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Igor Ledochowski – Street Hypnosis Deck

Igor Ledochowski – Street Hypnosis Deck
[4CDs – MP3, 21 PDF]



70 Power Cards    Your new & improved ‘Street Hypnosis Deck’ now contains 70 cards in TEN suits…New Street Hypnosis Deck    7 Imagination Cards    7 Need Cards    7 Awareness Cards    7 Links & Association Cards    7 Pseudo-Logic Cards    7 Negation Cards    7 Assumption Cards    7 Language Softener Cards    7 Action Accelerator Cards    7 Anticipation Builder CardsThe first suit “Imagination” – uses the power of imagination to sneak messages into the unconscious.The second suit “Need & Desire” – activates unconscious motivations to get things doneThe third suit “Awareness” – takes control of the one thing a hypnotist cannot live    without: Attention!The fourth suit “Linkage” – allows you to piggy-back suggestions onto innocent ideas.The fifth suit “Pseudo-Logic” – speaks directly to the way the unconscious mind thinks! The sixth suit “Negation” – takes advantage of a sneaky flaw in the mind’s armour.The seventh suit “Assumptions” – lets you slip in ideas without ever really mentioning them.    The last 3 (Brand NEW suits) contain special wildcards that can be used with the first 49 cards to make them extra powerful and meet any situation…new Language Softeners – allow you to sugar coat your suggestions to make the medicine go Action Accelerators – hurries the unconscious into action before the mind can think of Anticipation Builders – uses frustration to build response potential or make them want to resist you all the way into trance!    Each card contains specific words woven into magical phrases you can use immediately. And each card also comes with examples so you can quickly understand how to use them when you’re speaking or writing.    What’s more they’re definitely a handy and fast way to master a new skill. They fit neatly in any pocket and don’t require a a computer or a large folder to use!    Carry them around with you, whenever you’ve a spare minute you can effortlessly inject this secret knowledge into your mind to summon whenever you want to get someone to do something YOU want!We’re also including FOUR CDs of special instructions which run for almost 3 hours…CD (1) Includes…        Introduction and walk through of the Street Hypnosis Deck        A crash course in hypnosis        An overview of the suits        And how to use the cards the right wayCD (2) & (3) Include…        A walk through of the cards ONE by ONE        Demonstrations of the Power Words in action        Showing you how each card works        Also you are given TONS of examples of how to use each card        And how the cards can be combined to increase their power further.CD (4) Includes…        An end of the walk through of the cards        5 simple exercises/games to get great at hypnotic language        And each game includes a full demo of it in action        An introduction to how the Wildcards work        How to combine the wildcards with the other suites to ramp up your power even moreExtra Bonus – CD (4) ends with a longer hypnotic induction to program your unconscious to master hypnotic language. And it only uses all the skills you will have learned in the deck, so it is a case study of what you will be able to do once you have played all the games.


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