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Jackie Warner – One on One with Jackie

One on One with Jackie Warner
[1 DVD – 3 MP4]


“This is an excellent DVD with 3 circuit workouts (each 20 min long) that have a specific focus: Upper Body, Core, Lower Body. It features Jackie Warner with four of her trainers: Jesse, Rebecca, Augustina and Renessa. While the trainers all do the warmup and stretch together, during the weight training Jackie works out one-on-one with one of the individual trainers. She has them do the workout while she gives them pointers on form and motivation, except in the core workout where they all workout together. She is encouraging without being cheesy.There are some new and interesting moves as well as some old favorites, so you get a great amount of variety . You do approximately one minute of each weight training exercise and for every 3-4 strength moves you do, there is also 1 minute of a cardio move. It moves at a fast pace but not so fast that you feel intimidated. You’ll need light to moderate hand weights and a mat.I will give an approximate breakdown of each workout, with the moves performed and the trainer who is actually doing the move while Jackie tells you how to do the move correctly and sometimes shows a modified version. Remember you do 1 minute of each move.********** Upper Body Workout*********You start out with a short warm-up with arm circles and boxer twist, then you get into the workout.>Augustina-Bent Over Rows (back)-Rear Delt Fly (delts)- Cardio (30 sec each): Jumping Jacks & Ski Bunny>Rebecca- Modified PushUp (Chest)- Kneeling Kickback (Triceps)- Lateral Raise & Front Raise (shoulders) – you alternate between oneone arm doing the lateral raise and the other lifting to the front.- Cardio: Boxer Twist>Renessa- Alternating One Arm Row (back)- Hammer Curl (biceps)- WV(basically a shoulder raise in a different position)- Transverse Fly (shoulders)- Cardio (Knee-to-Elbow)> Jesse- Fly & Press (chest)- Skull Crusher (triceps)- Lateral Raise (shoulders)- Military Press (shoulders)- Cardio (Speed Bag)Finally a much deserved cooldown with all the trainers.********** Core Workout **********You start out with a brief workout including core rotations, squat with wood chop, overhead squat. In this workout they all workout together and Jackie mostly goes around and gives excellent form pointers but she does the moves sometimes, too. Renessa shows a modified beginner version of the move and Jesse sometimes shows an advanced version. You do each move for one minute. There are a few stretches interspersed throughout, because your abdominals will be sore.- Crunches- Clam (The soles of the feet are together with knees out, as you crunch)- Plank (you hold it for one minute)- Cardio: Mountain Climber & Plank Twist (30 sec of each)- Bicycles- Figure Eight (while sitting on the floor you lean back slightly and alternately clap your hands under each leg)- Side Plank Rotation (30 seconds on each side)- Cardio: Torso Twist- Straight Leg Tap- Scissors- Penguin Heel Tap (really targets the obliques)- Cardio: Half Burpees- V-sit Extend & Flex- Side Roll- Plank Variation- Cardio: Fast BicyclesFinally, a much deserved stretch.********** Lower Body Workout *********You start out with a warmup mainly using a half range of motion: little pulse squats, side lunge, front lunge, backward lunge. Again, you do each of the moves for 60 seconds, and hand weights can be used on most of the exercises.>Augustina- Squat- Front Lunge- Box Squat- Cardio: Frog Hop & Shuffle (30 seconds each)> Jesse- Plie Squat- Backward Lunge- Drop Step- Cardio: Jump Lunge Shuffle & Military KneeUp (30 seconds each)> Renessa- Sumo Squat- Front Diagonal Lunges- Sumo Squat with Drop Step (the drop step is basically a curtsy squat)- Cardio: Knee Up Jog & Squat with Side Kick (30 seconds each)> Rebecca (this part is done on the ground, so you’ll probably need a mat)- Bridge- Reverse Scissor(lay on your stomach and kick your legs over each other)- Three Quarter Kick (similar to a Donkey Kick)- 60 seconds on each sideYou finish off with a nice lower body and back stretch.**********Overall, you will definitely feel the burn and see results with this one. It is well worth it and Jackie is a master trainer.”


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