for the last time.The best part?We don’t have to wait until January.Which in and of itself serves as PROOF of society trying to control you.Who says there’s a rule for WHEN and HOW you set your goals? FVCK YOU SOCIETY.We on Team Capital do what we want, when we want, with who we want on Team Capital.So while the rest of your friend group is waiting for January 1st to get started..We’ll already be MONTH AHEAD of everyone that you know.This is your one chance to get a leg up on your competition.I mean..Can you imagine what it would mean if you had a whole MONTH of results more than your closest family, friends, and coworkers? They wouldn’t stand a chance against the new you..Introducing what you’re missing..STATUS UNLEASHED is the magnum opus of my career as a coach in a box.It’s 11 hours of ADVANCED HD content of the best tips, tricks, and secret transforming you into the most High Status version of yourself, all from the comfort of your own home. Meaning, you’re not going into 2017 to implement, but rather stand up after watching already IMPLEMENTED.And as opposed to my original STATUS course (worth $2,997, 42 days long, and currently close to the public), STATUS UNLEASHED is the only thing on the market guaranteed to install Higher Status signals inside of you, within minutes.If you’ve already been through STATUS, then this will only MULTIPLY your results.If you’ve haven’t and been kicking yourself in the ass because you missed out on it this first time around, NOW is your chance to experience everything you’ve wanted in life AND MORE with this, regardless of where you are right now (beginner, intermediate, or advanced)..Simply put, STATUS UNLEASHED is for any ambitious Team Capital member with a pulse.Because..It’s not just scientifically backed information..It’s not just life-changing intel used by all my $75,000/year clients…It’s a flat-out TRANSFORMATION reserved only for Team Capital Elite, guaranteed to make 2017 the most successful year of your life in all aspects of life. Money, women, AND health…. all without you having to do anything but sit back and relax in the comfort of your own home.I’m talking leveraging my 35,000+ hours of research and testing to literally transform you into the high-status guy that you’ve always wanted to become. The type that opportunities “just come to for some reason”..Because with these tapes, you’ll be ensuring 2017 is the best year of your life, guaranteed.


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