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Humanity’s Team – Living in Oneness 2014

Living in Oneness – Humanity’s Team
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Humanity’s Team University                                                            presents                                                     LIVING IN ONENESS                                                   5 PILLARS  FOR  SUCCESS                                                      hosted by Steve Farrell, Dee Meyer,                                                      and John Thomas              Join Us for the Living In Oneness Summit            If Oneness is Ultimate Reality, let’s Learn it,               Live it and Love it in All Parts of Our Life                    If YOU are Reading These Words, it’s no Coincidence            Many people have lost their sense of being truly alive and fulfilled.                  Often there is a feeling of being out of balance and “stuck”.The Living in Oneness Summit focuses on how we can embrace the Divine within so we restore our joy, play, grace and beauty. Our speakers will specifically address how we live as One: in our own life, with our significant other, parenting our children, in the workplace and as a public service leader.Most people we know are looking for tools to really live as One. There is a sense that our lives can be fuller, our relationships can be more, our parenting can model what Oneness looks like, our workplace can be more spiritually conscious and more alive and our leadership can be based more on authenticity and heart-based action. These are the things our speakers will discuss during the summit.        This online seminar series invites you to awaken to your true potential.                     Living The Five Pillars for SuccessAt this time, on this planet, with our present level of consciousness, we must bring everything we’ve learned into the practical. We need to shape our collective knowing into a cohesive daily practice.                           The Living in Oneness summit shows you how.        Learn to live and breathe as One here and now in these five paradigms:1. Self (One with Divine Life)What does it look like to be in Divine relationship when you’re experiencing chronic pain? Or when you feel your life lacks purpose? What does Oneness mean when you feel alone? We will share with you the tools for returning to joy and a fulfilled life.2. Relationship with significant OtherIt doesn’t matter if you are dating, just starting your lives together or raising a family… Your beloved is part of the Divine and so are you. How do you maintain this deep connection and divinity day after day, year after year and challenge after challenge? How do you accept that Oneness is never lost despite the loss of your beloved-in death, in divorce or in parting? Join us as we explore the solutions to the deep rooted issues all couples face.3. Conscious ParentingRaising children brings joy and challenges in every moment, so how can you stay conscious while raising a family? How can you feel the Oneness pulse when you’re tired and fed up and you’re not sure you’ll ever get this parenting thing right? Join us as we explore what it takes to be a present, spiritually conscious and loving parent.4. Business/ProfessionalA new way of conducting business is emerging, a kind and compassionate approach to business. It is spiritually conscious business. What does this mean for you? How can you co-create this seamless energy that embraces all that you do in your job and dharma? Join us as we share new tools for business that are revolutionizing the business landscape.5. Leadership and Public ServiceWhat can you do today to lead and to be of service to others? How small or how big does your contribution need to be? How do you know that you’re making any sort of positive impact? How do you remain spiritually conscious when pressures become intense? Join our remarkable thought leaders as they share their strategies for leadership that work.     Learn essential ingredients for living Your Life as One in the five major areas of life!This summit was created to bring you tools for living your life connected in Oneness, in our relationship with a significant other, in our parenting with our children, in the workplace and as a leader out in the world.More and more we are searching for tools to live every day in Oneness. Envision a fuller life, closer relationships, being a more loving parent, working in a spiritually conscious and alive workplace, and embodying authentic and heart-based leadership. This is possible!Based on the Five Pillars of Success mentioned above, this transformational online summit will offer you practical guidance to live these important principles and more! Learn from our incredible speaker line-up of heart-based visionaries.Get ready to magnetize your life!    • Find your purpose    • Live a life of connection    • Enjoy a stream of never-ending synchronicity    • Live a heart-centered life    • Have the faith and courage to follow your dreams    • Live the art of discernment ~ Know which path to follow    • And so much more…You will discover…    • How to live a connected life    • The quickest easiest way to find your purpose    • How to start seeing results now    • Fun and surprising methods to create connection and build relationships    • How to clearly identify the right choices when you have more than one option    • How to create powerful partnerships at home and in business    • Real life stories from spiritual leaders about their breakthrough moments    • Quick and easy experiential methods for centering and shifting your beliefs    • The biggest mistakes to avoid    • Methods for living a connected life    • Enjoy a never ending stream of synchronicity    • Live a heart centered life    • And so much more…There’s absolutely no reason to keep struggling with a lack of heart connection.The experts in the Living In Oneness ~ 5 Pillars for Success Summit will show you how to expand your perception so you can enjoy huge results and make a bigger difference in more people’s lives.We will “see” you there.With love,Your co-hosts Steve Farrell, Dee Meyer and John ThomasMeet Our Living in Oneness SpeakersNeale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God. The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker, Cultural Creative, trendsetter and self-made millionaire extraordinaire.  An expert in building brands, McLean developed the credibility branding model in 1997, which has served as the foundation for her consulting business and her acclaimed book, The Credibility Factor. As a seasoned former advertising and public relations executive for more than 3 decades, she was responsible for launching brand communications strategies and campaigns for Fortune 500 North American companies, including Microsoft, Yahoo! Canada, The GAP, Mazda, Canon, Pioneer, Epson, Hostess and Nortel.Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929) has been called “the voice for conscious evolution of our time” by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch’s book “The Mother of Invention.” A prolific author, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker and educator, she is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. She is the producer and narrator of the award-winning documentary series entitled Humanity Ascending: A New Way through Together and has partnered with The Shift Network as a global ambassador for the conscious evolution movement; a shift from evolution by chance towards evolution by choice.Patricia Ellsberg: All my life I have been on a quest for this state of being where boundaries dissolve, time stops, and there is a sense of spaciousness, deep peace, and profound wellbeing.  I have explored many forms of meditation, expanded states of consciousness, and psychotherapy. My trainings include Reiki mastery, the Mystery School led by Gay Luce, the Institute of HeartMath, biofeedback, the Awakened Mind training by Anna Wise, and the Dedicated Practioners’ Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.  Along with following a spiritual path, I have been a long time peace activist and public speaker. After graduating from Harvard University I had my own nationally syndicated radio program where I explored spiritual and social issues with leading figures in the arts, politics and sciences.William Ury co-founded Harvard’s Program on Negotiation and is currently a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Harvard Negotiation Project.  Over the last 35 years, William Ury has served as a negotiation adviser and mediator in conflicts ranging from wildcat strikes in a Kentucky coal mine to ethnic wars in the Middle East, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union. With former president Jimmy Carter, he co-founded the International Negotiation Network, and served as a consultant to the Crisis Management Center at the White House.Dr. Deborah Rozman is President and co-CEO of HeartMath® Inc., located in Boulder Creek, California. HeartMath provides scientifically validated and market validated tools and technologies to activate the intelligence of the heart while dramatically empowering health, resilience and behavioral change. HeartMath’s award winning emWave® and Inner Balance™ technologies monitor and provide real time feedback on heart rhythm (HRV), an important indicator of mental and emotional state and overall health. HeartMath offers certification programs for health professionals and coaches ( and a self-paced online personal development program HeartMastery® for individuals ( Barbara Fields is the Executive Director, The Association for Global New Thought; Co-founder and Project Director – The Gandhi King Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence; Program Director – Parliament of the World’s Religions centennial celebration in Chicago; Co-founder and Project Director – the Synthesis Dialogues I, II, III and IV with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama; Coordinator of U.S. based omni-local initiatives for Harvard-based Project on Negotiation’s Abraham Walk Initiative in the Middle East; Program Director – International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter, Purdue University and the Lilly Foundation; Delegate – UNESCO Seminar on Religion and Peace.Anna-Mari Pieterse: Born in Johannesburg in the mid-1950’s, Anna-Mari Pieterse grew up during the apartheid years thus exposure to matters of separation inevitably played a big role in her life-long enquiry into matters of the Self and the Other as it is found in subjects such as Psychology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, African World View, Quantum Physics and meta-physics, and the attainment of her BA degree in Counseling Psychology with a focus on Religious Studies at UNISA.  Anna-Mari’s involvement in Humanity’s Team since 2005 includes her participation as the WW Global Oneness Project leader responsible for the launch (2008) of the Global Oneness Declaration and the 2009 Spiritual Leadership Award for Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Anna-Mari currently co-leads the development and launch of Humanity’s Team Oneness in Twelve Spheres of Life Program.Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a family of healers, and raised in rural Mexico by a curandera (healer) mother and a nagual (shaman) grandfather. The family anticipated that Miguel would embrace their centuries-old legacy of healing and teaching, and carry forward the esoteric Toltec knowledge. Instead, distracted by modern life, Miguel chose to attend medical school and become a surgeon. A near-death experience changed his life. Stunned by this experience, he began an intensive practice of self-inquiry.Don Jose Ruiz was born in Mexico City, Mexico and was raised in Tijuana, Mexico. When he was 21 he came to live in the U.S. with his father, don Miguel Ruiz. From a very young age don Jose was guided by many teachers present in his life including, his mother and father, his grandmother Sarita, and several other Naguals. Through masterful guidance by his teachers and amazing life experiences with precision synchronicity, Jose came to ‘silent knowledge’; he witnessed the world as it is, without any story. In his early twenties, don Jose lost his eyesight. In his process of surrendering, he learned the value of learning to listen; to listen to his inner wisdom and integrity and to see different perspectives, while knowing nothing is personal. He had a renewed love and gratitude for life ~ and he found acceptance, happiness and abundance; he found bliss. He grasped a true understanding of faith, love, gratitude and humility. Through his surrender and faith, in concert with modern medicine Jose recovered his eyesight.Rachael Jayne Groover is the author of a number one best seller Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention you Want. Rachael Jayne is also a singer, inspirational speaker, and Founder of The YIN Project, an international community of women committed to their own personal and spiritual development, as well as supporting that in others. She is the creator of The Art of Feminine Presence classes and trainings, which are currently offered worldwide. These classes and trainings teach women how to develop their own personal presence and stage presence, and help them understand how important the feminine principle is in intimate relationships, in leadership, and in shifting our global consciousness.James O’Dea, is award winning author of Cultivating Peace. He is lead faculty for the Shift Network’s acclaimed global Peace Ambassador Training. He has conducted frontline social healing dialogues around the world for many years. He is former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Washington office director of Amnesty International and CEO of the Seva Foundation. He is a member of The Evolutionary Leaders group and is on several advisory boards such The Peace Alliance and Kosmos Journal. His next book, The Conscious Activist, will be available December 2014.Edward Mills is the creator and host of the popular Abundant Mystic Teleseries. Through his own summits and his work with The Shift Network he has interviewed over 200 of the worlds leading edge thinkers including Marianne Williamson, John Gray, Marci Shimoff, Bruce Lipton, Andrew Harvey, Sonia Choquette and many more.  He is the co-author of two bestselling books: Healing the Heart of the World: Harnessing the Power of Intention to Change Your Life and Your Planet and Align, Expand and Succeed: Shifting the Paradigm of Entrepreneurial Success.Nina Meyerhof, Ed.D., President and Founder of Children of the Earth has made a life of advocating for our world’s youth. She co-authored, Conscious Education: The Bridge to Freedom and the handbook and training manual, Pioneering Spiritual Activism.  Her work stresses the creation of an “Inner Revolution for Social Evolution” – in order to build a better, more peaceful world, we first must begin with self-awareness.  She is recognized as an innovative educator committed to global responsibility through authentic learning.  She is the recipient of The Mother Theresa Award, the Citizens Department of Peace Award, and The International Educators Award for Peace.  The State of Vermont also passed a Resolution honoring her life’s work.Steve McIntosh J.D. is a leader in the integral philosophy movement and author of Evolution’s Purpose—An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins (SelectBooks 2012), and Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution—How the Integral Worldview Is Transforming Politics, Culture, and Spirituality (Paragon House 2007).  He currently works as a Founding Partner of the new social policy foundation: The Institute for Cultural Evolution. In addition to this think tank, and his work in philosophy, McIntosh has had a variety of other successful careers, including founding the consumer products company Now and Zen, practicing law with one of America’s biggest firms, working as an executive with Celestial Seasonings Tea Company, and Olympic-class bicycle racing.Anakha Coman is a clear, compassionate, and attuned facilitator, teacher and consultant, an inspiring speaker and published author. She speaks, teaches and consults with leaders and organizations including: Intel, Nike, OHSU, Humanity’s Team and HealRWorld on mindfulness, presence, awakened leadership, innovation and relational intelligence and is considered a visionary leader and co-creator of the emergent future. She is author of the book The Proof: A 40 Day Program for Embodying Oneness (Hay House 2009) and Remembering Oneness, a collection of mindfulness meditations (available on iTunes). She leads the Global Oneness Movement in conjunction with the United Nations and Humanity’s Team and key noted the inaugural event in 2010. She counsels and guides people and communities locally and globally and has facilitated healing and recovery with incarcerated women at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.Hank Queen was raised in West Virginia, where he received his degree in aeronautical and astronautics engineering from Purdue University.  He subsequently studied business at Columbia University, and computer science at Georgia Tech.  Hank is a licensed 1:1 HeartMath practitioner, and coaches people in leadership, sports, and everyday life how to use their innate heart intelligence. He has developed and teaches a unique healing approach that uses heart coherence as a way to help victims of abuse, trauma and disease.Arthur Samuel Joseph Founder and Creator of Vocal Awareness™ has studied the physiological, psychological and spiritual aspects of the human voice for five decades. His trademarked and proprietary method, Vocal Awareness™, is designed to provide useful and pragmatic life mastery skills. He has helped thousands of people Claim their Voices and their Power.  The Vocal Awareness™ Method, which teaches all modalities of Voice (including acting, speaking, singing, broadcasting, managing, leadership and life mastery skills et al), is the result of Arthur Samuel Joseph’s Work: the combination of scientific research, purposeful experimentation, and the exploration and study of how Voice can transform one’s very existence.Eric Knouse: In 2007 I experienced, what many people have told me, was a direct experience, an awakening, While I was in this experience I didn’t know it was happening. I was taken, held, comforted, made safe. In this experience a knowing came to me in an instant. I wasn’t consciously looking for an awakening of any sort. It was happening all around me and through me. I was in awe of what I was being shown to me. I happily, joyously surrendered into the experience.  While in this awakening process, I was guided to write down all that I was experiencing. With my notes, my stick men pictures and very rough descriptions of my inner and outer experiences I began assembling my notes. I was guided to share my experience with others.Debbie Svitavsky is a transformational author, speaker, spiritual teacher and mentor. She has created a system of training, The Vibrant Spirit Transformational System, that empowers women to live the lives of their dreams. Debbie has unique gifts that she brings to her clients: she specializes in giving powerful, channeled guidance and healing to assist with their emotional and physical changes.  Her long professional career in health, healing and wellness, combined with eight years experience as a hands-on and distance healer, have provided the perfect mix of awareness and tools to help others succeed.Dr. Lance Secretan is widely acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative leadership teachers of our time. He is the former CEO of a Fortune 100 company, university professor, award-winning columnist and author of 15 books about inspiration and leadership. His teachings and writings on conscious leadership are courageous, radical and ingenious and have been hailed as among the most original, authentic and effective contributions to leadership thinking currently available.Laurie Z. Hyland, MBA is the founder of Evolutionary Money – a transformational concept that connects money, the economy, physics and spirit. It articulates the fundamental human belief system as we are now participants in it, and provides a path for creating a new system based on the quantum universe. Evolutionary Money allows us to look at money and the economy on personal and global levels, and elicits a positive vision for the future. Oneness with money and the economy become the new operating world view.  Evolutionary Money offers seminars based on Hyland’s 2013 book Toward a New Money Reality and a Quantum Economy – A Visionary Look at How Money and The Economy Can Become Connecting Forces for a New Word.Annie Burnside: A modern bridge between the mainstream and the mystical, Annie Burnside, M.Ed., is a soul nurturer, author, public speaker and teacher specializing in conscious relationships and spiritual development. As a soul nurturer, she helps others awaken to their own personal truths by providing spiritual support and encouragement while offering tools to balance their inner world with the exterior world. Burnside’s teachings inspire others to reconnect with their spirit and listen to the voice of their own soul so that direct divine connection can become fully accessible within daily reality. Her open, gentle approach encompasses all spiritual paths.Steve Bhaerman is an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader. For more than 25 years, he has written and performed as Swami Beyondananda, the “Cosmic Comic.” Swami’s comedy has been described both as “comedy disguised as wisdom” and “wisdom disguised as comedy.”  Noted author Marianne Williamson has called him “The Mark Twain of our generation.”  Since 2005, Steve has written a political blog with a spiritual perspective, Notes From the Trail.  His latest book, written with cellular biologist Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here (Hay House, 2009).Patricia Cota-Robles is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, which sponsors the Annual World Congress on Illumination.  Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her website, webinars, YouTube videos, Facebook sharings, books, CDs, DVDs, Mp3s, her free monthly e-mail articles, and the free seminars she offers throughout the USA.  The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but often challenging times on Earth.Bruce H. Lipton, scientist and lecturer, received his Ph.D. at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville (1971). He served as an Associate Professor of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine. Lipton’s research on mechanisms controlling cell behavior employed cloned human stem cells. In addition, he lectured in Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology.  Bruce has taken his award-winning medical school lectures to the public and is currently a popular keynote speaker and workshop presenter on topics of conscious parenting and the science of complementary medicine.Hazel Henderson is the founder of Ethical Markets Media, LLC and the creator and co-executive Producer of its TV series. She is a world renowned futurist, evolutionary economist, a worldwide syndicated columnist, consultant on sustainable development, and author of The Axiom and Nautilus award-winning book Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy (2006) and eight other books. She co-edited, with Harlan Cleveland and Inge Kaul, The UN: Policy and Financing Alternatives, Elsevier Scientific, UK 1995 (US edition, 1996).Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT is the CEO and Director of Training for The Hendricks Institute, an international learning organization that teaches the core skills of conscious living through a unique, whole-body approach to Quantum Coaching™. Her explorations of the catalytic power of the creative arts in psychotherapy and organizational systems have been featured in many magazines, journals and books. She received her doctorate in psychology in 1982 and has been an board-certified member of the American Dance Therapy Association since 1975.Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., is the author and co-author of over thirty books in conscious relationship, conscious business and bodymind transformation. Included are such enduring bestsellers as Conscious Loving, The Corporate Mystic, Conscious Breathing, Conscious Living, and Five Wishes. Before founding his own institute, he was Professor of Counseling for twenty-one years at the University of Colorado, where he began teaching in 1974 shortly after receiving his doctorate from Stanford University. Over the past 29 years of their relationship, he and Kathlyn have raised two children, accumulated a million frequent flyer miles and appeared on more than 500 radio and television programs.Kenji Kumara is one of the world’s leading visionaries and pioneers in the field of energy consciousness. He works as a transformational messenger, reaching and guiding people from every corner of the globe to New-Earth Consciousness and personal and planetary ascension.  The results have been profound with many who have overcome major difficulties, others who’ve experienced transformational change and multiple consciousness shifts – and the best part is that it’s experienced effortlessly with Kenji’s style of ease and grace.  Known for his unique ability to guide people into deep meditation with his gentle activations he keeps it simple and effortless as the doorways to source connection are opened, the I AM God self invoked and in a loving manner people are shifted into higher-awareness and self-mastery. It has been his personal joy to help people understand their life’s purpose and claim their true destiny.George Kao is known as a trusted marketing teacher for spiritual solopreneurs — those who are building businesses to serve and to love, and especially those creating a coaching / training / wisdom business.  Mr. Kao teaches proven, effective strategies for transforming one’s existing knowledge and expertise into a thriving business based in values of service, spirituality, sustainability.George Kao has served over 800 clients who are: coaches, counselors, healers, consultants, trainers, facilitators, authors and speakers.Peter Matthies is a former technology entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist and founder of the Conscious Business Institute (CBI), an international organization focused on providing new leadership approaches for global organizations including BMW Group, Intel, Siemens or Allianz Insurances.  Before founding the Conscious Business Institute, Peter was involved in international technology and finance business for 17 years. He served as a Principal for one of the world’s leading Private Equity and Venture Capital firms, Apax Partners and Co, and for b-business partners, a $ 1 billion pan-European VC fund.  Peter started his career at Andersen Consulting (Accenture) in Germany. He later co-founded a systems integration and IT-consulting company, where he lead strategic IT and Internet projects for German corporations.Tim Freke is the BIG LOVE philosopher. He will wake you up to an experience of wonderful oneness and all-embracing love he calls the ‘WOW!’ He has been exploring this awakened state since he was 12 years old and is able to guide others directly to it. He presents life transforming ‘mystery experience’ retreats and entertaining evenings of ‘standup philosophy’ throughout the world.  Tim is a respected authority on world spirituality and the author of more than 30 books, translated into 15 languages, including a top 10 international bestseller and UK Daily Telegraph ‘Book of the Year’. In his latest book The Mystery Experience he articulates a revolutionary ‘paralogical’ philosophy of awakening, which is free from spiritual woo-woo.Lindsay Van Driel is the Business Operations Manager for the Business Client Platform Division of PCCG.  She holds a Masters in business and administration.  She has spent the last 15 years working inside various Engineering organizations at Intel.  In 2012, taking note of the movement of Mindfulness inside the tech industry, she co-founded the Awake@Intel program and facilitated the initial 8 week pilots. She is a dedicated Mindfulness instructor with 10+ years of experience with Buddhist and Yogic meditation practices, registered with the International Yoga Alliance as a Yoga and Meditation Teacher.  She continues to teach both yoga and meditation on site in Oregon.Qua Veda: While receiving his MS in industrial engineering at the University of Illinois, Qua Veda experienced the remarkable benefits that meditation and related practices can have on improving both scholastics and personal relationships.    He taught Transcendental Meditation for 4 years in Chicago before  starting his career in the high tech industry includes new product introduction roles with industry-leading companies.  Qua joined Intel Corporation in 1996 and soon moved into the IT organization. In his current role as lead IT Market Research Analyst for the CIO Strategy Office, Qua provides trends and insights in support of IT strategic teams and decision-makersMeet Your Hosts:Steve Farrell co-founded and led two high growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley in the 1990’s that were featured in the INC 500 and included some of the brightest minds in Silicon Valley. But he walked away because he felt we could create a new dream based on the Divine in life that all of us on the Earth can manifest together. Steve leads Humanity’s Team based in Boulder, CO that is focused on awakening our self and the world to Oneness.Dee Meyer is the Humanity’s Team University Coordinator. Before joining Humanity’s Team, Dee owned an award winning Landscape Design business for 15 years. Prior to that she owned another award winning Catering Company in Seattle. Dee left the business world behind because she was called to be of service to our planet and the people on it. Shortly after this Dee attended her first Humanity’s Team meeting and has been working with Humanity’s Team Worldwide ever since.John Thomas is Humanity’s Team Conscious Business Coordinator. He has had a successful high tech business career holding numerous leadership positions in corporations and leading a successful start up. In his most recent role, as director of strategic business development at Intel Corporation, John actively worked to advance innovative eco-technology solutions that benefit both the planet and the corporate bottom line. While at Intel John also taught mindfulness and awakened leadership principles for innovation, risk taking, and collaboration.Humanity’s Team is an international spiritual movement dedicated to promoting the understanding and application of Oneness for the purpose of advancing a mature and compassionate global humanity. With over 100,000 members in over one 150 countries, Humanity’s Team undertakes its mission by developing awareness-building campaigns, educational events, and other transformational programs.


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