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H. Richard Casdorph, Morton Walker – Toxic Metal Syndrome How Metal Poisonings Can Affect Your Brain

H. Richard Casdorph, Morton Walker – Toxic Metal Syndrome How Metal Poisonings Can Affect Your Brain.pdf(2)
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Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Holistic Dentistry Archive -Mercury Amalgam Detoxification and alternatives Group BuyGB Status OPENGB Thread HEREUPLOAD LIST – HERE Toxic metal Syndrome: How metal Poisoning Can Affect Your Brain (Dr. Morton Walker Health Book)H.Richard Casdorph (Author), Morton Walker (Author)[b]…[b]Product Description”Toxic metal Syndrome” exposes the root causes of the wastes that cause debilitating conditions and pollute the environment and explodes the myth that nothing can be done to avoid or treat them.Reviews this is a very good book that is dealing with the treatment of chelation-therapy in degenerative-neurologic diseases,such as altzheimer,parkinson,dementia,etc….the explanation on the mechanisms of how the toxic metals get absorbed in the brain, and make their damage is very much acurate and interesting.there are healing nutrition recipes, plus suplements and the chelation-therapy,-all explain very clearly,and there are a few real case histories that gives you (the reader) something to think. it is a very interesting and practical book on the subject, and the chapter that dealing with altzheimer is particularly amazing. i recommand that book very much.Very interesting and thorough material on these two subjects, in particular.Never knew before that aluminum is even in baking powder, among all the other sources of it mentioned.The dental mercury section is very useful information, if not frightening in its still widely prevalent scope within the USA. I never realized before that two European countries have already banned its use! I found the book very interesting. It shows concrete case studies of people that underwent chelation therapy and improved tremendously. For the reader that is new to the issue of metal poisoning, is without a doubt a very useful book. This is one of those books that once you read, you think ‘if only every single person on the planet read it’ then the world would be so different.All of us are affected by heavy metal toxicity, some more than others depending on their lifestyle, what they eat, what they swallow and what they do for a job. Hardly anyone of medical authority is telling you the real story. And no one ever tells you that you can reverse many heavy metal induced health problems.This book is ground breaking! Thanks to MeMeMe for adding this for the GB PLEDGE NOW TO GAIN ACCESS  GB Thread TIMES – TBD [/size]


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