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James Lehman – The Total Transformation Program

The Total Transformation Program
[2 DVDs -8 CDs MP3]



Finally…a guaranteed, simple way to stop your child’sdefiant, out of control behavior – RIGHT NOWAre you struggling with a child who is disrespectful, obnoxious or even abusive toward you? Are you frustrated and exhausted from arguing constantly? Do you “walk on eggshells” around your child, avoiding conflicts that will “set him off?” Have you tried screaming, punishing, pleading, and negotiating and your child still walks all over you?All children behave badly from time to time. But when defiance, hostility and refusal to comply are ongoing, the behavior affects the entire family and requires more serious interventions. Fortunately, I’ve seen that when parents use the right tools, they can change their child’s problem behavior…quickly and dramatically.A Lifetime of Experience with Child Behavior ProblemsI have a very personal understanding of kids with behavior problems because I displayed severe oppositional, defiant behaviors as a child and teenager. For the past 30 years, I’ve been a behavioral therapist, focusing my work on helping behaviorally troubled children and teenagers turn around their behavior and take responsibility for their actions.I know the frustration, fear, isolation and exhaustion you’re feeling as a parent because I’ve worked with hundreds of parents just like you. Parents of kids with behavior problems feel like they’re trapped in little prisons with no way out. No matter how hard they try, they can’t escape the endless arguments with and ceaseless hostility from their child.No one knows a defiant child better than someone who behaved the same way as a kid. That’s why I can teach you how to turn your child’s behavior around now with The Total Transformation® Program.They Say He “Needs Structure.” But How? I’ll Show You HowIf you’re parenting a difficult child, you’ve heard this statement a thousand times: “This child needs structure.” But what does that “structure” look like and how do you put it in place in your home?That’s where The Total Transformation® comes in. I’ll teach you simple, step-by-step techniques for giving your child the structure he needs to solve his problems and improve his behavior now. Here’s a look at some of the things you’ll learn:. How to stop any argument with your kid instantly     This is a powerful technique parents love because it pulls the plug on any argument with your child. You’ll be stunned at how quickly it works. Even if your teenage son is 6’2″ tall and you’re 5’4″. . The 10 words to say when he gets mouthy     The technique that stops back talk and cursing…no matter how nasty your child gets. . Stop the Show     The surefire way to stop fighting and acting out in public. If your child gets more defiant when he’s with his friends, this is a must-have tool. . Accountability     I’ll give you a word-by-word script to use with your child to get him to take responsibility for his own behavior and stop blaming you and others. . Consequences     How to give them, which ones work and which ones don’t, with specific consequences for kids in all age groups. . What To Do The Next Time     Instead of talking back, screaming or blaming you, your child will now have a way to solve his problems that gets him better results and better reactions from teachers and other adults. What’s the Secret: It’s Not About Self-Esteem.It’s About Problem SolvingLike many parents of kids who act out, you may have been in family therapy with your child. And you’ve probably come out wondering why it’s still so difficult to get your child’s behavior to change, after you’ve spent all that time and money.Here’s why. Traditional counseling and therapy focus on getting a child to talk about his “feelings” and building his self-esteem to change his behavior.I believe there’s a better way. And, in my experience, parents need tools they can use at home once the child comes out of that office and faces day-to-day, real-world challenges.Behaviorally troubled kids lack the skills to solve the problems they encounter every day. The Total Transformation® teaches you how to give your child more effective ways to solve his problems than fighting, screaming, annoying and defiance. He’ll learn a simple system that will enable him to handle his problems appropriately and on his own, without acting out. A system that gets him…and you…better results.I created The Total Transformation® for parents like you, who need help in the moment with kids who overwhelm them with defiance and bad behavior. The reaction to this program by parents has been overwhelming. Take a look.     “YOU HAVE REALLY TURNED MY KID AROUND””My 8-year-old son was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and ADHD. He was stealing, lying and had temper tantrums when he didn’t get his own way. You have really turned my kid around. Within the first month we noticed a major change.* All of a sudden, there was this total Transformation®. He realized this behavior wasn’t worth it anymore. Now he pretty much has a good day every day. He does his work. He gets full privileges at home. I encourage other parents to try it because it really does work.”Shawna P.Calgary, Alberta Canada       “IF YOU SAY THESE WORDS, THEY STOP ARGUING””My grandson is 15 years old. He is extremely argumentative. He just won’t stop arguing. He’s obsessive about it. We’ve learned verbiage from The Total Transformation® Program that you can say and it’s almost like magic. If you say those words, they stop arguing! Thanks so much to all of you and especially to James Lehman. I hope this program brings success to millions of families.”Pat H.Marietta, GA*Individual results will vary.   Read additional Customer Reviews/RatingsI believe this program can bring success to your family, too. That’s why I’m willing to give you the entire program and let you use it FREE for 30 days. The Total Transformation® can change your child’s behavior and improve your life as a parent quickly. To prove it to you, I’ll put the program in your hands now and let you use it free.This Is The Program My Parents Needed.It’s What I Use with Defiant KidsI understand what makes defiant kids tick because I had severe behavior problems as a kid. The techniques in The Total Transformation® Program are what turned me around. They’re the tools I’ve used for the last 30 years to get kids to listen, behave and act responsibly at home and at school.You don’t need a psychology degree to use The Total Transformation®. This is a straight-talk, plain English program for parents. There’s no psychobabble or high-brow theory. I’ll teach you exactly what to say and do to stop the arguments and get through to your kid, no matter how resistant he is to you. No matter how difficult the behavior has become at home and at school.The Total Transformation® is not a substitute for medication or professional care, or a cure for any disorder or condition. Never discontinue a child’s medication without consulting a qualified professional. The Total Transformation® is a program for you-the parent-to give you the knowledge and tools you need to be more effective in parenting a defiant child. It gives you parenting techniques that, until now, were difficult, if not impossible, to find.Parents who use The Total Transformation® tell me they’d tried everything-pleading, negotiating, screaming, even therapy-and nothing had worked. The one thing they hadn’t tried was The Total Transformation®…and, finally, the defiance stopped.     “THE ARGUMENTS HAVE ALMOST CEASED”Our son always had a hard time with authority, especially our authority. The results from using the Total Transformation® Program are the arguments have almost ceased. They are down 90%. It’s made a happier home. For the first time we have control. Now we know how to end those arguments. We get to them before they even start.”Dede M.Missouri City, TX       “WE’RE TURNING AROUND IN OUR HOUSE.””What we’re experiencing is defiance, obnoxious and disrespectful behavior in dealing with parents. Extreme fighting between the two kids. To the point where it was physical. Really severe threats, beating each other up, hurting each other. We’ve only had The Total Transformation® for about three weeks but already we feel more relaxed because we feel like we’ve got something that’s working. And the kids are starting to respond. I’m feeling better, my husband’s feeling better and I think my kids are starting to feel that we’re turning around in our house.”Debra K.Glen Burnie, MD       “THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME BACK MY SON. THANK YOU FOR MAKING PARENTING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE A JOY NOW.””After The Total Transformation®, my son and I want to be around each other. Now when I ask him to do something he does it. There’s no more arguing, no more lecturing and no more back talking. I am totally shocked at the results. If it can do 25 percent of what it’s claiming, it will be a success, and it’s done 100% of what it’s claimed for me.Ed M.Chandler, AZ   Read additional Customer Reviews/RatingsNo Screaming. No Arguing. No FrustrationA child with defiant, disrespectful behavior can turn your home into a war zone where there is no peace. The Total Transformation® teaches you how to restore the peace and sanity in your home and stop the screaming and arguing.On day one, you’ll learn a whole new way to get your child to cooperate, without having to raise your voice. Ever. No more getting sucked into pointless, never-ending arguments with your kid. No more senseless power struggles with an 8-year-old or a 15-year-old. No more negotiating and pleading to get your child to respond to simple requests. No more feeling powerless and wrung out because nothing you say to your kid gets through. Now, when you talk, your child will listen and respond appropriately.Get Back in Control of Your Family NowWho’s really in charge at your home? If you’re trying to parent a defiant, out of control child, you know how their behavior affects everyone and everything in your home, from siblings to your relationship with your spouse.It’s time to put you back in control of your home. Getting that control is simpler than you think. The Total Transformation® will give you back the respect you deserve and the authority your children actually need from you.The Best Way to See How It Works Is to Try It FreeMaybe you’re thinking, “You don’t know my kid.” Maybe you think nothing could change your child’s behavior. Well, I do know your kid, and I want you to see how this program can transform your child’s behavior and your life as a parent.That’s why I’m going to give you the entire program and let you use it free for 30 days. Just click here to start your free trial. You’ll pay only $19.00 for shipping and handling ($25 to Canadian destinations).The Total Transformation Program is a simple step-by-step multi-media program that comes to you on DVD and CD with an interactive workbook. It makes learning my techniques remarkably easy. Your program includes: Jump Start DVD, Parent’s Workshop DVD with live question and answer session, 7 audio lessons on CD and a 118-page workbook.Use all the techniques in the program for 30 days. If you don’t see a dramatic difference in your child and in your confidence as a parent, send it back and you’ll never be charged for the program. You’ll pay only for shipping and handling.If, and only if, you decide to keep The Total Transformation® Program after the completion of the 30-Day Free Trial, the cost is 3 monthly payments of $109.00 billed to the credit card you submit for the shipping and handling fee.Have you ever had a therapist give you a guarantee like that? I will. Because I know how to turn defiant kids around and I can help you turn things around in your home. I want to give you the chance to enjoy being a parent again and rediscover your child.Don’t lose any more sleep over your child’s behavior. Don’t spend another day living in fear of the next phone call from school-or worse. Try The Total Transformation® free for 30 days and stop the bad behavior…for good.Here’s to a Total Transformation®,


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