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Hal Huggins – Seeking Your Ancestral Diet By Interpreting Your Blood Chemistries

Hal Huggins – Seeking Your Ancestral Diet By Interpreting Your Blood Chemistries.pdf
[1 scan – pdf]


Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.This is a cookbook designed to help you balance your own body chemistry and have fun in the kitchen. Foods that are not appropriate for a healthy chemistry are not found here. ALSO, for the first time ever -HUGGINS’ secrets. Well, Huggins and a dozen or so scientists and researchers who have been instrumental in causing the chemistries to move. That information that is usually given only during the body chemistry session and is included in mini-chapters throughout the book. Many people have contributed recipes that have been tested to make them taste better than the average health cookbook recipes and contain what is necessary for a healthy body chemistry. Good tasting meals, yes, but the real value is the explanations of what it takes to really create a healthy chemistry. What do carbohydrates do to your chemistry? How much protein is enough, too much or too little? Why? How do you know? How much salt do you need? What kind? Same for fats. How about fish as a source of protein? Based on what? All this and much more valuable information that makes the difference between good health and excellent health is now available for the first time. Now you will know what Dr. Hal A. Huggins recommends after 42 years of balancing body chemistry and more importantly-why!…


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