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Healing Cancer by Mike Anderson

Healing. Cancer
[DVDR – 1 Disc Image File]


This will open your eyes, and trip you the f*** out. Especially if you’re a skeptic like me you owe it to yourself to watch this.Download VLC and drag the file into it. You can also get this from other scene trackers like SCC and FTNAmazon Reviews: Cancer From Inside Out – 2nd Edition This award-winning film is two hours long, in two parts, and covers a comprehensive range of topics. The 2nd Edition has subtitles in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and English. This is the only change from the 1st Edition. Part 1, Curing Cancer, deals with the failings of conventional cancer treatments and shows how conventional medicine wildly – and deceptively – exaggerates the benefits of treatments, while minimizing the risks. It will provide you with the information you need to accurately assess the risks and benefits of any treatment and speak intelligently to your doctor about such treatments. There is also a section on the ‘Cancer Industry’ which explains the history behind cancer treatments, the suppression of alternative treatments and why chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are the only treatments available to mainstream medicine. Part 2, Healing Cancer, shows how cancer can be successfully healed with dietary treatments and natural supplementation. It explains common misconceptions about cancer, shows how diets designed to fight cancer are more successful than conventional treatments, discusses startling cancer research findings with T. Colin Campbell (The China Study) and has interviews with people who have reversed cancers using diet. It also discusses supplementation and why attitude is important in reversing not only cancer, but any disease.Participants include: T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. (The China Study), Brian Clement, Ph.D. (Hippocrates Health Institute), Brenda Cobb (The Living Foods Institute), Mirea Ellis (The Kushi Institute), Charlotte Gerson (The Gerson Institute), Matt Lederman, M.D. (Transition to Health, Inc.), Thomas Lodi, M.D. (An Oasis of Healing), John A. McDougall, M.D. )Dr. McDougall’s Health & Medical Center), and many more…The DVD is divided into chapters. You can skip through chapters by simply pressing the Next (or Previous) button on your DVD remote. The chapter number will be shown on your screen, e.g., 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, etc. References and graphics are shown, so if you want to study them, get familiar with the Pause button. Either part can be viewed independently. If you are primarily interested in healing cancer with diet, you can view Part 2 first, for example, then go back to Part 1 at your leisure. The DVD was encoded for use in all regions throughout the world. The main chapter numbers are listed below, along with the approximate length of each chapter. Those marked with asterisks * are considered to be essential viewing (total essential viewing is approximately 60 minutes). Please print this page if you want a guide to the DVD. (Missing chapter numbers indicate minor chapter markers.)Part 1 – Curing Cancer (1 hr)01 Introduction (2 min) *02 Losing the War on Cancer (16 min) *03 Trick$ of the Trade (8 min) *04 How to Fool Most of the People Most of the Time (10 min) *05 The Cancer Industry (25 min)Part 2 – Healing Cancer (1 hr)10 Common Misperceptions About Cancer (age, environment, genetics) (10 min)13 Healing Other Diseases (11 min)15 Diet and Cancer Studies (5 min) *16 The Protein-Cancer Connection (12 min) *17 Individual Cancer Reversals (11 min)18 Supplementation (5 min)19 Attitude (5 min) *20 Conclusion (2 min) * Click here to listen to an amazing testimonial! Here’s what people are saying: “The most important contribution to the cancer battle in the last several decades.”Brian Clement, Ph.D., Director, Hippocrates Health Institute”This film will shake you to your foundations.”Thomas Lodi, M.D.Director, An Oasis of Healing From viewer reviews…”Your film is brilliant and will bring hope to cancer patients all over the world.””The information in this film is both stunning and priceless – powerful and empowering.””Your Healing Cancer DVD might be one of the most important messages ever made.””The 21st Century equivalent – for the cancer industry – of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.””A carefully documented expose which is amusing, horrifying and empowering, in turns.””I needed to pick my jaw up off the floor!””You deserve a Nobel Prize!””A masterpiece!”


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