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I-Doser Experimenter’s Kit

I-Doser Experimenter’s Kit [Software – EXE, DMG, 84 MP3s]
[Software – EXE, DMG, 84 MP3s]



WHAT IS ALL THIS?OK, this product is intended for people who are interested in thewhole “iDoser” hype, and want to peek inside and see what it’sall about, where it came from, and maybe tweak and investigateit on their own.BACKSTORYThe i-Doser guy just ripped off ( open source app called SBAGEN which takes small text files ofinstructions, and plays binaural beats (and/or pink noise and othersounds) according to the instructions contained therein.  i-Doser’s”.drg” files are just encrypted versions of the little “.sbg”textfiles which SBAGEN usese.  Then he did a lot of genius marketingon the drug angle.This product contains all the stuff you need to play, and play with,the idoser stuff, without messing with the actual i-Doser program –instead you can use the original SBAGEN program he was ripping off.CONTENTS:* idoser-sbagenthis directory contains all the .drg files from the idoser site — 84of them — converted to .sbg format so that SBAGEN can play them.This subdirectory was taken from a product on ThePirateBay.* sbagen-mac-1.4.2.dmg/sbagen-win-1.4.4.exemac and windows versions of sbagen, as found on the sbagen homepage.* bavsa-1.0.1.zipa binaural beat analyzer, windows and linux versions, by the creatorof sbagen.  It will take some *reading of instructions* to understand,but you can use it to visually analyze the binaural beats in any wavfile.  It’s a good way to find out exactly what binaural goodies agiven sound file contains.* bavsa-macno mac version was included in bavsa.  With a little trial and error Imanaged to compile a statically linked mac version of it.  The twobinaries are included here.  They work just like (and have the samenames as) the linux ones included in the bavsa zip file.* mp3sthis directory contains mp3 versions of all the above .sbg files,encoded with LAME at 128K.  I used bavsa on several of them to confirmthat this quality of encoding preserves the binaural beats in theoriginal sound files emitted by sbagen.  If you want a quick download,don’t bother with this subdirectory of the product.  You couldrecreate these with sbagen and LAME yourself.  They’re just here as aconvenience, and because I wanted mp3s for my mp3 player.COMPARISON TO OTHER productSThis product is similar to , which is an excellent product in and of itself.There are 2 main differences:* that product contains the original i-Doser program and i-Doser .drg files, while this one contains the open source predecessor to the i-Doser program, and converted versions of the .drg files which can be examined and edited.  It also contains an analyzer program, ‘bavsa’, which can analyze any wav file for binaural beats.* this product’s mp3 files are encoded at a lower rate and are therefore smaller.  I did investigate with the bavsa analyzer and they seem to preserve all the binaural beats at this level, but these are technically lower quality than the other product’s.* WHY CHOOSE THIS product?  You might want smaller mp3s, or the ability to inspect, modify, manipulate, analyze, hack, or otherwise experiment with your i-Doses.  If you want a little extra mp3 quality, or you want the original i-Doser software, go for the other one.


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