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ICF – International Coaching Federation – Global Coaching Client Study

ICF – Global Coaching Client Study – Final Report – June 2009.pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]


This new exclusive material is part of the Coaching ICF group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: Coaching Client Study:Final Report – June  2009Author: ICF – International Coaching FederationPublished: 2009Description: 1 PDF with 93 pages with bookmarks added.In its role as a leader of the coaching industry, the International Coach Federation (ICF) exists to advance the art, science and practice of professional coaching. In 2006, the ICF conducted the Global Coaching Study’ to develop a profile of the industry and to better understand the state of the industry. As useful as this information is, it represents only one side of the equation. The other side of the equation, and perhaps the more important part to understand, is the coaching client (the consumer).Recognizing that significant knowledge voids still exist regarding credible research about the coaching client, the ICF commissioned the Association Resource Centre Inc. and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to jointly conduct a global study of coaching clients. The study provides comprehensive information about coaching clients, their decision making process and their opinions about professional coaching. The main purpose of the ICF Global Coaching Client Study is to generate a broad scope of reliable data on those individuals who have experienced professional coaching and the results they achieved from it. More specifically, the key questions this study is designed to answer are:o What is the demographic profile of coaching clients?o What are the characteristics of the coaching experience?o Why do clients seek coaching services?o What does the decision making process for choosing a specific coach look like?o What are clients’ perceptions of the industry and the service it provides?o How do clients evaluate their experience?o How are clients benefiting from the coaching experience?o What is the return on investment (ROI) from coaching?Research Methodology:The ICF Global Coaching Client Study was designed to gather information from and about coaching clients. It is important to note that the definition of what a ” client” is varies depending on a coach’s area of focus.For the purpose of this study, a coaching client is defined as the individual being coached.To fully address the objectives of the study, three distinct phases were undertaken:o  Qualitative coach research: To ensure that the information collected through the study was relevant to practicing coaches, a series of 14 in-depth interviews were conducted with coaches from around the world to get their input on the types of questions that should be addressed by the research.o   Qualitative client research: A series of focus groups with clients from around the globe were conducted. A total of 41 clients participated in five focus groups. The focus groups served twopurposes. First they were used as a means of exploring in-depth client attitudes and opinionsregarding the various research questions to help with the design of the quantitative survey. Second, the groups were used to answer some of the research questions that could not be effectively assessed through a quantitative survey. The focus group setting allowed for in-depth probing for areas that were more qualitative in nature.o   Quantitative client research: The key component of the research was a 20 minute online survey of coaching clients. A total of 2,165 coaching clients from 64 countries participated in the survey from September to November 2008.Sections include:RESPONDENT PROFILE: WHO ARE THEY?REGIONAL BREAKDOWN OF RESPONDENTS TYPE OF RESPONDENTSEXPERIENCE PROFILE DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILECLIENT PERCEPTIONS OF COACHING PRIOR PERCEPTIONS OF COACHING CLIENTSPRIOR PERCEPTIONS OF THE COACHING INDUSTRYSOURCES OF INFLUENCE ON COACHING PERCEPTIONSOBSERVATIONS OF How COACHING DIFFERED FROM COUNSELING OR THERAPYMOTIVATIONS FOR SEEKING COACHING SERVICES ALTERNATIVES TO COACHING WHY COACHING? IMPORTANCE OF FACTORS IN SEEKING COACHING SERVICES COACH SELECTION PROCESS (DECISION PROCESS) WHO SELECTS THE COACH?NUMBER OF COACHES CONTACTED AND SELECTED INFORMATION SOURCES CONSULTED COACH ATTRIBUTESAWARENESS OF THE COACH’S QUALIFICATIONSAWARENESS OF PROFESSIONAL COACHING ORGANIZATIONSREGULATION AND CERTIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COACHING EXPERIENCEUSE OF WRITTEN AGREEMENTS FREQUENCY AND DURATION OF THE COACHING EXPERIENCE COACHING SESSION FORMATCOACHING FEE STRUCTUREVII. EVALUATION OF THE COACHING EXPERIENCERATING OF COACHING CRITERIAOVERALL SATISFACTION WITH COACHING EXPERIENCE COACHING RESULTS IMPACTS OF COACHING RETURN ON INVESTMENTRETURN ON EXPECTATIONS INDEX If you are interested in Coaching, this is professional material that may help you.The web page for this material is at:…Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeks or contribute to this group buyUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute to the group buy at:, Mazen


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