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Harley Johnstone Durianrider – Carb The Fuck Up

Harley Johnstone Durianrider – Carb The Fuck Up.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


Book DescriptionMy book is finally finished. Its around 250pages, ebook pdf format and answers all the questions I can think of regarding this lifestyle, meeting like minded partners/people, weight loss, goal setting, recipes, basic cycling tips and how to earn an incredible income via Youtube. Unedited. Raw. Straight up. No f***s given.There is no book like this EVER! Ive had a unique perspective over the last 30 years being interested in diet and health since I was 8 years old and very sick. This will be the most important book you ever read regarding weight loss and lifestyle abundance.Table of contents.1. Why Vegan?2. Why High Carb?3. Why Raw Foods?4. Why Low Fat?5. But Hang on Fat is okay if it’s raw & plant based right?6. Why Low Protein and where do you get your protein from?7. “The pernicious belief you are an Emotional Eater”8. What will I do with all the time and money I save?9. The Real Paleo Diet10. Why do people go f***ing crazy when they go low carb?11. The Solution to Clinical Depression?12. What about Water? That’s only for fit people right?13. Sleep More 2 Weight Less14. How to be Slim AND Sane!15. “Steroids and Whey Brooden”16. Will CTFU Heal my Emotional Baggage?17. My husband/wife thinks I’m crazy. What should I do?18. What we focus on what we feel.19. How do I find my Life Purpose?20. Okay so all my Friends have ditched me, now what?!21. How long does it take to heal my metabolic damage?22. Fad Diets, Tubby Weight Loss Experts, Steroid Granpas and Bulls***ting people.23. Why I’m the most sued person in the health movement.24. Get a f***ing bicycle and ride the f*** out of it.25. Building Confidence26. How handbags and high heels f*** up women’s aesthetic goals27. If you haven’t used it for a year …f*** it off.28. Nitric Oxide- Time to go Full Gas on Life!29. Dental Health Tips.30. CTFU Recipes.31. My Personal Diet & Training Habits. (Plus some insights) 32. Tips on Finding the right partner and rising children.33. How I Often Make over 10 000USD a month on youtube.


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