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How to Talk to Anyone without Fear or Rejection – Marcus Oakey

how to talk to anyone – marcus oakey
[Word Doc]



A cool, pre-release version of ebook in word & pdf format.. www.yourcharismacoach.comOrioginal version is a 59 page pdf, which you can get for free from signing up to his newsletters, I wanted to print this out so I can read at my leasure (without being tied to a computer), and I created the word version of this a 32 page word document that easy to print .. Please do not be a pleb and post the contents on a public website and plaigarise his work.Also, the pdf couldn;t be copy-pasted like ususal, so I had to screen grab and ocr the text, so there are some formatting and spelling errors, feel free to correct these and upload a v2TOCTHE IMPORTANCE OF MASTERING YOUR CONVERSATION SKILLS 2WHO AM I? 3PART 1: BREAKINQ THE ICE 3SECRET 1 – GET YOUR HEAD INTO THE RIGHT PLACE 5SECRET 2 – THE POWER OF POSITIVITY 7SECRET 3 – TIIIS CONVERSATION IS GOING TO GO GREAT…OR IT WILL BE FUNNY 8SECRET 4 – SMILING IS YOUR MAGIC BULLET 10SECRET 5 – PREframeS IMPROVE YOUR CHANCE OF A GREAT CONVERSATION 12SECRET 6 – START CONVERSATIONS FOR ALTRUISTIC REASONS 13SECRET 7 – PULLING TOPICS OUT OF THIN AIR 14PART 2: KEEPING A CONVERSATION MOVING FORWARDS 16SECRET 8 – CONVERSATIONS IN THE PRESENT GO NOWHERE 16SECRET 9 – HOOKING THE INITIAL INTEREST OF THE LISTENER 17SECRET 10 – HOW TO NEVER RUN OUT OF THINGS TO SAY 18SECRET 11 – BE AGREEABLE 20SECRET 12 – THERE ARE NO BAD ANSWERS: JUST BAD REACTIONS 21SECRET 13 – HOW TO USE QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS EFFECTIVELY 22SECRET 14 – THE “OH REALLY? YOU KNOW WHAT?” TECHNIQUE 23PART 3: THE NUTS AND BOLTS THAT KEEP IT ALL TOGETHER 24SECRET 15 – THE MOST INTERESTING TOPIC IS THE OTHER PERSON 25SECRET 16 – HOW TO CHANGE SUBJECTS EFFORTLESSLY 25SECRET 17 – TALK ABOUT THE WHITE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM 26SECRET 18 – DONT REVIVE DEAD TOPICS 27SECRET 19 – BE WISE BEFORE THE EVENT 28SECRET 20 – HOW TO END A CONVERSATION WITHOUT BEING RUDE 29SECRET 21 – TALK TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE 30SECRET 22 – THE NEXT STEP IN CONVERSATIONAL MASTERY 31


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