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Jack Canfield Breakthrough Success

Jack Canfield – Breakthrough To Success
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In Jack Canfields Breakthrough To Success you’ll learn;How to identify what you really want and how to motivate yourself to get started, keep going, and – most importantly – complete what you start, so you actually get the rewards you want.How successful people think and act, and how to change your own thinking and behavior so you can get the same results they do.How to ask for and get everything you want.How bad habits, negative thoughts, procrastination and lack of motivation hold you back and how to solve all of these problems once and for all so they never come back to haunt you again.How successful people deal with setbacks, failures, and defeats. (Once you learn this secret, you’ll not only be able to deal with adversity, you’ll take any adversity and turn it into an equal or greater benefit.)How to take 100% responsibility for your life and how this simple assertion can radically change your life.How to invest every day in developing your knowledge base and core skills.How to develop and trust your intuition and reasoning abilities.How to “feel the fear” and do it anyway!All about the power of mastermind groups and how to get nearly anyone you want to happily join your group and take an active interest in helping you get what you want.How to stay focused on your core genius, which is where your greatest leverage for success lies.How to achieve maximum profitability in any area of your life with less invested time and effort – and how “effortless success” is possible.How to stop settling for less than what you want. You’ll learn how to say “no” to the good so you can say “yes” to the great.How to double your income and double your time off at the same time. (Yes, it is possible!)Why success seems to come easily and automatically to some people (you’ve likely known some of them yourself), and how, with a few changes, you can attract the same level of success.The importance of celebrating your victories as a way to ensure future success.How to identify your unique life purpose and how to align your life to serve and fulfill that purpose.How to shift your attitude and beliefs from the “I can’t” to the “I can” solution model, and how to turn your inner critic into your inner coach.How to eliminate negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, and how to construct and utilize powerful affirmations that work to accelerate your way to success (this single technique alone, which you will experience in the training, will create a huge shift in your life and make everything else you do, for the rest of your life, easier).How to use the power of emotions to mobilize energy and increase your motivation.How to create a compelling strategy to absolutely achieve any financial outcome you desire, both personally and professionally.How to maximize your success with money, your health, your relationships, your future…and so much more.How to access powerful mentors and friends who’ll open doors for you.How to prepare and be instantly ready when opportunity comes knocking.The real power of visualization and how to use it to get what you want in life. Don’t worry if you’ve tried it before and couldn’t seem to make it work. I’ll show you exactly how to do it, based on the latest research, in a way that guarantees it will work for you.Why you should drop out of the “Ain’t It Awful” Club and instead surround yourself with successful, positive and nurturing people.How you can cure 99% of all fears, phobias, and anxieties in five minutes or less using new breakthrough techniques combining acupressure, kinesiology and visualization.Plus so much more that I want to teach you!“Everywhere I look there are trainers teaching people how to be happier and more successful. Unfortunately, there is only one Jack Canfield. Not only does Jack really know what it’s like to be happy and successful, he also knows the nuts-and-bolts basics of how YOU can be that way, too. And, he knows how to teach this valuable information in a way that will cause you to actually learn it and internalize it.Jack Canfield has probably taught more people how to improve their lives than any living personal growth teacher. If I had to go back and take my success education all over again, this time I’d save myself twenty years and go straight to Jack. If you’re smart, you’ll do the same.”-Bill Harris, Director, Centerpointe Research Institute,creator of Holosync® Audio Technology


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